// Copyright 2023 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include "src/core/client_channel/retry_filter_legacy_call_data.h" #include #include #include #include "absl/log/check.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include #include "src/core/client_channel/client_channel_internal.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/retry_service_config.h" #include "src/core/client_channel/retry_throttle.h" #include "src/core/lib/backoff/backoff.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_stack.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/status_util.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/construct_destruct.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/status_helper.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/call_combiner.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/closure.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/polling_entity.h" #include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/arena.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice.h" #include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_buffer.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/error_utils.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/metadata_batch.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/transport.h" #include "src/core/util/useful.h" namespace grpc_core { // // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallStackDestructionBarrier // // A class to track the existence of LoadBalancedCall call stacks that // we've created. We wait until all such call stacks have been // destroyed before we return the on_call_stack_destruction closure up // to the surface. // // The parent RetryFilter::LegacyCallData object holds a ref to this object. // When it is destroyed, it will store the on_call_stack_destruction // closure from the surface in this object and then release its ref. // We also take a ref to this object for each LB call we create, and // those refs are not released until the LB call stack is destroyed. // When this object is destroyed, it will invoke the // on_call_stack_destruction closure from the surface. class RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallStackDestructionBarrier final : public RefCounted { public: CallStackDestructionBarrier() {} ~CallStackDestructionBarrier() override { // TODO(yashkt) : This can potentially be a Closure::Run ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, on_call_stack_destruction_, absl::OkStatus()); } // Set the closure from the surface. This closure will be invoked // when this object is destroyed. void set_on_call_stack_destruction(grpc_closure* on_call_stack_destruction) { on_call_stack_destruction_ = on_call_stack_destruction; } // Invoked to get an on_call_stack_destruction closure for a new LB call. grpc_closure* MakeLbCallDestructionClosure( RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld) { Ref().release(); // Ref held by callback. grpc_closure* on_lb_call_destruction_complete = calld->arena_->New(); GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(on_lb_call_destruction_complete, OnLbCallDestructionComplete, this, nullptr); return on_lb_call_destruction_complete; } private: static void OnLbCallDestructionComplete(void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) { auto* self = static_cast(arg); self->Unref(); } grpc_closure* on_call_stack_destruction_ = nullptr; }; // // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::CallAttempt( RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld, bool is_transparent_retry) : RefCounted(GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry) ? "CallAttempt" : nullptr), calld_(calld), started_send_initial_metadata_(false), completed_send_initial_metadata_(false), started_send_trailing_metadata_(false), completed_send_trailing_metadata_(false), started_recv_initial_metadata_(false), completed_recv_initial_metadata_(false), started_recv_trailing_metadata_(false), completed_recv_trailing_metadata_(false), sent_cancel_stream_(false), seen_recv_trailing_metadata_from_surface_(false), abandoned_(false) { lb_call_ = calld->CreateLoadBalancedCall( [this]() { lb_call_committed_ = true; if (calld_->retry_committed_) { auto* service_config_call_data = DownCast( calld_->arena_->GetContext()); service_config_call_data->Commit(); } }, is_transparent_retry); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: created attempt, lb_call=%p", calld->chand_, calld, this, lb_call_.get()); } // If per_attempt_recv_timeout is set, start a timer. if (calld->retry_policy_ != nullptr && calld->retry_policy_->per_attempt_recv_timeout().has_value()) { const Duration per_attempt_recv_timeout = *calld->retry_policy_->per_attempt_recv_timeout(); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: per-attempt timeout in %" PRId64 " ms", calld->chand_, calld, this, per_attempt_recv_timeout.millis()); } // Schedule retry after computed delay. GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(calld->owning_call_, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer"); Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer").release(); per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_ = calld_->chand_->event_engine()->RunAfter( per_attempt_recv_timeout, [this] { ApplicationCallbackExecCtx callback_exec_ctx; ExecCtx exec_ctx; OnPerAttemptRecvTimer(); }); } } RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::~CallAttempt() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: