require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'open-uri' require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'socket' require 'timeout' require 'calabash-android/helpers' require 'calabash-android/wait_helpers' require 'calabash-android/touch_helpers' require 'calabash-android/version' require 'retriable' require 'cucumber' module Calabash module Android module Operations include Calabash::Android::WaitHelpers include Calabash::Android::TouchHelpers def log(message) $stdout.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} - #{message}" if (ARGV.include? "-v" or ARGV.include? "--verbose") end def macro(txt) if self.respond_to?(:step) step(txt) else Then(txt) end end def default_device unless @default_device @default_device =, ENV["ADB_DEVICE_ARG"], ENV["TEST_SERVER_PORT"], ENV["APP_PATH"], ENV["TEST_APP_PATH"]) end @default_device end def set_default_device(device) @default_device = device end def performAction(action, *arguments) default_device.perform_action(action, *arguments) end def reinstall_apps default_device.reinstall_apps end def reinstall_test_server default_device.reinstall_test_server end def install_app(app_path) default_device.install_app(app_path) end def uninstall_apps default_device.uninstall_app(package_name(default_device.test_server_path)) default_device.uninstall_app(package_name(default_device.app_path)) end def wake_up default_device.wake_up() end def clear_app_data default_device.clear_app_data end def start_test_server_in_background(options={}) default_device.start_test_server_in_background(options) end def shutdown_test_server default_device.shutdown_test_server end def screenshot_embed(options={:prefix => nil, :name => nil, :label => nil}) path = default_device.screenshot(options) embed(path, "image/png", options[:label] || File.basename(path)) end def screenshot(options={:prefix => nil, :name => nil}) default_device.screenshot(options) end def fail(msg="Error. Check log for details.", options={:prefix => nil, :name => nil, :label => nil}) screenshot_and_raise(msg, options) end def set_gps_coordinates_from_location(location) default_device.set_gps_coordinates_from_location(location) end def set_gps_coordinates(latitude, longitude) default_device.set_gps_coordinates(latitude, longitude) end def query(uiquery, *args) converted_args = [] args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a?(Hash) and arg.count == 1 converted_args << {:method_name => arg.keys.first, :arguments => [ arg.values.first ]} else converted_args << arg end end map(uiquery,:query,*converted_args) end def each_item(opts={:query => "android.widget.ListView", :post_scroll => 0.2}, &block) uiquery = opts[:query] || "android.widget.ListView" skip_if = opts[:skip_if] || lambda { |i| false } stop_when = opts[:stop_when] || lambda { |i| false } check_element_exists(uiquery) num_items = query(opts[:query], :adapter, :count).first num_items.times do |item| next if break if scroll_to_row(opts[:query], item) sleep(opts[:post_scroll]) if opts[:post_scroll] and opts[:post_scroll] > 0 yield(item) end end def ni raise "Not yet implemented." end ### ### app life cycle def connect_to_test_server puts "Explicit calls to connect_to_test_server should be removed." puts "Please take a look in your hooks file for calls to this methods." puts "(Hooks are stored in features/support)" end def disconnect_from_test_server puts "Explicit calls to disconnect_from_test_server should be removed." puts "Please take a look in your hooks file for calls to this methods." puts "(Hooks are stored in features/support)" end class Device attr_reader :app_path, :test_server_path, :serial, :server_port, :test_server_port def initialize(cucumber_world, serial, server_port, app_path, test_server_path, test_server_port = 7102) @cucumber_world = cucumber_world @serial = serial @server_port = server_port @app_path = app_path @test_server_path = test_server_path @test_server_port = test_server_port forward_cmd = "#{adb_command} forward tcp:#{@server_port} tcp:#{@test_server_port}" log forward_cmd log `#{forward_cmd}` end def reinstall_apps() uninstall_app(package_name(@app_path)) install_app(@app_path) reinstall_test_server() end def reinstall_test_server() uninstall_app(package_name(@test_server_path)) install_app(@test_server_path) end def install_app(app_path) cmd = "#{adb_command} install \"#{app_path}\"" log "Installing: #{app_path}" result = `#{cmd}` log result pn = package_name(app_path) succeeded = `#{adb_command} shell pm list packages`.include?