require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'pivotal-github/options' require 'pivotal-github/command' class StoryCommit < Command def parse options = parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: git story-commit [options]" opts.on("-m", "--message MESSAGE", "add a commit message (including story #)") do |m| options.message = m end opts.on("-f", "--finish", "mark story as finished") do |f| options.finish = f end opts.on("-d", "--deliver", "mark story as delivered") do |d| options.deliver = d end opts.on("-a", "--all", "commit all changed files") do |a| options.all = a end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "this usage guide") do puts opts.to_s; exit 0 end end self.known_options = Options::known_options(parser, args) self.unknown_options = Options::unknown_options(parser, args) parser.parse(known_options) options end def message if story_id.nil? # Arranges to fall through to regular 'git commit' options.message else if finish? label = "Finishes ##{story_id}" elsif deliver? label = "Delivers ##{story_id}" else label = "##{story_id}" end "[#{label}] #{options.message}" end end # Returns a command appropriate for executing at the command line # We take care to insert the story number and, if necessary, an indication # that the commit finishes the story. def cmd c = ['git commit'] c << '-a' if all? c << %(-m "#{message}") if message? c << argument_string(unknown_options) unless unknown_options.empty? c.join(' ') end def run! system cmd end private def finish? options.finish end def deliver? options.deliver end def message? !options.message.nil? end def all? options.all end end