destroying call attempt", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt:: FreeCachedSendOpDataAfterCommit() { // TODO(roth): When we implement hedging, this logic will need to get // a bit more complex, because there may be other (now abandoned) call // attempts still using this data. We may need to do some sort of // ref-counting instead. if (completed_send_initial_metadata_) { calld_->FreeCachedSendInitialMetadata(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < completed_send_message_count_; ++i) { calld_->FreeCachedSendMessage(i); } if (completed_send_trailing_metadata_) { calld_->FreeCachedSendTrailingMetadata(); } } bool RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt:: PendingBatchContainsUnstartedSendOps(PendingBatch* pending) { if (pending->batch->on_complete == nullptr) return false; if (pending->batch->send_initial_metadata && !started_send_initial_metadata_) { return true; } if (pending->batch->send_message && started_send_message_count_ < calld_->send_messages_.size()) { return true; } if (pending->batch->send_trailing_metadata && !started_send_trailing_metadata_) { return true; } return false; } bool RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::HaveSendOpsToReplay() { // We don't check send_initial_metadata here, because that op will always // be started as soon as it is received from the surface, so it will // never need to be started at this point. return started_send_message_count_ < calld_->send_messages_.size() || (calld_->seen_send_trailing_metadata_ && !started_send_trailing_metadata_); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::MaybeSwitchToFastPath() { // If we're not yet committed, we can't switch yet. // TODO(roth): As part of implementing hedging, this logic needs to // check that *this* call attempt is the one that we've committed to. // Might need to replace abandoned_ with an enum indicating whether we're // in flight, abandoned, or the winning call attempt. if (!calld_->retry_committed_) return; // If we've already switched to fast path, there's nothing to do here. if (calld_->committed_call_ != nullptr) return; // If the perAttemptRecvTimeout timer is pending, we can't switch yet. if (per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.has_value()) return; // If there are still send ops to replay, we can't switch yet. if (HaveSendOpsToReplay()) return; // If we started an internal batch for recv_trailing_metadata but have not // yet seen that op from the surface, we can't switch yet. if (recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_ != nullptr) return; // Switch to fast path. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: retry state no longer needed; " "moving LB call to parent and unreffing the call attempt", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } calld_->committed_call_ = std::move(lb_call_); calld_->call_attempt_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "MaybeSwitchToFastPath"); } // If there are any cached send ops that need to be replayed on the // current call attempt, creates and returns a new batch to replay those ops. // Otherwise, returns nullptr. RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData* RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::MaybeCreateBatchForReplay() { BatchData* replay_batch_data = nullptr; // send_initial_metadata. if (calld_->seen_send_initial_metadata_ && !started_send_initial_metadata_ && !calld_->pending_send_initial_metadata_) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: replaying previously completed " "send_initial_metadata op", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } replay_batch_data = CreateBatch(1, true /* set_on_complete */); replay_batch_data->AddRetriableSendInitialMetadataOp(); } // send_message. // Note that we can only have one send_message op in flight at a time. if (started_send_message_count_ < calld_->send_messages_.size() && started_send_message_count_ == completed_send_message_count_ && !calld_->pending_send_message_) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: replaying previously completed " "send_message op", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } if (replay_batch_data == nullptr) { replay_batch_data = CreateBatch(1, true /* set_on_complete */); } replay_batch_data->AddRetriableSendMessageOp(); } // send_trailing_metadata. // Note that we only add this op if we have no more send_message ops // to start, since we can't send down any more send_message ops after // send_trailing_metadata. if (calld_->seen_send_trailing_metadata_ && started_send_message_count_ == calld_->send_messages_.size() && !started_send_trailing_metadata_ && !calld_->pending_send_trailing_metadata_) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: replaying previously completed " "send_trailing_metadata op", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } if (replay_batch_data == nullptr) { replay_batch_data = CreateBatch(1, true /* set_on_complete */); } replay_batch_data->AddRetriableSendTrailingMetadataOp(); } return replay_batch_data; } namespace { void StartBatchInCallCombiner(void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*ignored*/) { grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = static_cast(arg); auto* lb_call = static_cast( batch->handler_private.extra_arg); // Note: This will release the call