("package:#{pn}") unless succeeded ::Cucumber.wants_to_quit = true raise "#{pn} did not get installed. Aborting!" end end def uninstall_app(package_name) log "Uninstalling: #{package_name}" log `#{adb_command} uninstall #{package_name}` end def app_running? `#{adb_command} shell ps`.include?(ENV["PROCESS_NAME"] || package_name(@app_path)) end def keyguard_enabled? dumpsys = `#{adb_command} shell dumpsys window windows` #If a line containing mCurrentFocus and Keyguard exists the keyguard is enabled dumpsys.lines.any? { |l| l.include?("mCurrentFocus") and l.include?("Keyguard")} end def perform_action(action, *arguments) log "Action: #{action} - Params: #{arguments.join(', ')}" params = {"command" => action, "arguments" => arguments} Timeout.timeout(300) do begin result = http("/", params, {:read_timeout => 350}) rescue Exception => e log "Error communicating with test server: #{e}" raise e end log "Result:'" + result.strip + "'" raise "Empty result from TestServer" if result.chomp.empty? result = JSON.parse(result) if not result["success"] then raise "Step unsuccessful: #{result["message"]}" end result end rescue Timeout::Error raise Exception, "Step timed out" end def http(path, data = {}, options = {}) begin http = "", @server_port http.open_timeout = options[:open_timeout] if options[:open_timeout] http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] if options[:read_timeout] resp =, "#{data.to_json}", {"Content-Type" => "application/json;charset=utf-8"}) resp.body rescue Exception => e if app_running? raise e else raise "App no longer running" end end end def screenshot(options={:prefix => nil, :name => nil}) prefix = options[:prefix] || ENV['SCREENSHOT_PATH'] || "" name = options[:name] if name.nil? name = "screenshot" else if File.extname(name).downcase == ".png" name = name.split(".png")[0] end end @@screenshot_count ||= 0 path = "#{prefix}#{name}_#{@@screenshot_count}.png" if ENV["SCREENSHOT_VIA_USB"] == "true" device_args = "-s #{@serial}" if @serial screenshot_cmd = "java -jar #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', 'screenShotTaker.jar')} #{path} #{device_args}" log screenshot_cmd raise "Could not take screenshot" unless system(screenshot_cmd) else begin res = http("/screenshot") rescue EOFError raise "Could not take screenshot. App is most likely not running anymore." end, 'wb') do |f| f.write res end end @@screenshot_count += 1 path end def adb_command if is_windows? %Q("#{ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]}\\platform-tools\\adb.exe" #{device_args}) else %Q("#{ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]}/platform-tools/adb" #{device_args}) end end def device_args if @serial "-s #{@serial}" else "" end end def wake_up wake_up_cmd = "#{adb_command} shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n #{package_name(@test_server_path)}/sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.WakeUp" log "Waking up device using:" log wake_up_cmd raise "Could not wake up the device" unless system(wake_up_cmd) retriable :tries => 10, :interval => 1 do raise "Could not remove the keyguard" if keyguard_enabled? end end def clear_app_data cmd = "#{adb_command} shell am instrument #{package_name(@test_server_path)}/sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.ClearAppData" raise "Could not clear data" unless system(cmd) end def start_test_server_in_background(options={}) raise "Will not start test server because of previous failures." if ::Cucumber.wants_to_quit if keyguard_enabled? wake_up end env_options = {:target_package => package_name(@app_path), :main_activity => main_activity(@app_path), :test_server_port => @test_server_port, :debug => false, :class => "sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.InstrumentationBackend"} env_options = env_options.merge(options) cmd_arr = [adb_command, "shell am instrument"] env_options.each_pair do |key, val| cmd_arr << "-e" cmd_arr << key.to_s cmd_arr << val.to_s end cmd_arr << "#{package_name(@test_server_path)}/sh.calaba.instrumentationbackend.CalabashInstrumentationTestRunner" cmd = cmd_arr.join(" ") log "Starting test server using:" log cmd raise "Could not execute command to start test server" unless system("#{cmd} 2>&1") retriable :tries => 10, :interval => 1 do raise "App did not start" unless app_running? end begin retriable :tries => 10, :interval => 3 do log "Checking if instrumentation backend is ready" log "Is app running? #{app_running?