# @markup markdown
# @title UserConfigurations

# Configuring the Middleware

## Quick Start

To add custom checks to the middleware, modify a Config object and pass it to the Config Manager.

The Config Manager is accessible through a block passed to the middleware upon initialization.

use JSONAPI::Middleware do |config_manager|
  # ...

To add restrictions to ALL requests use the default global config included with the Config Manager:

use JSONAPI::Middleware do |config_manager|
  config_manager.global.allow_client_ids = true

To set up a restrictions for a specific resource type, create and configure a new Config object and add it to the Config Manager:

use JSONAPI::Middleware do |config_manager|
  config = JSONAPI::ConfigManager::Config.new
  config.allow_client_ids = true
  config_manager[:person] = config

## Available Config Options

### Document Checking Customization

To specify required members in a document, create a hash in the structure of the expected JSON document, and list required members as nil. Members that are not required do not have to be listed.

config.required_document_members = 
    data: {
      attributes: {
        this_is_required: nil
    meta: nil

You can go even further by adding a proc instead of nil to provide a custom way of determining whether a value (and request) is valid.

config.required_document_members = 
   data: {
     attributes: {
       this_is_required: proc { |value| ['im_allowed', 'me_too', 'also_me'].include?(value) }
   meta: proc { |value_hash| value_hash.keys?(:count) }

To allow for client generated ids, set the method to true.

  config.allow_client_ids = true

### Header Checking Customization

Specify a list of required headers:

  config.required_headers = %w[content-type xxx-authentication]

### Query Param Customization

Specify a list of required query params:

config.required_query_params =
    fields: { people: nil },
    include: nil,
    custom_param: nil