combiner. lb_call->StartTransportStreamOpBatch(batch); } } // namespace void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::AddClosureForBatch( grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch, const char* reason, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: adding batch (%s): %s", calld_->chand_, calld_, this, reason, grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_string(batch, false).c_str()); } batch->handler_private.extra_arg = lb_call_.get(); GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&batch->handler_private.closure, StartBatchInCallCombiner, batch, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); closures->Add(&batch->handler_private.closure, absl::OkStatus(), reason); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt:: AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: call failed but " "recv_trailing_metadata not started; starting it internally", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } // Create batch_data with 2 refs, since this batch will be unreffed twice: // once for the recv_trailing_metadata_ready callback when the batch // completes, and again when we actually get a recv_trailing_metadata // op from the surface. BatchData* batch_data = CreateBatch(2, false /* set_on_complete */); batch_data->AddRetriableRecvTrailingMetadataOp(); recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_.reset(batch_data); AddClosureForBatch(batch_data->batch(), "starting internal recv_trailing_metadata", closures); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp( grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { if (sent_cancel_stream_) { return; } sent_cancel_stream_ = true; BatchData* cancel_batch_data = CreateBatch(1, /*set_on_complete=*/true); cancel_batch_data->AddCancelStreamOp(error); AddClosureForBatch(cancel_batch_data->batch(), "start cancellation batch on call attempt", closures); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::AddBatchesForPendingBatches( CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(calld_->pending_batches_); ++i) { PendingBatch* pending = &calld_->pending_batches_[i]; grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; if (batch == nullptr) continue; bool has_send_ops = false; // Skip any batch that either (a) has already been started on this // call attempt or (b) we can't start yet because we're still // replaying send ops that need to be completed first. // TODO(roth): Note that if any one op in the batch can't be sent // yet due to ops that we're replaying, we don't start any of the ops // in the batch. This is probably okay, but it could conceivably // lead to increased latency in some cases -- e.g., we could delay // starting a recv op due to it being in the same batch with a send // op. If/when we revamp the callback protocol in // transport_stream_op_batch, we may be able to fix this. if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { if (started_send_initial_metadata_) continue; has_send_ops = true; } if (batch->send_message) { // Cases where we can't start this send_message op: // - We are currently replaying a previous cached send_message op. // - We have already replayed all send_message ops, including this // one. (This can happen if a send_message op is in the same // batch as a recv op, the send_message op has already completed // but the recv op hasn't, and then a subsequent batch with another // recv op is started from the surface.) if (completed_send_message_count_ < started_send_message_count_ || completed_send_message_count_ == (calld_->send_messages_.size() + !pending->send_ops_cached)) { continue; } has_send_ops = true; } // Note that we only start send_trailing_metadata if we have no more // send_message ops to start, since we can't send down any more // send_message ops after send_trailing_metadata. if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) { if (started_send_message_count_ + batch->send_message < calld_->send_messages_.size() || started_send_trailing_metadata_) { continue; } has_send_ops = true; } int num_callbacks = has_send_ops; // All send ops share one callback. if (batch->recv_initial_metadata) { if (started_recv_initial_metadata_) continue; ++num_callbacks; } if (batch->recv_message) { // Skip if the op is already in flight, or if it has already completed // but the completion has not yet been sent to the surface. if (completed_recv_message_count_ < started_recv_message_count_ || recv_message_ready_deferred_batch_ != nullptr) { continue; } ++num_callbacks; } if (batch->recv_trailing_metadata) { if (started_recv_trailing_metadata_) { seen_recv_trailing_metadata_from_surface_ = true; // If we previously completed a recv_trailing_metadata op // initiated by AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(), use the // result of that instead of trying to re-start this op. