# JSONAPI::Resources JSONAPI::Resources, or "JR", provides a framework for developing a server that complies with the [JSON API](http://jsonapi.org/) specification. Like JSON API itself, JR's design is focused on the resources served by an API. JR needs little more than a definition of your resources, including their attributes and relationships, to make your server compliant with JSON API. JR is designed to work with Rails, and provides custom routes, controllers, and serializers. JR's resources may be backed by ActiveRecord models or by custom objects. ## Demo App We have a simple demo app, called [Peeps](https://github.com/cerebris/peeps), available to show how JR is used. ## Installation Add JR to your application's `Gemfile`: gem 'jsonapi-resources' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install jsonapi-resources ## Usage ### Resources Resources define the public interface to your API. A resource defines which attributes are exposed, as well as relationships to other resources. Resource definitions should by convention be placed in a directory under app named resources, `app/resources`. The class name should be the single underscored name of the model that backs the resource with `_resource.rb` appended. For example, a `Contact` model's resource should have a class named `ContactResource` defined in a file named `contact_resource.rb`. #### JSONAPI::Resource Resources must be derived from `JSONAPI::Resource`, or a class that is itself derived from `JSONAPI::Resource`. For example: ``` require 'jsonapi/resource' class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource end ``` #### Attributes Any of a resource's attributes that are accessible must be explicitly declared. Single attributes can be declared using the `attribute` method, and multiple attributes can be declared with the `attributes` method on the resource class. For example: ``` require 'jsonapi/resource' class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource attribute :id attribute :name_first attributes :name_last, :email, :twitter end ``` This resource has 5 attributes: `:id`, `:name_first`, `:name_last`, `:email`, `:twitter`. By default these attributes must exist on the model that is handled by the resource. A resource object wraps a Ruby object, usually an ActiveModel record, which is available as the `@object` variable. This allows a resource's methods to access the underlying object. For example, a computed attribute for `full_name` could be defined as such: ``` require 'jsonapi/resource' class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name_first, :name_last, :email, :twitter attribute :full_name def full_name "#{@object.name_first}, #{@object.name_last}" end end ``` ##### Fetchable Attributes By default all attributes are assumed to be fetchable. The list of fetchable attributes can be filtered by overriding the `fetchable` method. Here's an example that prevents guest users from seeing the `email` field: ``` class AuthorResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name, :email model_name 'Person' has_many :posts def fetchable(keys, context) if (context.current_user.guest) super(keys - [:email]) else super(keys) end end end ``` Context flows through from the controller and can be used to control the attributes based on the current user (or other value)). ##### Creatable and Updateable Attributes By default all attributes are assumed to be updateble and creatable. To prevent some attributes from being accepted by the `update` or `create` methods, override the `self.updateable` and `self.creatable` methods on a resource. This example prevents `full_name` from being set: ``` require 'jsonapi/resource' class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name_first, :name_last, :full_name def full_name "#{@object.name_first}, #{@object.name_last}" end def self.updateable(keys, context = nil) super(keys - [:full_name]) end def self.createable(keys, context = nil) super(keys - [:full_name]) end end ``` The `context` is not used by the `ResourceController`, but may be used if you override the controller methods. #### Key The primary key of the resource defaults to `id`, which can be changed using the `key` method. ``` class CurrencyResource < JSONAPI::Resource key :code attributes :code, :name has_many :expense_entries end ``` #### Model Name The name of the underlying model is inferred from the Resource name. It can be overridden by use of the `model_name` method. For example: ``` class AuthorResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name model_name 'Person' has_many :posts end ``` #### Associations Related resources need to be specified in the resource. These are declared with the `has_one` and the `has_many` methods. Here's a simple example where a post has a single author and an author can have many posts: ``` class PostResource < JSONAPI::Resource attribute :id, :title, :body has_one :author end ``` And the corresponding author: ``` class AuthorResource < JSONAPI::Resource attribute :id, :name has_many :posts end ``` ##### Options The association methods support the following options: * `class_name` - a string specifying the underlying class for the related resource * `primary_key` - the primary key to the related resource, if different than `id` * `key` - the key in the resource that identifies the related resource, if different than `<resource_name>_id` * `treat_as_set` - allows the entire set of related records to be replaced in one operation. Defaults to false if not set. Examples: ``` class CommentResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :body has_one :post has_one :author, class_name: 'Person' has_many :tags, treat_as_set: true end ``` ``` class ExpenseEntryResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :cost, :transaction_date has_one :currency, class_name: 'Currency', key: 'currency_code' has_one :employee end ``` #### Filters Filters for locating objects of the resource type are specified in the resource definition. Single filters can be declared using the `filter` method, and multiple filters can be declared with the `filters` method on the resource class. For example: ``` require 'jsonapi/resource' class ContactResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name_first, :name_last, :email, :twitter filter :id filters :name_first, :name_last end ``` ##### Finders Basic finding by filters is supported by resources. However if you have more complex requirements for finding you can override the `find` and `find_by_key` methods on the resource. Here's