require 'tf-idf-similarity/document' class TfIdfSimilarity::Document # @return [Float] the maximum term count of any term in the document def maximum_term_count @maximum_term_count ||= @term_counts.values.max.to_f end # @return [Float] the average term count of all terms in the document def average_term_count @average_term_count ||= @term_counts.values.reduce(:+) / @term_counts.size.to_f end # Returns the term count. # # SMART n, Salton t, Chisholm FREQ def plain_term_frequency(term) term_counts[term] end alias :plain_tf, :plain_term_frequency # Returns 1 if the term is present, 0 otherwise. # # SMART b, Salton b, Chisholm BNRY def binary_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 1 else 0 end end alias_method :binary_tf, :binary_term_frequency # Normalizes the term count by the maximum term count. # # @see*idf def normalized_term_frequency(term) term_counts[term] / maximum_term_count end alias_method :normalized_tf, :normalized_term_frequency # Further normalizes the normalized term frequency to lie between 0.5 and 1. # # SMART a, Salton n, Chisholm ATF1 def augmented_normalized_term_frequency(term) 0.5 + 0.5 * normalized_term_frequency(term) end alias_method :augmented_normalized_tf, :augmented_normalized_term_frequency # Chisholm ATFA def augmented_average_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 0.9 + 0.1 * count / average_term_count else 0 end end alias_method :augmented_average_tf, :augmented_average_term_frequency # Chisholm ATFC def changed_coefficient_augmented_normalized_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 0.2 + 0.8 * count / maximum_term_count else 0 end end alias_method :changed_coefficient_augmented_normalized_tf, :changed_coefficient_augmented_normalized_term_frequency # SMART l, Chisholm LOGA def log_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 1 + Math.log(count) else 0 end end alias_method :log_tf, :log_term_frequency # SMART L, Chisholm LOGN def normalized_log_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 (1 + Math.log(count)) / (1 + Math.log(average_term_count)) else 0 end end alias_method :normalized_log_tf, :normalized_log_term_frequency # Chisholm LOGG def augmented_log_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 0.2 + 0.8 * Math.log(count + 1) else 0 end end alias_method :augmented_log_tf, :augmented_log_term_frequency # Chisholm SQRT def square_root_term_frequency(term) count = term_counts[term] if count > 0 Math.sqrt(count - 0.5) + 1 else 0 end end alias_method :square_root_tf, :square_root_term_frequency end