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_ != nullptr)) { // If the batch completed, then trigger the completion callback // directly, so that we return the previously returned results to // the application. Otherwise, just unref the internally started // batch, since we'll propagate the completion when it completes. if (completed_recv_trailing_metadata_) { closures->Add( &recv_trailing_metadata_ready_, recv_trailing_metadata_error_, "re-executing recv_trailing_metadata_ready to propagate " "internally triggered result"); // Ref will be released by callback. recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_.release(); } else { recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "internally started recv_trailing_metadata batch pending and " "recv_trailing_metadata started from surface"); } recv_trailing_metadata_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); } // We don't want the fact that we've already started this op internally // to prevent us from adding a batch that may contain other ops. // Instead, we'll just skip adding this op below. if (num_callbacks == 0) continue; } else { ++num_callbacks; } } // If we're already committed and the following conditions are met, // just send the batch down as-is: // - The batch contains no cached send ops. (If it does, we need // the logic below to use the cached payloads.) // - The batch does not contain recv_trailing_metadata when we have // already started an internal recv_trailing_metadata batch. (If // we've already started an internal recv_trailing_metadata batch, // then we need the logic below to send all ops in the batch // *except* the recv_trailing_metadata op.) if (calld_->retry_committed_ && !pending->send_ops_cached && (!batch->recv_trailing_metadata || !started_recv_trailing_metadata_)) { AddClosureForBatch( batch, "start non-replayable pending batch on call attempt after commit", closures); calld_->PendingBatchClear(pending); continue; } // Create batch with the right number of callbacks. BatchData* batch_data = CreateBatch(num_callbacks, has_send_ops /* set_on_complete */); // Cache send ops if needed. calld_->MaybeCacheSendOpsForBatch(pending); // send_initial_metadata. if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { batch_data->AddRetriableSendInitialMetadataOp(); } // send_message. if (batch->send_message) { batch_data->AddRetriableSendMessageOp(); } // send_trailing_metadata. if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) { batch_data->AddRetriableSendTrailingMetadataOp(); } // recv_initial_metadata. if (batch->recv_initial_metadata) { batch_data->AddRetriableRecvInitialMetadataOp(); } // recv_message. if (batch->recv_message) { batch_data->AddRetriableRecvMessageOp(); } // recv_trailing_metadata. if (batch->recv_trailing_metadata && !started_recv_trailing_metadata_) { batch_data->AddRetriableRecvTrailingMetadataOp(); } AddClosureForBatch(batch_data->batch(), "start replayable pending batch on call attempt", closures); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::AddRetriableBatches( CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { // Replay previously-returned send_* ops if needed. BatchData* replay_batch_data = MaybeCreateBatchForReplay(); if (replay_batch_data != nullptr) { AddClosureForBatch(replay_batch_data->batch(), "start replay batch on call attempt", closures); } // Now add pending batches. AddBatchesForPendingBatches(closures); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::StartRetriableBatches() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: constructing retriable batches", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } // Construct list of closures to execute, one for each pending batch. CallCombinerClosureList closures; AddRetriableBatches(&closures); // Note: This will yield the call combiner. // Start batches on LB call. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: starting %" PRIuPTR " retriable batches on lb_call=%p", calld_->chand_, calld_, this, closures.size(), lb_call_.get()); } closures.RunClosures(calld_->call_combiner_); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::CancelFromSurface( grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* cancel_batch) { MaybeCancelPerAttemptRecvTimer(); Abandon(); // Propagate cancellation to LB call. lb_call_->StartTransportStreamOpBatch(cancel_batch); } bool RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::ShouldRetry( absl::optional status, absl::optional server_pushback) { // If no retry policy, don't retry. if (calld_->retry_policy_ == nullptr) return false; // Check status. if (status.has_value()) { if (GPR_LIKELY(*status == GRPC_STATUS_OK)) { if (calld_->retry_throttle_data_ != nullptr) { calld_->retry_throttle_data_->RecordSuccess(); } if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: call succeeded", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } return false; } // Status is not OK. Check whether the status is retryable. if (!calld_->retry_policy_->retryable_status_codes().Contains(*status)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: status %s not configured as " "retryable", calld_->chand_, calld_, this, grpc_status_code_to_string(*status)); } return false; } } // Record the failure and check whether retries are throttled. // Note that it's important for this check to come after the status // code check above, since we should only record failures whose statuses // match the configured retryable status codes, so that we don't count // things like failures due to malformed requests (INVALID_ARGUMENT). // Conversely, it's important for this to come before the remaining // checks, so that we don't fail to record failures due to other factors. if (calld_->retry_throttle_data_ != nullptr && !calld_->retry_throttle_data_->RecordFailure()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: retries throttled", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } return false; } // Check whether the call is committed. if (calld_->retry_committed_) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: retries already