an example that defers the `find` operation to a `current_user` set on the `context`: ``` class AuthorResource < JSONAPI::Resource attributes :id, :name model_name 'Person' has_many :posts filter :name def self.find(attrs, context = nil) authors = context.current_user.find_authors(attrs) return authors.map do |author| self.new(author) end end end ``` ### Controllers JSONAPI::Resources provides a class, `ResourceController`, that can be used as the base class for your controllers. `ResourceController` supports `index`, `show`, `create`, `update`, and `destroy` methods. Just deriving your controller from `ResourceController` will give you a fully functional controller. For example: ``` class PeopleController < JSONAPI::ResourceController end ``` Of course you are free to extend this as needed and override action handlers or other methods. The context that's used for serialization and resource configuration is set by the controller's `context` method. For example: ``` class ApplicationController < JSONAPI::ResourceController def context {current_user: current_user} end end # Specific resource controllers derive from ApplicationController # and share its context class PeopleController < ApplicationController end ``` #### Error codes Error codes are provided for each error object returned, based on the error. These errors are: ``` module JSONAPI VALIDATION_ERROR = 100 INVALID_RESOURCE = 101 FILTER_NOT_ALLOWED = 102 INVALID_FIELD_VALUE = 103 INVALID_FIELD = 104 PARAM_NOT_ALLOWED = 105 PARAM_MISSING = 106 INVALID_FILTER_VALUE = 107 COUNT_MISMATCH = 108 KEY_ORDER_MISMATCH = 109 KEY_NOT_INCLUDED_IN_URL = 110 RECORD_NOT_FOUND = 404 LOCKED = 423 end ``` These codes can be customized in your app by creating an initializer to override any or all of the codes. ### Serializer The `ResourceSerializer` can be used to serialize a resource into JSON API compliant JSON. `ResourceSerializer` has a `serialize` method that takes a resource instance to serialize. For example: ``` post = Post.find(1) JSONAPI::ResourceSerializer.new.serialize(PostResource.new(post)) ``` This returns results like this: ``` { posts: [{ id: 1, title: 'New post', body: 'A body!!!', links: { section: nil, author: 1, tags: [1,2,3], comments: [1,2] } }] } ``` #### Serialize method options The serialize method also takes some optional parameters: ##### `include` An array of resources. Nested resources can be specified with dot notation. *Purpose*: determines which objects will be side loaded with the source objects in a linked section *Example*: ```include: ['comments','author','comments.tags','author.posts']``` ##### `fields` A hash of resource types and arrays of fields for each resource type. *Purpose*: determines which fields are serialized for a resource type. This encompasses both attributes and association ids in the links section for a resource. Fields are global for a resource type. *Example*: ```fields: { people: [:id, :email, :comments], posts: [:id, :title, :author], comments: [:id, :body, :post]}``` ``` post = Post.find(1) JSONAPI::ResourceSerializer.new.serialize(PostResource.new(post), include: ['comments','author','comments.tags','author.posts'], fields: { people: [:id, :email, :comments], posts: [:id, :title, :author], tags: [:name], comments: [:id, :body, :post]}) ``` ##### `context` Context data can be provided to the serializer, which passes it to each resource as it is inspected. #### Routing JR has a couple of helper methods available to assist you with setting up routes. ##### `jsonapi_resources` Like `resources` in ActionDispatch provides a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs and controller actions. This will also setup mappings for relationship URLs for a resource's associations. For example ``` require 'jsonapi/routing_ext' Peeps::Application.routes.draw do jsonapi_resources :contacts jsonapi_resources :phone_numbers end ``` gives the following routes ``` Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action contact_links_phone_numbers GET /contacts/:contact_id/links/phone_numbers(.:format) contacts#show_association {:association=>"phone_numbers"} POST /contacts/:contact_id/links/phone_numbers(.:format) contacts#create_association {:association=>"phone_numbers"} DELETE /contacts/:contact_id/links/phone_numbers/:keys(.:format) contacts#destroy_association {:association=>"phone_numbers"} contacts GET /contacts(.:format) contacts#index POST /contacts(.:format) contacts#create new_contact GET /contacts/new(.:format) contacts#new edit_contact GET /contacts/:id/edit(.:format) contacts#edit contact GET /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#show PATCH /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update PUT /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#update DELETE /contacts/:id(.:format) contacts#destroy phone_number_links_contact GET /phone_numbers/:phone_number_id/links/contact(.:format) phone_numbers#show_association {:association=>"contact"} POST /phone_numbers/:phone_number_id/links/contact(.:format) phone_numbers#create_association {:association=>"contact"} DELETE /phone_numbers/:phone_number_id/links/contact(.:format) phone_numbers#destroy_association {:association=>"contact"} phone_numbers GET /phone_numbers(.:format) phone_numbers#index POST /phone_numbers(.:format) phone_numbers#create new_phone_number GET /phone_numbers/new(.:format) phone_numbers#new edit_phone_number GET /phone_numbers/:id/edit(.:format) phone_numbers#edit phone_number GET /phone_numbers/:id(.:format) phone_numbers#show PATCH /phone_numbers/:id(.:format) phone_numbers#update PUT /phone_numbers/:id(.:format) phone_numbers#update DELETE /phone_numbers/:id(.:format) phone_numbers#destroy ``` ##### `jsonapi_resource` Like `jsonapi_resources`, but for resources you lookup without an id. ##### `jsonapi_links` You can control the relationship routes by passing a block into `jsonapi_resources` or `jsonapi_resource`. An empty block will not create any relationship routes. You can add relationship routes in with `jsonapi_links`, for example: ``` jsonapi_resources :posts, except: [:destroy] do jsonapi_link :author, except: [:destroy] jsonapi_links :tags, only: [:show, :create] end ``` This will create relationship routes for author (show and create, but not destroy) and for tags (again show and create, but not destroy). ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/cerebris/jsonapi-resources/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ## License Copyright 2014 Cerebris Corporation. MIT License (see LICENSE for details).