Block expressing a machine-readable change in a document Specification of how blocks of a given class should be autonumbered within an AmendBlock newContent element Title(s) of a clause Title proper for a clause Alternate title for a clause Caption of list List items Notes whose scope is the current block Caption of list List items Notes whose scope is the current block NOTE: `start` attribute is not included by default, because of problems it raises with DOC output Type of numbering to be applied to the list items roman alphabet arabic roman_upper alphabet_upper This definition list is the key of a figure or formula Caption of the list Entry-Definition pair used to constitute a definition list Entry being defined in the definition Definition of the entry Notes whose scope is the current block Optional identifier for definition term (enabling crossreferencing of definitions) Entry being defined in the definition The caption of the example Content of the example Notes whose scope is the current block The widths of the columns in the table Caption for the table Table rows constituting the table header Table rows constituting the table body Table rows constituting the table footer Definitions list defining any symbols used in the table Notes specific to this block A source for the table The caption of the block The computer code or other such text presented in the block, as a single unformatted string. (The string should be treated as pre-formatted text, with whitespace treated as significant) Zero or more cross-references; these are intended to be embedded within the content string, and link to annotations Hyperlink of code segment to another part of the document Hyperlink of code segment to external bibliographic resource Annotations to the source code; each annotation consists of zero or more paragraphs, and is intended to be referenced by a callout within the source code Notes whose scope is the current block A source for the block Bibliography clause. It is used to collate references within the document, where there could be one or more of such sections within a document. For example, some standardization documents differentiate normative or informative references, some split references into sections organized by concept relevance. Prefatory text Bibliographic item cited in the document Annotation of the bibliographic item Recursive references section Content of note Group of blocks within text, which is a leaf node in the hierarchical organisation of text (does not contain any sections of its own) Title of the section Blocks, containing the textual content of the section (but excluding subsections, which are only present in Hierarchical Sections) Table cell is a block Table cell contains a block Table cell is a block Table cell contains a block Subscript text. Corresponds to HTML `sub Superscript text. Corresponds to HTML `sup` Page break. Only applicable in paged layouts (e.g. PDF, Word), and not flow layouts (e.g. HTML) Orientation of pages in a section of text in paged media following this page break, applicable until the next page break that gives an explicit page orientation landscape portrait Description of location in a reference, which can be combined with other locations in a single citation The textual content of the element. The `text` is what we wish to show the link as (e.g., the "content" of `<xx>my link text</xx>`) Override the numbering of this block in numbering Display the admonition on the document cover page Do not insert text labelling the type of admonition in rendering statement Intended for typographically separate statements in mathematics, such as propositions, proofs, or theorems. Statement conflates all of these for rendering, while Proposition, Proof, Theorem etc. can be treated as distinct classes editorial Annotation by document editors, intended for all readers of the document and not just its authors box Box annotation, intended as standalone sidebar element which can be referenced from within the document Update link file suffix to match rendered file output (HTML > HTML, PDF > PDF) Style of hyperlink rendering Casing of the autogenerated label of the cross-reference (typically the name of the class of element referenced): titlecase, or lowercase capital lowercase Do not include the autogenerated label of the cross-reference in rendering Style of how a citation is to be rendered Width of the table block in rendering Width of the figure block in rendering Render the sourcecode block with line numbering. Default value is false Semantic classification of paragraph Semantic classification of note Display the note on the document cover page Do not insert text labelling the note as a note in rendering Numeric formatting directives to apply to mathematically formatted text Whether to treat the expression as a block or as an inline element, for display purposes If the cross-reference is to a range of text defined as a span between two identified elements, provide the identifier of the end element of the span \i\c*|\c+#\c+ Casing of the autogenerated label of the cross-reference (typically the name of the class of element referenced): titlecase, or lowercase capital lowercase Do not include the autogenerated label of the cross-reference in rendering Style of cross-reference rendering (title vs numbering) Substitute the expected label of the item being cross-referenced with a custom label (e.g. "subclause" instead of "clause") The force of a clause in a standard document: whether it has normative or informative effect normative informative Standardisation document representation of bibliographic entry Suppress from dislay in rendered document Suppress document identifier from item rendering Add svg mark up to image Indication of a break in text rendered as columns How a block element may be rendered in a multilingual document, with a column for each language common Block is shared across all languages all-columns Block spans all columns of text, and versions in different languages are displayed consecutively parallel Block is to be aligned to the block occupying the same position in the document hierarchy tag Block is to be aligned to all blocks sharing the same `tag` attribute as this block The width of an individual table column internal Internal reference (for Metanorma document