committed", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } return false; } // Check whether we have retries remaining. ++calld_->num_attempts_completed_; if (calld_->num_attempts_completed_ >= calld_->retry_policy_->max_attempts()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log( GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: exceeded %d retry attempts", calld_->chand_, calld_, this, calld_->retry_policy_->max_attempts()); } return false; } // Check server push-back. if (server_pushback.has_value()) { if (*server_pushback < Duration::Zero()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: not retrying due to server " "push-back", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } return false; } else { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log( GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: server push-back: retry in %" PRIu64 " ms", calld_->chand_, calld_, this, server_pushback->millis()); } } } // We should retry. return true; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::Abandon() { abandoned_ = true; // Unref batches for deferred completion callbacks that will now never // be invoked. if (started_recv_trailing_metadata_ && !seen_recv_trailing_metadata_from_surface_) { recv_trailing_metadata_internal_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "unref internal recv_trailing_metadata_ready batch; attempt abandoned"); } recv_trailing_metadata_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); recv_initial_metadata_ready_deferred_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "unref deferred recv_initial_metadata_ready batch; attempt abandoned"); recv_initial_metadata_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); recv_message_ready_deferred_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "unref deferred recv_message_ready batch; attempt abandoned"); recv_message_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); for (auto& on_complete_deferred_batch : on_complete_deferred_batches_) { on_complete_deferred_batch.batch.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "unref deferred on_complete batch; attempt abandoned"); } on_complete_deferred_batches_.clear(); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::OnPerAttemptRecvTimer() { GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&on_per_attempt_recv_timer_, OnPerAttemptRecvTimerLocked, this, nullptr); GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_START(calld_->call_combiner_, &on_per_attempt_recv_timer_, absl::OkStatus(), "per-attempt timer fired"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::OnPerAttemptRecvTimerLocked( void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { auto* call_attempt = static_cast(arg); auto* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: perAttemptRecvTimeout timer fired: " "error=%s, per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.has_value()=%d", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, StatusToString(error).c_str(), call_attempt->per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.has_value()); } CallCombinerClosureList closures; call_attempt->per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.reset(); // Cancel this attempt. // TODO(roth): When implementing hedging, we should not cancel the // current attempt. call_attempt->MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp( grpc_error_set_int( GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("retry perAttemptRecvTimeout exceeded"), StatusIntProperty::kRpcStatus, GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED), &closures); // Check whether we should retry. if (call_attempt->ShouldRetry(/*status=*/absl::nullopt, /*server_pushback_ms=*/absl::nullopt)) { // Mark current attempt as abandoned. call_attempt->Abandon(); // We are retrying. Start backoff timer. calld->StartRetryTimer(/*server_pushback=*/absl::nullopt); } else { // Not retrying, so commit the call. calld->RetryCommit(call_attempt); // If retry state is no longer needed, switch to fast path for // subsequent batches. call_attempt->MaybeSwitchToFastPath(); } closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); call_attempt->Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer"); GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(calld->owning_call_, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt:: MaybeCancelPerAttemptRecvTimer() { if (per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.has_value()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: cancelling " "perAttemptRecvTimeout timer", calld_->chand_, calld_, this); } if (calld_->chand_->event_engine()->Cancel( *per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_)) { Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer"); GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(calld_->owning_call_, "OnPerAttemptRecvTimer"); } per_attempt_recv_timer_handle_.reset(); } } // // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::BatchData( RefCountedPtr attempt, int refcount, bool set_on_complete) : RefCounted(GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry) ? "BatchData" : nullptr, refcount), call_attempt_(attempt.release()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: creating batch %p", call_attempt_->calld_->chand_, call_attempt_->calld_, call_attempt_, this); } // We hold a ref to the call stack for every batch sent on a call attempt. // This is because some batches