}" ready = http("/ready", {}, {:read_timeout => 1}) if ready != "true" log "Instrumentation backend not yet ready" raise "Not ready" else log "Instrumentation backend is ready!" end end rescue Exception => e msg = "Unable to make connection to Calabash Test Server at{@server_port}/\n" msg << "Please check the logcat output for more info about what happened\n" raise msg end log "Checking client-server version match..." response = perform_action('version') unless response['success'] msg = ["Unable to obtain Test Server version. "] msg << "Please run 'reinstall_test_server' to make sure you have the correct version" msg_s = msg.join("\n") log(msg_s) raise msg_s end unless response['message'] == Calabash::Android::VERSION msg = ["Calabash Client and Test-server version mismatch."] msg << "Client version #{Calabash::Android::VERSION}" msg << "Test-server version #{response['message']}" msg << "Expected Test-server version #{Calabash::Android::VERSION}" msg << "\n\nSolution:\n\n" msg << "Run 'reinstall_test_server' to make sure you have the correct version" msg_s = msg.join("\n") log(msg_s) raise msg_s end log("Client and server versions match. Proceeding...") end def shutdown_test_server begin http("/kill") rescue EOFError log ("Could not kill app. App is most likely not running anymore.") end end ##location def set_gps_coordinates_from_location(location) require 'geocoder' results = raise Exception, "Got no results for #{location}" if results.empty? best_result = results.first set_gps_coordinates(best_result.latitude, best_result.longitude) end def set_gps_coordinates(latitude, longitude) perform_action('set_gps_coordinates', latitude, longitude) end end def label(uiquery) ni end def screenshot_and_raise(msg) screenshot_embed raise(msg) end def touch(uiquery,*args) raise "Cannot touch nil" unless uiquery if uiquery.instance_of? String elements = query(uiquery, *args) raise "No elements found. Query: #{uiquery}" if elements.empty? element = elements.first else element = uiquery element = element.first if element.instance_of?(Array) end center_x = element["rect"]["center_x"] center_y = element["rect"]["center_y"] performAction("touch_coordinate", center_x, center_y) end def http(options, data=nil) default_device.http(options, data) end def html(q) query(q).map {|e| e['html']} end def set_text(uiquery, txt) raise "Currently queries are only supported for webviews" unless uiquery.start_with? "webView" uiquery.slice!(0, "webView".length) if uiquery =~ /(css|xpath):\s*(.*)/ r = performAction("set_text", $1, $2, txt) JSON.parse(r["message"]) else raise "Invalid query #{uiquery}" end end def swipe(dir,options={}) ni end def cell_swipe(options={}) ni end def done ni end def scroll(uiquery,direction) ni end def scroll_to_row(uiquery,number) query(uiquery, {:smoothScrollToPosition => number}) puts "TODO:detect end of scroll - use sleep for now" end def pinch(in_out,options={}) ni end def rotate(dir) ni end def app_to_background(secs) ni end def element_does_not_exist(uiquery) query(uiquery).empty? end def element_exists(uiquery) not element_does_not_exist(uiquery) end def view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) element_exists( "android.view.View marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end def check_element_exists( query ) if not element_exists( query ) screenshot_and_raise "No element found for query: #{query}" end end def check_element_does_not_exist( query ) if element_exists( query ) screenshot_and_raise "Expected no elements to match query: #{query}" end end def check_view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) check_element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end # a better name would be element_exists_and_is_not_hidden def element_is_not_hidden(uiquery) ni end def load_playback_data(recording,options={}) ni end def playback(recording, options={}) ni end def interpolate(recording, options={}) ni end def record_begin ni end def record_end(file_name) ni end def backdoor(sel, arg) ni end def map(query, method_name, *method_args) operation_map = { :method_name => method_name, :arguments => method_args } res = http("/map", {:query => query, :operation => operation_map}) res = JSON.parse(res) if res['outcome'] != 'SUCCESS' screenshot_and_raise "map #{query}, #{method_name} failed because: #{res['reason']}\n#{res['details']}" end res['results'] end def url_for( verb ) ni end def make_http_request( url, req ) ni end end end end