collections) Inline text not to be processed semantically, and left in the markup of a target rendering language (e.g. raw HTML) List of the target formats for which the markup is intended, comma-delimited Markup specific to a target rendering language Indication of text added through editorial intervention Indication of text deleted through editorial intervention Semantic or formatting markup for inline elements Class of the inline span, as semantic markup CSS style directive for the inline span. Is intended to be the same as HTML style attribute Character set that the contained text belongs to; is used in particular to capture mutually agreed definitions of codepoints in Unicode Private Use Area Textual content of span Localisable rendering of a date Date to be rendered, in ISO 8601 format Format to be used to render date, as a strftime formatting string Formally defined concept used in a standardisation document, aligned to a definition. That concept may be defined as a term within the current document, or it may be defined externally Render the term in the concept in boldface Render the term in the concept in italics Render a reference to a definition for the concept, e.g. "widgets (3.1)" Hyperlink the mention of the term to the definition for the concept Hyperlink the reference for the term to the definition for the concept The canonical name of the concept being defined The rendering to be used for the concept Link to a definition of the term in a bibliographic entry Stack of links to a definition of the term in a bibliographic entry Link to a definition of the term in an element of the current document Link to a definition of the term in a termbase Table of contents, represented as a list of crossreferences, each with textual content List of crossreferences Wrapper around raw markup to be transferred into one or more nominated output formats during processing Format of markup to be transferred, comma-delimited Markup to be transferred Input form, for use under HTML Name of the input form block Action to be taken on submission of the input form Class of input form Input element for forms, associated with name/value pair to be submitted Name of value of input element to be submitted Preset or default of value of input element to be submitted Type of simple Input element button Input element is a button checkbox Input element is a checkbox date Input element contains date file Input element selects file for upload password Input element is a password field radio Input element is a radio button submit Input element is a submit button text Input element contains text Input involving simple text Type of input element Input element is checkbox, and has checked value Input element is disabled Input element is read-only Maximum length of input in characters, for character input Minimum length of input in characters, for character input Label associated with form input element Input allowing the selection of a value from a list of values. The value attribute is used instead of a selected attribute on a component option Input is disabled Input can return multiple option values Suggested number of options to display Options to select from as value of the input Option of a Select input Option is disabled Value associated with this option Display text associated with this option Input involving extended text. The value attribute is used instead of text area content Suggested number of rows for the input area Suggested number of columns for the input area Bibliographic references Render the section number and title (if present) inline with the first paragraph of the section Value of number to be used for numbering of section, overriding any autonumbering in rendering. The section number is still formed by appending this number to the hierarchical set of parent section numbers, e.g. a number "3a" under Clause 1 subclause 2 will be numbered as 1.2.3a Value of number to be used for numbering of section, overriding any autonumbering in rendering, and the hierarchy of parent section numbers. This attribute is mutually exclusive with `number`. So under Clause 1 subclause 2, sub-subclause 3 is numbered as 1.2.3. If the following sub-subclause is given a branch-number "", that will be the overall section number given, ignoring the parent section numbers Do not apply numbering to this clause References clause with recursive nesting Prefatory text Recursion of reference clauses Attributes on document root Version number of the gem used to generate this document Version number of the schema that this document is aligned to Type of standards document representation. "Semantic" is the core representation of content. "Presentation" manipulates and enhances the representation for rendering needs. semantic presentation Representation of a standardisation document Bibliographic description of the document itself, expressed in the Relaton model Extension point for extraneous elements that need to be added to standards document as data Front matter that is repeated at the start of documents issued from an SDO, with content not specific to the document Prefatory sections Main body of document Annex sections Bibliographic sections Index of the document Colophon or postface material Elements added to metanorma-extension are open-ended, and constitute source data Foreword of document Introduction of document Content addressing legal and licensing concerns around the document, outside of the main flow of document content Preset templated text provided by the standardization body, describing the copyright status of the document Preset templated text provided by the standardization body, providing the licensing terms for the document content Preset templated text provided by the standardization body, providing the legal constraints and considerations around use of the document Preset templated text provided by the standardization body, providing information on where feedback on the document may be addressed to One or more definition lists, used to define symbols and abbreviations used in the remainder of the document. These can also be used as glossaries, with simple definitions, in contrast to the more elaborate definitions given in terms sections Semantic class of clause Title of section Prefatory material, may be specific to each definition list