on the call attempt may not complete // until after all of the batches are completed at the surface (because // each batch that is pending at the surface holds a ref). This // can happen for replayed send ops, and it can happen for // recv_initial_metadata and recv_message ops on a call attempt that has // been abandoned. GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(call_attempt_->calld_->owning_call_, "Retry BatchData"); batch_.payload = &call_attempt_->batch_payload_; if (set_on_complete) { GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&on_complete_, OnComplete, this, nullptr); batch_.on_complete = &on_complete_; } } RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::~BatchData() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: destroying batch %p", call_attempt_->calld_->chand_, call_attempt_->calld_, call_attempt_, this); } CallAttempt* call_attempt = std::exchange(call_attempt_, nullptr); grpc_call_stack* owning_call = call_attempt->calld_->owning_call_; call_attempt->Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "~BatchData"); GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(owning_call, "Retry BatchData"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: FreeCachedSendOpDataForCompletedBatch() { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; // TODO(roth): When we implement hedging, this logic will need to get // a bit more complex, because there may be other (now abandoned) call // attempts still using this data. We may need to do some sort of // ref-counting instead. if (batch_.send_initial_metadata) { calld->FreeCachedSendInitialMetadata(); } if (batch_.send_message) { calld->FreeCachedSendMessage(call_attempt_->completed_send_message_count_ - 1); } if (batch_.send_trailing_metadata) { calld->FreeCachedSendTrailingMetadata(); } } // // recv_initial_metadata callback handling // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: MaybeAddClosureForRecvInitialMetadataCallback( grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { // Find pending batch. PendingBatch* pending = call_attempt_->calld_->PendingBatchFind( "invoking recv_initial_metadata_ready for", [](grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { return batch->recv_initial_metadata && batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata .recv_initial_metadata_ready != nullptr; }); if (pending == nullptr) { return; } // Return metadata. *pending->batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = std::move(call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_); // Propagate trailing_metadata_available. *pending->batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.trailing_metadata_available = call_attempt_->trailing_metadata_available_; // Update bookkeeping. // Note: Need to do this before invoking the callback, since invoking // the callback will result in yielding the call combiner. grpc_closure* recv_initial_metadata_ready = pending->batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata .recv_initial_metadata_ready; pending->batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready = nullptr; call_attempt_->calld_->MaybeClearPendingBatch(pending); // Add callback to closures. closures->Add(recv_initial_metadata_ready, error, "recv_initial_metadata_ready for pending batch"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: RecvInitialMetadataReady(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { RefCountedPtr batch_data(static_cast(arg)); CallAttempt* call_attempt = batch_data->call_attempt_; RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p batch_data=%p: " "got recv_initial_metadata_ready, error=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, batch_data.get(), StatusToString(error).c_str()); } call_attempt->completed_recv_initial_metadata_ = true; // If this attempt has been abandoned, then we're not going to use the // result of this recv_initial_metadata op, so do nothing. if (call_attempt->abandoned_) { GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP( calld->call_combiner_, "recv_initial_metadata_ready for abandoned attempt"); return; } // Cancel per-attempt recv timer, if any. call_attempt->MaybeCancelPerAttemptRecvTimer(); // If we're not committed, check the response to see if we need to commit. if (!calld->retry_committed_) { // If we got an error or a Trailers-Only response and have not yet gotten // the recv_trailing_metadata_ready callback, then defer propagating this // callback back to the surface. We can evaluate whether to retry when // recv_trailing_metadata comes back. if (GPR_UNLIKELY( (call_attempt->trailing_metadata_available_ || !error.ok()) && !call_attempt->completed_recv_trailing_metadata_)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: deferring " "recv_initial_metadata_ready (Trailers-Only)", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt); } call_attempt->recv_initial_metadata_ready_deferred_batch_ = std::move(batch_data); call_attempt->recv_initial_metadata_error_ = error; CallCombinerClosureList closures; if (!error.ok()) { call_attempt->MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp(error, &closures); } if (!call_attempt->started_recv_trailing_metadata_) { // recv_trailing_metadata not yet started by application; start it // ourselves to get status. call_attempt->AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(&closures); } closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); return; } // Received