{ "args": [], "branch_name": "master", "client_name": "inchjs", "client_version": "0.1.4", "git_repo_url": "git@github.com:inch-ci/Hello-World-NodeJS.git", "language": "nodejs", "objects": [ { "comment": "", "kind": "function", "longname": "InstanciatableClass", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000004", "name": "InstanciatableClass", "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 4, "path": "/src", "range": [ 20, 55 ] }, "name": "InstanciatableClass", "scope": "global", "undocumented": true }, { "comment": "", "kind": "function", "longname": "InstanciatableClass#render", "memberof": "InstanciatableClass", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000009", "name": "InstanciatableClass.prototype.render", "paramnames": [], "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 5, "path": "/src", "range": [ 57, 125 ] }, "name": "render", "scope": "instance", "undocumented": true }, { "access": "private", "comment": "/**\n* @private\n*/", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.generate_docs", "memberof": "InchTest", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000024", "name": "InchTest.generate_docs", "paramnames": [ "project", "version", "args", "options" ], "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 13, "path": "/src", "range": [ 165, 236 ] }, "name": "generate_docs", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "// Generate JSON documentation for the given modules", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.Docs.Formatter.run", "memberof": "InchTest.Docs.Formatter", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000042", "name": "run", "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 19, "path": "/src", "range": [ 333, 398 ] }, "name": "run", "scope": "static", "undocumented": true }, { "comment": "/**\n*\n* This function takes `param1` and `param2` as arguments.\n*\n* @param {Number} param1 A number from 0 to 26 that will result in a letter a-z\n* @param {String} param2 A text\n* @return {String} A character from a-z based on the input number n\n*\n* Examples:\n*\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n* \"user\"\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n* \"user\"\n*/", "description": "This function takes `param1` and `param2` as arguments.", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.Functions.full_doc", "memberof": "InchTest.Functions", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000057", "name": "InchTest.Functions.full_doc", "paramnames": [ "param1", "param2" ], "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 41, "path": "/src", "range": [ 841, 914 ] }, "name": "full_doc", "params": [ { "description": "A number from 0 to 26 that will result in a letter a-z", "name": "param1", "type": { "names": [ "Number" ] } }, { "description": "A text", "name": "param2", "type": { "names": [ "String" ] } } ], "returns": [ { "description": "A character from a-z based on the input number n\n\nExamples:\n\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n \"user\"\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n \"user\"", "type": { "names": [ "String" ] } } ], "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n*\n* This function takes a `param1` and a second parameter that is never used\n* (maybe, because it is a callback or something like that). However, the\n* second param should impact the evaluation by Inch.\n*\n* Examples:\n*\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n* \"user\"\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n* \"user\"\n*/", "description": "This function takes a `param1` and a second parameter that is never used\n(maybe, because it is a callback or something like that). However, the\nsecond param should impact the evaluation by Inch.\n\nExamples:\n\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n \"user\"\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n \"user\"", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.Functions.full_doc_second_parameter_unnamed", "memberof": "InchTest.Functions", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000070", "name": "InchTest.Functions.full_doc_second_parameter_unnamed", "paramnames": [ "param1", "_" ], "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 57, "path": "/src", "range": [ 1271, 1364 ] }, "name": "full_doc_second_parameter_unnamed", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n*\n* This function takes no arguments.\n*\n* Examples:\n*\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n* \"user\"\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n* \"user\"\n*/", "description": "This function takes no arguments.\n\nExamples:\n\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n \"user\"\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n \"user\"", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.CodeExamples.single_code_example", "memberof": "InchTest.CodeExamples", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000088", "name": "single_code_example", "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 74, "path": "/src", "range": [ 1609, 1665 ] }, "name": "single_code_example", "scope": "static" }, { "comment": "/**\n*\n* This function takes no arguments.\n*\n* Examples:\n*\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n* \"user\"\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n* \"user\"\n*\n* In general, `underscore` can be thought of as the reverse ...\n*\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n* \"user\"\n* > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n* \"user\"\n*/", "description": "This function takes no arguments.\n\nExamples:\n\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n \"user\"\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n \"user\"\n\nIn general, `underscore` can be thought of as the reverse ...\n\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.User)\n \"user\"\n > InchTest.Naming.resource_name(MyApp.UserView, \"View\")\n \"user\"", "kind": "function", "longname": "InchTest.CodeExamples.multiple_code_examples", "memberof": "InchTest.CodeExamples", "meta": { "code": { "id": "astnode100000093", "name": "multiple_code_examples", "type": "FunctionExpression", "value": "function" }, "filename": "inch_test.js", "lineno": 95, "path": "/src", "range": [ 2094, 2153 ] }, "name": "multiple_code_examples", "scope": "static" }, { "files": [ "/home/rf/devel/Hello-World-NodeJS/src/inch_test.js" ], "kind": "package", "longname": "package:undefined" } ] }