Definition list containing symbols and abbreviations Abstract of a document, presented as a clause Acknowledgements of a document, presented as a clause Unnumbered clause with no semantic specialisation, used in preface of document Semantic class of clause Title of section Strictly hierarchical clause: all textual content belongs in a strict clause hierarchy. such that no blocks of text are siblings to subclauses (hanging paragraphs) Semantic class of the clause, e.g. "scope" Title of section Block content, mutually exclusive with subclauses Specification of machine-readable change outlined in this section, used in document amendments Subclauses, can include terms and definitions Clause constituting an annex or appendix Render the section number and title (if present) inline with the first paragraph of the section Semantic class of clause Title of clause Hanging paragraphs: Annexes permit top-level blocks that are not part of a subsection Subclauses of the annex: these can include terms, definitions, and references Terms sections give elaborated definitions of terms used in a standardization document Semantic class of clause Title of clause Prefatory material Terminology entry with its definition One or more names under which the term being defined is canonically known Zero or more names which are acceptable synonyms for the term being defined Zero or more names which are deprecated synonyms for the term being defined Zero or more names which are related to the term being defined. An optional semantic domain for the term being defined, in case the term is ambiguous between several semantic domains Subject of the term The definition of the term applied in the current document Zero or more notes about the term Zero or more examples of how the term is to be used Bibliographic references for the managed term Term related to the current term Type of relation of term applicable Preferred designation of the term related to the current term Link to a definition of the term in a bibliographic entry Stack of links to a definition of the term in a bibliographic entry Link to a definition of the term in an element of the current document Link to a definition of the term in a termbase The relation of a term to the current term deprecates The current term deprecates the related term supersedes The current term supersedes the related term narrower The current term is narrower in denotation than the related term broader The current term is broader in denotation than the related term equivalent The current term is equivalent in denotation to the related term compare The current term may be compared to the related term contrast The current term is understood in contrast to the related term see For a better understanding of the current term, one should see the related term seealso For a better understanding of the current term, one should also see the related term A name under which a managed term is known Indication that the term designation is missing The geographic area in which the managed term is known under this designation Realisation of a designation as a linguistic form Realisation of a designation as a letter or symbol Realisation of a designation as a graphical rendering Information about what field/domain the designation is specifically applied to Information about how the designation is to be used Bibliographic references for this designation of the managed term Designation realised as a letter, symbol, formula, equation Whether the designation is the same across languages, or language-specific Type of symbolic designation The symbolic form of the designation The type of a symbol-like designation letter A letter, possibly subscripted or superscripted, intended to denote some property that it abbreviates symbol A non-letter, intended to represent some property formula A mathematical formula equation A mathematical equation (or inequation) Designation realised as a graphical symbol Whether the designation is the same across languages, or language-specific The graphical form of the designation A designation realised as a linguistic form The type of linguistic form used as designation Whether the designation (typically an abbreviation) is the same across languages, or language-specific The textual form of the designation Type of abbreviation that constitutes the designation, according to how it is formed A pronunciation guide to the designation Grammatical information about the designation Type of linguistic form used as designation prefix The form is a prefix suffix The form is a suffix abbreviation The form is an abbreviation full The form is a self-standing linguistic expression Type of abbreviation, according to how it is formed truncation Abbrevation formed by truncating constituent words acronym Abbrevation formed from the initials of its constituent words, and pronounced as a new word initialism Abbrevation formed from the initials of its constituent words, and pronounced as a sequence of letters Grammatical information about a designation The grammatical gender of the designation The grammatical number of the designation The designation is a preposition The designation is a participle The designation is an adjective The designation is a verb The designation is an adverb The designation is a noun Miscellaneous grammatical information The grammatical gender of the designation masculine Masculine gender feminine Feminine gender neuter Neuter gender common Masculine + Feminine gender The grammatical number of the designation singular Singular number dual Dual number plural Plural number The definition of a term applied in the current document Type of definition, used to differentiate it from other definitions of the same term if present The content of the definition of the term applied in the current document Non-verbal representation of the term applied in the current document Content of the verbal representation of the term Bibliographic references for this designation of the managed term Non-verbal representation of the term Content of the non-verbal representation of the term Bibliographic references for this designation of the managed term Content of the term note Content of the term example The bibliographic source where a term is defined in the sense applicable in this standardisation document The status of