valid initial metadata, so commit the call. calld->RetryCommit(call_attempt); // If retry state is no longer needed, switch to fast path for // subsequent batches. call_attempt->MaybeSwitchToFastPath(); } // Invoke the callback to return the result to the surface. CallCombinerClosureList closures; batch_data->MaybeAddClosureForRecvInitialMetadataCallback(error, &closures); closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); } // // recv_message callback handling // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: MaybeAddClosureForRecvMessageCallback(grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { // Find pending op. PendingBatch* pending = call_attempt_->calld_->PendingBatchFind( "invoking recv_message_ready for", [](grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { return batch->recv_message && batch->payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready != nullptr; }); if (pending == nullptr) { return; } // Return payload. *pending->batch->payload->recv_message.recv_message = std::move(call_attempt_->recv_message_); *pending->batch->payload->recv_message.flags = call_attempt_->recv_message_flags_; // Update bookkeeping. // Note: Need to do this before invoking the callback, since invoking // the callback will result in yielding the call combiner. grpc_closure* recv_message_ready = pending->batch->payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready; pending->batch->payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready = nullptr; call_attempt_->calld_->MaybeClearPendingBatch(pending); // Add callback to closures. closures->Add(recv_message_ready, error, "recv_message_ready for pending batch"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::RecvMessageReady( void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { RefCountedPtr batch_data(static_cast(arg)); CallAttempt* call_attempt = batch_data->call_attempt_; RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p batch_data=%p: " "got recv_message_ready, error=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, batch_data.get(), StatusToString(error).c_str()); } ++call_attempt->completed_recv_message_count_; // If this attempt has been abandoned, then we're not going to use the // result of this recv_message op, so do nothing. if (call_attempt->abandoned_) { // The transport will not invoke recv_trailing_metadata_ready until the byte // stream for any recv_message op is orphaned, so we do that here to ensure // that any pending recv_trailing_metadata op can complete. call_attempt->recv_message_.reset(); GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP(calld->call_combiner_, "recv_message_ready for abandoned attempt"); return; } // Cancel per-attempt recv timer, if any. call_attempt->MaybeCancelPerAttemptRecvTimer(); // If we're not committed, check the response to see if we need to commit. if (!calld->retry_committed_) { // If we got an error or the payload was nullptr and we have not yet gotten // the recv_trailing_metadata_ready callback, then defer propagating this // callback back to the surface. We can evaluate whether to retry when // recv_trailing_metadata comes back. if (GPR_UNLIKELY( (!call_attempt->recv_message_.has_value() || !error.ok()) && !call_attempt->completed_recv_trailing_metadata_)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: deferring recv_message_ready " "(nullptr message and recv_trailing_metadata pending)", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt); } call_attempt->recv_message_ready_deferred_batch_ = std::move(batch_data); call_attempt->recv_message_error_ = error; CallCombinerClosureList closures; if (!error.ok()) { call_attempt->MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp(error, &closures); } if (!call_attempt->started_recv_trailing_metadata_) { // recv_trailing_metadata not yet started by application; start it // ourselves to get status. call_attempt->AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(&closures); } closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); return; } // Received a valid message, so commit the call. calld->RetryCommit(call_attempt); // If retry state is no longer needed, switch to fast path for // subsequent batches. call_attempt->MaybeSwitchToFastPath(); } // Invoke the callback to return the result to the surface. CallCombinerClosureList closures; batch_data->MaybeAddClosureForRecvMessageCallback(error, &closures); closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); } // // recv_trailing_metadata handling // namespace { // Sets *status, *server_pushback, and *is_lb_drop based on md_batch // and error. void GetCallStatus( Timestamp deadline, grpc_metadata_batch* md_batch, grpc_error_handle error, grpc_status_code* status, absl::optional* server_pushback, bool* is_lb_drop, absl::optional* stream_network_state) { if (!error.ok()) { grpc_error_get_status(error, deadline, status, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); intptr_t value = 0; if (grpc_error_get_int(error, StatusIntProperty::kLbPolicyDrop, &value) && value != 0) { *is_lb_drop = true; } } else { *status = *md_batch->get(GrpcStatusMetadata()); } *server_pushback = md_batch->get(GrpcRetryPushbackMsMetadata()); *stream_network_state = md_batch->get(GrpcStreamNetworkState()); } } // namespace void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: MaybeAddClosureForRecvTrailingMetadataReady( grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; // Find