## What's Pry? [Pry](http://pryrepl.org/) is a powerful Ruby editing and debugging tool. Beaker uses Pry runtime invocation to create a developer console. ## Set it up! Pry is included in the Beaker 1.13+ development gems and is available by default. Pre-1.13.0 add Pry with `gem install pry`, then add Pry to individual tests by adding `require 'pry'` as the first line in the Ruby test file. ## Invoke the Developer Console In a Beaker test file call `binding.pry` to invoke the console. Place it where you want access to the full, current Beaker environment. ## Example ### Example test trypry.rb Here's a test file that exercises different ways of running commands on Beaker hosts. At the end of the main `hosts.each` loop I've included `binding.pry` to invoke the console. ``` hosts.each do |h| on h, "echo hello" if h['platform'] =~ /windows/ scp_to h, "beaker.gemspec", "/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/" end on(h, "echo test block") do |result| puts "block result.stdout: #{result.stdout}" puts "block result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}" end on(h, "echo test block, built in functions") do puts "built in function stdout: #{stdout}" puts "built in function stderr: #{stderr}" end result = on(h, "echo no block") puts "return var result.stdout: #{result.stdout}" puts "return var result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}" binding.pry end ``` ### Sample output to the first `binding.pry` call: ``` $ bundle exec beaker --debug --tests tests/trypry.rb --hosts configs/fusion/winfusion.cfg --no-provi sion { "project": "Beaker", "department": "anode", "validate": true, "jenkins_build_url": null, "forge_host": "vulcan-acceptance.delivery.puppetlabs.net", "log_level": "debug", "trace_limit": 10, "hosts_file": "configs/fusion/winfusion.cfg", "options_file": null, "type": "pe", "provision": false, "preserve_hosts": "never", "root_keys": false, "quiet": false, "xml": false, "color": true, "dry_run": false, "timeout": 300, "fail_mode": "slow", "timesync": false, "repo_proxy": false, "add_el_extras": false, "add_master_entry": false, "consoleport": 443, "pe_dir": "http://neptune.puppetlabs.lan/3.2/ci-ready/", "pe_version_file": "LATEST", "pe_version_file_win": "LATEST-win", "dot_fog": "/Users/anode/.fog", "ec2_yaml": "config/image_templates/ec2.yaml", "help": false, "ssh": { "config": false, "paranoid": false, "timeout": 300, "auth_methods": [ "publickey" ], "port": 22, "forward_agent": true, "keys": [ "/Users/anode/.ssh/id_rsa" ], "user_known_hosts_file": "/Users/anode/.ssh/known_hosts" }, "tests": [ "tests/trypry.rb" ], "command_line": "/Users/anode/beaker/.bundle/gems/bin/beaker --debug --tests tests/trypry.rb --hosts configs/fusion/winfusion.cfg --no-provision", "HOSTS": { "pe-centos6": { "roles": [ "master", "agent", "dashboard", "database" ], "platform": "el-6-i386", "snapshot": "clean-w-keys", "hypervisor": "fusion" }, "w2k8r2": { "roles": [ "agent" ], "platform": "windows-2008r2-x86_64", "snapshot": "clean-w-keys", "hypervisor": "fusion" }, "w2k3r2": { "roles": [ "agent" ], "platform": "windows-2003r2-x86_64", "hypervisor": "fusion", "snapshot": "clean-w-keys" } }, "nfs_server": "none", "pe_ver": "3.2.2-6-gd1cae98", "home": "/Users/anode", "answers": { "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_user_email": "admin@example.com", "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_password": "~!@#$%^*-/ aZ", "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_host": null, "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_port": 25, "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_username": null, "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_password": null, "q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_smtp_use_tls": "n", "q_verify_packages": "y", "q_puppetdb_password": "~!@#$%^*-/ aZ" }, "helper": [], "load_path": [], "pre_suite": [], "post_suite": [], "install": [], "modules": [], "logger": "#<Beaker::Logger:0x007f925a6b4218>" } Hypervisor for pe-centos6 is none Hypervisor for w2k8r2 is none Hypervisor for w2k3r2 is none Beaker::Hypervisor, found some none boxes to create pe-centos6 10:55:27$ which curl /usr/bin/curl pe-centos6 executed in 0.14 seconds pe-centos6 10:55:27$ which ntpdate /usr/sbin/ntpdate pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds w2k8r2 10:55:27$ which curl /bin/curl w2k8r2 executed in 0.42 seconds w2k3r2 10:55:27$ which curl /bin/curl w2k3r2 executed in 0.29 seconds No tests to run for suite 'pre_suite' Begin tests/trypry.rb pe-centos6 10:55:28$ echo hello hello pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds pe-centos6 10:55:28$ echo test block test block pe-centos6 executed in 0.01 seconds block result.stdout: test block block result.raw_stdout: test block pe-centos6 10:55:28$ echo test block, built in functions test block, built in functions pe-centos6 executed in 0.00 seconds built in function stdout: test block, built in functions built in function stderr: pe-centos6 10:55:28$ echo no block no block pe-centos6 executed in 0.00 seconds return var result.stdout: no block return var result.raw_stdout: no block From: /Users/anode/beaker/tests/trypry.rb @ line 19 self.run_test: 14: 15: result = on(h, "echo no block") 16: puts "return var result.stdout: #{result.stdout}" 17: puts "return var result.raw_stdout: #{result.raw_stdout}" 18: => 19: binding.pry 20: 21: end [1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> ``` ### Using the console At this point I have access to the console. I have full access to Beaker hosts, the Beaker DSL and Ruby. Here's some sample console calls: ``` [1] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> hosts => [pe-centos6, w2k8r2, w2k3r2] [2] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> on hosts[1], 'echo hello' w2k8r2 10:54:11$ echo hello hello w2k8r2 executed in 0.07 seconds => #<Beaker::Result:0x007f9f6b7a3408 @cmd=" echo hello ", @exit_code=0, @host="w2k8r2", @output="hello\n", @raw_output="hello\n", @raw_stderr="", @raw_stdout="hello\n", @stderr="", @stdout="hello\n"> [3] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> on hosts[1], 'ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/' w2k8r2 10:56:15$ ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/ Application Data Desktop Documents Favorites Microsoft Package Cache Start Menu Templates VMware beaker.gemspec ntuser.pol w2k8r2 executed in 0.09 seconds => #<Beaker::Result:0x007f925b227898 @cmd= " ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\\ and\\ Settings/All\\ Users/Application\\ Data/ ", @exit_code=0, @host="w2k8r2", @output= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @raw_output= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @raw_stderr="", @raw_stdout= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @stderr="", @stdout= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n"> [4] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> result = on hosts[1], 'ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/' w2k8r2 10:56:34$ ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/All\ Users/Application\ Data/ Application Data Desktop Documents Favorites Microsoft Package Cache Start Menu Templates VMware beaker.gemspec ntuser.pol w2k8r2 executed in 0.08 seconds => #<Beaker::Result:0x007f925a387018 @cmd= " ls /cygdrive/c/Documents\\ and\\ Settings/All\\ Users/Application\\ Data/ ", @exit_code=0, @host="w2k8r2", @output= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @raw_output= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @raw_stderr="", @raw_stdout= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n", @stderr="", @stdout= "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol\n"> [5] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> result.stdout.chomp => "Application Data\nDesktop\nDocuments\nFavorites\nMicrosoft\nPackage Cache\nStart Menu\nTemplates\nVMware\nbeaker.gemspec\nntuser.pol" ``` ### Continue regular test execution Simply `exit` the console. ``` [6] pry(#<Beaker::TestCase>)> exit ```