the term as it is used in this document, relative to its definition in the original document The type of the managed term in the present context The original document and location where the term definition has been obtained from Any changes that the definition of the term has undergone relative to the original document, in order to be applicable in this standardisation document The status of a term as it is used in this document, relative to its definition in the original document identical The managed term in the present context is identical to the term as found in the bibliographic source modified The managed term in the present context has been modified from the term as found in the bibliographic source adapted The managed term in the present context has been modified from the term as found in the bibliographic source, in order to better fit some local requirement, though still with the intent of retaining the original meaning as much as possible restyled The managed term in the present context has been restyled from the term as found in the bibliographic source context-added The managed term in the present context has had context added to it, relative to the term as found in the bibliographic source generalisation The managed term in the present context is a generalisation of the term as found in the bibliographic source specialisation The managed term in the present context is a specialisation of the term as found in the bibliographic source unspecified The managed term in the present context is in an unspecified relation to the term as found in the bibliographic source The type of the managed term in the present context authoritative The managed term is authoritative in the present context lineage The managed term constitutes lineage in the present context Cross-reference to a term defined within a termbase Identifier of the termbase Identifier of the term within the termbase Text to display for the cross-reference to the term Render the section number and title (if present) inline with the first paragraph of the section Prefatory text Specification of how blocks of a given class should be autonumbered within an AmendBlock newContent element The class of block to apply autonumbering to, within an AmendBlock newContent element requirement recommendation permission table figure admonition formula sourcecode example note The starting value of numbering for the blocks with that class Wrapper around an image file, to specify an image map, with areas of an image being hyperlinked the image to be hyperlinked Specification of an area of an image to be hyperlinked, as part of an image map Specification of an area of an image to be hyperlinked, as part of an image map Type of an image map area of an image that is hyperlinked rect circle ellipse poly Element that this image map area links to Polygon defined shape of the image map area X-coordinate of a coordinate point Y-coordinate of a coordinate point Radius-defined shape of the image map area X-coordinate of the center of a circle area within the image map Y-coordinate of the center of a circle area within the image map Wrapper around an SVG file, to update its hyperlinks with potentially document-specific links, so that the SVG file can hyperlink to anchors within the document The SVG file to be updated Specification of the cross-references to update the SVG file with Specification of (potentially document-specific) cross-references, to overwrite the links within an SVG file, so that the SVG file can hyperlink to anchors within the document The value of the `href` attribute in the SVG file to be overwritten The cross-reference or hyperlink, whose value is to overwrite the value of the `href` attribute in the SVG file Unorderd list item for standards documents Include a checkbox for the list item Check the checkbox for the list item A floating title, outside of the clause hierarchy of the document The ostensive depth of the floating title in the clause hierarchy: which level heading it should be presented as Textual content of the floating title Connective linking the current cross-reference target to its predecessor and or from to Description of location in a reference, which can be combined with other locations in a single citation Anchor within the document to point to \i\c*|\c+#\c+ Connective linking this location to its predecessor. _from/to_ are presumed to nest more closely than _and_ or _or_ Style of how a cross-reference is to be rendered basic Render cross-reference only through the title of the element (e.g. "The hunting of the snark" full Render cross-reference as a combination of title and the numbering and type of the element (e.g. Chapter 3, "The hunting of the snark") short Default style: render cross-reference only through the numbering and type of the element (e.g. Chapter 3) id Render cross-reference as the anchor or identifier used to identify the target Extension point: User-defined rendering style (e.g. "modspec" for cross-references compliant to the OGC Modspec model of cross-referencing requirements from other requirements, independent of how those requirements are cross-referenced within a standards document.) Cross-reference to an bibliographic reference within a standardisatin document, with a connective Connective linking this location to its predecessor. _from/to_ are presumed to nest more closely than _and_ or _or_ Set of cross-references to bibliographic references within a standardisation document, joined with connectives Cross-reference to a bibliographic reference Keep this block on the same page as the following block in paged media Do not permit a page break between the lines of the block in paged media Non-unique identifier within document. Used to align two blocks in different languages in a multilingual document Specification of how a block element may be rendered in a multilingual document Set the columns display of the current block, overriding the display inherited from the document. For example, if the document is set to two-column, this attribute would be used to set the block to span across both columns Whether this is a normative references section or informative (bibliography). Not the same as obligation: Normative References contents contain normative references, but as a clause in the document, they are informative.