filenameI"Q/Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass;T: nameI"html_format/control;T:logical_pathI"!html_format/control.self.css;T:content_typeI"
text/css;T:sourceI"j/* line 1, /Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass */
.html_format {
/* Horizontal scroll bar display */
overflow-x: auto;
/* No line break */
white-space: nowrap;
/* But the line inside the tool tip breaks */
/* When hash is displayed (type with key in the left column), right key the key */
/* If th in the header is tight, gaps are increased so header can be changed to a new line */ }
/* line 9, /Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass */
.html_format .tooltip {
white-space: normal; }
/* line 14, /Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass */
.html_format table.html_format_type_hash > tbody > tr > th {
text-align: right; }
/* line 16, /Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass */
.html_format table.html_format_type_hash > tbody > tr > td {
text-align: left; }
/* line 20, /Users/ikeda/src/html_format/app/assets/stylesheets/html_format/control.sass */
.html_format table.html_format_type_array_of_hash thead {
white-space: normal; }
requiredo;;} F:stubbedo;;} F:
linkso;;} F:charsetI"