require "rubygems" require "bundler" Bundler.setup require 'rake' require 'rdoc/task' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' # Cane requires ripper, which appears to only work on MRI 1.9 if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" && RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" desc "Default Task" task :default => [ :quality, :spec ] require 'cane/rake_task' require 'morecane' desc "Run cane to check quality metrics" do |cane| cane.abc_max = 20 cane.style_measure = 100 cane.max_violations = 94 cane.use Morecane::EncodingCheck, :encoding_glob => "{app,lib,spec}/**/*.rb" end else desc "Default Task" task :default => [ :spec ] end desc "Run all rspec files""spec") do |t| t.rspec_opts = ["--color", "--format progress"] t.ruby_opts = "-w" end # Generate the RDoc documentation desc "Create documentation""doc") do |rdoc| rdoc.title = "pdf-reader" rdoc.rdoc_dir = (ENV['CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'] || 'doc') + '/rdoc' rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('TODO') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('CHANGELOG') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('MIT-LICENSE') rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb') rdoc.options << "--inline-source" end desc "Create a YAML file of integrity info for PDFs in the spec suite" task :integrity_yaml do data = {} Dir.glob("spec/data/**/*.*").each do |path| path_without_spec = path.gsub("spec/","") data[path_without_spec] = { :bytes => File.size(path), :md5 => `md5sum "#{path}"`.split.first } if File.file?(path) end"spec/integrity.yml","wb") { |f| f.write YAML.dump(data)} end desc "Remove any CRLF characters added by Git" task :fix_integrity do yaml_path = File.expand_path("spec/integrity.yml",File.dirname(__FILE__)) integrity = YAML.load_file(yaml_path) Dir.glob("spec/data/**/*.pdf").each do |path| path_relative_to_spec_folder = path[/.+(data\/.+)/,1] item = integrity[path_relative_to_spec_folder] if File.file?(path) file_contents =, "rb") { |f| } md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(file_contents) unless md5 == item[:md5] #file md5 does not match what was checked into Git if Digest::MD5.hexdigest(file_contents.gsub(/\r\n/, "\n")) == item[:md5] #pdf file is fixable by swapping CRLF characters, "wb") do |f| f.write(file_contents.gsub(/\r\n/, "\n")) end puts "Replaced CRLF characters in: #{path}" else puts "Failed to fix: #{path}" end end end end end