# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "helper" require "rubygems/commands/yank_command" class TestGemCommandsYankCommand < Gem::TestCase def setup super credential_setup @cmd = Gem::Commands::YankCommand.new @cmd.options[:host] = "http://example" @fetcher = Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher Gem.configuration.rubygems_api_key = "key" Gem.configuration.api_keys[:KEY] = "other" end def teardown credential_teardown super end def test_handle_options @cmd.handle_options %w[a --version 1.0 --platform x86-darwin -k KEY --host HOST] assert_equal %w[a], @cmd.options[:args] assert_equal :KEY, @cmd.options[:key] assert_equal "HOST", @cmd.options[:host] assert_nil @cmd.options[:platform] assert_equal req("= 1.0"), @cmd.options[:version] end def test_handle_options_missing_argument %w[-v --version -p --platform].each do |option| assert_raise Gem::OptionParser::MissingArgument do @cmd.handle_options %W[a #{option}] end end end def test_execute yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end assert_match %r{Yanking gem from http://example}, @ui.output assert_match %r{Successfully yanked}, @ui.output platform = Gem.platforms[1] body = @fetcher.last_request.body.split("&").sort assert_equal %W[gem_name=a platform=#{platform} version=1.0], body assert_equal "key", @fetcher.last_request["Authorization"] assert_equal [yank_uri], @fetcher.paths end def test_execute_with_otp_success response_fail = "You have enabled multifactor authentication but your request doesn't have the correct OTP code. Please check it and retry." yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = [ HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response_fail, code: 401, msg: "Unauthorized"), HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK"), ] webauthn_uri = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification" @fetcher.data[webauthn_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "You don't have any security devices", code: 422, msg: "Unprocessable Entity") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") @otp_ui = Gem::MockGemUi.new "111111\n" use_ui @otp_ui do @cmd.execute end assert_match "You have enabled multi-factor authentication. Please enter OTP code.", @otp_ui.output assert_match "Code: ", @otp_ui.output assert_match %r{Yanking gem from http://example}, @otp_ui.output assert_match %r{Successfully yanked}, @otp_ui.output assert_equal "111111", @fetcher.last_request["OTP"] end def test_execute_with_otp_failure response = "You have enabled multifactor authentication but your request doesn't have the correct OTP code. Please check it and retry." yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response, code: 401, msg: "Unauthorized") webauthn_uri = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification" @fetcher.data[webauthn_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "You don't have any security devices", code: 422, msg: "Unprocessable Entity") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") @otp_ui = Gem::MockGemUi.new "111111\n" use_ui @otp_ui do @cmd.execute end assert_match "You have enabled multi-factor authentication. Please enter OTP code.", @otp_ui.output assert_match response, @otp_ui.output assert_match "Code: ", @otp_ui.output assert_equal "111111", @fetcher.last_request["OTP"] end def test_with_webauthn_enabled_success webauthn_verification_url = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification/odow34b93t6aPCdY" response_fail = "You have enabled multifactor authentication but your request doesn't have the correct OTP code. Please check it and retry." yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" webauthn_uri = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification" port = 5678 server = TCPServer.new(port) @fetcher.data[webauthn_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: webauthn_verification_url, code: 200, msg: "OK") @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = [ HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response_fail, code: 401, msg: "Unauthorized"), HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK"), ] @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") TCPServer.stub(:new, server) do Gem::WebauthnListener.stub(:wait_for_otp_code, "Uvh6T57tkWuUnWYo") do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end ensure server.close end url_with_port = "#{webauthn_verification_url}?port=#{port}" assert_match %r{Yanking gem from http://example}, @ui.output assert_match "You have enabled multi-factor authentication. Please visit #{url_with_port} to authenticate via security device. If you can't verify using WebAuthn but have OTP enabled, you can re-run the gem signin command with the `--otp [your_code]` option.", @ui.output assert_match "You are verified with a security device. You may close the browser window.", @ui.output assert_equal "Uvh6T57tkWuUnWYo", @fetcher.last_request["OTP"] assert_match "Successfully yanked", @ui.output end def test_with_webauthn_enabled_failure webauthn_verification_url = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification/odow34b93t6aPCdY" response_fail = "You have enabled multifactor authentication but your request doesn't have the correct OTP code. Please check it and retry." yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" webauthn_uri = "http://example/api/v1/webauthn_verification" port = 5678 server = TCPServer.new(port) raise_error = ->(*_args) { raise Gem::WebauthnVerificationError, "Something went wrong" } @fetcher.data[webauthn_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: webauthn_verification_url, code: 200, msg: "OK") @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = [ HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response_fail, code: 401, msg: "Unauthorized"), HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK"), ] @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") error = assert_raise Gem::MockGemUi::TermError do TCPServer.stub(:new, server) do Gem::WebauthnListener.stub(:wait_for_otp_code, raise_error) do use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end end ensure server.close end end assert_equal 1, error.exit_code url_with_port = "#{webauthn_verification_url}?port=#{port}" assert_match @fetcher.last_request["Authorization"], Gem.configuration.rubygems_api_key assert_match %r{Yanking gem from http://example}, @ui.output assert_match "You have enabled multi-factor authentication. Please visit #{url_with_port} to authenticate via security device. If you can't verify using WebAuthn but have OTP enabled, you can re-run the gem signin command with the `--otp [your_code]` option.", @ui.output assert_match "ERROR: Security device verification failed: Something went wrong", @ui.error refute_match "You are verified with a security device. You may close the browser window.", @ui.output refute_match "Successfully yanked", @ui.output end def test_execute_key yank_uri = "http://example/api/v1/gems/yank" @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") @cmd.options[:key] = :KEY use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end body = @fetcher.last_request.body.split("&").sort assert_equal %w[gem_name=a version=1.0], body assert_equal "other", @fetcher.last_request["Authorization"] end def test_execute_host host = "https://other.example" yank_uri = "#{host}/api/v1/gems/yank" @fetcher.data[yank_uri] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "Successfully yanked", code: 200, msg: "OK") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") @cmd.options[:host] = host use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end assert_match %r{Yanking gem from https://other.example}, @ui.output assert_match %r{Successfully yanked}, @ui.output body = @fetcher.last_request.body.split("&").sort assert_equal %w[gem_name=a version=1.0], body assert_equal "key", @fetcher.last_request["Authorization"] assert_equal [yank_uri], @fetcher.paths end def test_yank_gem_unathorized_api_key response_forbidden = "The API key doesn't have access" response_success = "Successfully yanked" host = "http://example" @fetcher.data["#{host}/api/v1/gems/yank"] = [ HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response_forbidden, code: 403, msg: "Forbidden"), HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: response_success, code: 200, msg: "OK"), ] @fetcher.data["#{host}/api/v1/api_key"] = HTTPResponseFactory.create(body: "", code: 200, msg: "OK") @cmd.options[:args] = %w[a] @cmd.options[:added_platform] = true @cmd.options[:version] = req("= 1.0") @cmd.instance_variable_set :@host, host @cmd.instance_variable_set :@scope, :yank_rubygem @ui = Gem::MockGemUi.new "some@mail.com\npass\n" use_ui @ui do @cmd.execute end access_notice = "The existing key doesn't have access of yank_rubygem on http://example. Please sign in to update access." assert_match access_notice, @ui.output assert_match "Email:", @ui.output assert_match "Password:", @ui.output assert_match "Added yank_rubygem scope to the existing API key", @ui.output assert_match response_success, @ui.output end end