use crate::{Category, ErrorCode}; #[cfg(not(windows))] use crate::posix::{message, is_would_block}; #[cfg(not(windows))] pub(crate) use crate::posix::get_last_error; use crate::types::c_int; use core::ptr; /// System error category, suitable for all environments. /// /// On UNIX system it is equivalent of [Posix](struct.PosixCategory.html) /// /// On Windows it uses winapi error functions pub static SYSTEM_CATEGORY: Category = Category { name: "OSError", message, equivalent, is_would_block, }; fn equivalent(code: c_int, other: &ErrorCode) -> bool { ptr::eq(&SYSTEM_CATEGORY, other.category()) && code == other.raw_code() } #[cfg(windows)] #[inline] pub(crate) fn get_last_error() -> c_int { unsafe { GetLastError() as c_int } } #[cfg(windows)] fn message(code: c_int, out: &mut crate::MessageBuf) -> &str { use crate::MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE; use core::{slice, mem}; const CP_UTF8: crate::types::c_ulong = 65001; const FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM: crate::types::c_ulong = 0x00001000; const FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS: crate::types::c_ulong = 0x00000200; const FMT_FLAGS: crate::types::c_ulong = FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; let mut buff = [mem::MaybeUninit::::uninit(); MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE * 2]; let mut len = unsafe { FormatMessageW(FMT_FLAGS, ptr::null(), code as crate::types::c_ulong, 0, buff.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, buff.len() as _, ptr::null_mut()) }; if len == 0 { match get_last_error() { //Buffer doesn't have enough space //But it is completely written so we'll take what we can 122 => len = buff.len() as crate::types::c_ulong, //System cannot find specified error code 317 => return crate::posix::message(code, out), _ => return crate::utils::write_message_buf(out, crate::FAIL_ERROR_FORMAT), } } let res = unsafe { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, buff.as_ptr() as _, len as _, out.as_mut_ptr() as *mut i8, out.len() as _, ptr::null(), ptr::null_mut()) }; match res { 0 => match get_last_error() { 122 => crate::utils::write_message_buf(out, ""), _ => crate::utils::write_message_buf(out, crate::FAIL_ERROR_FORMAT), } len => { let out = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(out.as_ptr() as *const u8, len as _) }; //It seems WinAPI always supposed to have at the end null char. //But just to be safe let's check for it and only then remove. let actual_len = if let Some(null_idx) = out.iter().position(|b| *b == b'\0' || *b == b'\r') { null_idx } else { len as usize }; unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked( slice::from_raw_parts(out.as_ptr(), actual_len) ) } } } } #[cfg(windows)] #[inline] fn is_would_block(code: c_int) -> bool { code == 10035 || crate::posix::is_would_block(code) } #[cfg(windows)] extern "system" { fn GetLastError() -> crate::types::c_ulong; fn FormatMessageW(dwFlags: crate::types::c_ulong, lpSource: *const u8, dwMessageId: crate::types::c_ulong, dwLanguageId: crate::types::c_ulong, lpBuffer: *mut u16, nSize: crate::types::c_ulong, Arguments: *mut i8) -> u32; fn WideCharToMultiByte(page: crate::types::c_uint, flags: crate::types::c_ulong, wide_str: *const u16, wide_str_len: c_int, multi_str: *mut i8, multi_str_len: c_int, default_char: *const i8, used_default_char: *mut bool) -> c_int; }