pending batch. PendingBatch* pending = calld->PendingBatchFind( "invoking recv_trailing_metadata_ready for", [](grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { return batch->recv_trailing_metadata && batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata .recv_trailing_metadata_ready != nullptr; }); // If we generated the recv_trailing_metadata op internally via // AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(), then there will be no // pending batch. if (pending == nullptr) { call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_error_ = error; return; } // Copy transport stats to be delivered up to the surface. grpc_transport_move_stats( &call_attempt_->collect_stats_, pending->batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.collect_stats); // Return metadata. *pending->batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata = std::move(call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_); // Add closure. closures->Add(pending->batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata .recv_trailing_metadata_ready, error, "recv_trailing_metadata_ready for pending batch"); // Update bookkeeping. pending->batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready = nullptr; calld->MaybeClearPendingBatch(pending); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddClosuresForDeferredCompletionCallbacks( CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { // Add closure for deferred recv_initial_metadata_ready. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_ready_deferred_batch_ != nullptr)) { MaybeAddClosureForRecvInitialMetadataCallback( call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_error_, closures); call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_ready_deferred_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "resuming deferred recv_initial_metadata_ready"); call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); } // Add closure for deferred recv_message_ready. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(call_attempt_->recv_message_ready_deferred_batch_ != nullptr)) { MaybeAddClosureForRecvMessageCallback(call_attempt_->recv_message_error_, closures); call_attempt_->recv_message_ready_deferred_batch_.reset( DEBUG_LOCATION, "resuming deferred recv_message_ready"); call_attempt_->recv_message_error_ = absl::OkStatus(); } // Add closures for deferred on_complete callbacks. for (auto& on_complete_deferred_batch : call_attempt_->on_complete_deferred_batches_) { closures->Add(&on_complete_deferred_batch.batch->on_complete_, on_complete_deferred_batch.error, "resuming on_complete"); on_complete_deferred_batch.batch.release(); } call_attempt_->on_complete_deferred_batches_.clear(); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddClosuresToFailUnstartedPendingBatches( grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(calld->pending_batches_); ++i) { PendingBatch* pending = &calld->pending_batches_[i]; if (pending->batch == nullptr) continue; if (call_attempt_->PendingBatchContainsUnstartedSendOps(pending)) { closures->Add(pending->batch->on_complete, error, "failing on_complete for pending batch"); pending->batch->on_complete = nullptr; calld->MaybeClearPendingBatch(pending); } } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: RunClosuresForCompletedCall(grpc_error_handle error) { // Construct list of closures to execute. CallCombinerClosureList closures; // First, add closure for recv_trailing_metadata_ready. MaybeAddClosureForRecvTrailingMetadataReady(error, &closures); // If there are deferred batch completion callbacks, add them to closures. AddClosuresForDeferredCompletionCallbacks(&closures); // Add closures to fail any pending batches that have not yet been started. AddClosuresToFailUnstartedPendingBatches(error, &closures); // Schedule all of the closures identified above. // Note: This will release the call combiner. closures.RunClosures(call_attempt_->calld_->call_combiner_); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: RecvTrailingMetadataReady(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { RefCountedPtr batch_data(static_cast(arg)); CallAttempt* call_attempt = batch_data->call_attempt_; RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p batch_data=%p: " "got recv_trailing_metadata_ready, error=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, batch_data.get(), StatusToString(error).c_str()); } call_attempt->completed_recv_trailing_metadata_ = true; // If this attempt has been abandoned, then we're not going to use the // result of this recv_trailing_metadata op, so do nothing. if (call_attempt->abandoned_) { GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP( calld->call_combiner_, "recv_trailing_metadata_ready for abandoned attempt"); return; } // Cancel per-attempt recv timer, if any. call_attempt->MaybeCancelPerAttemptRecvTimer(); // Get the call's status and check for server pushback metadata. grpc_status_code status = GRPC_STATUS_OK; absl::optional server_pushback; bool is_lb_drop = false; absl::optional stream_network_state; grpc_metadata_batch* md_batch = batch_data->batch_.payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata; GetCallStatus(calld->deadline_, md_batch, error, &status, &server_pushback, &is_lb_drop, &stream_network_state); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: call finished, status=%s " "server_pushback=%s is_lb_drop=%d stream_network_state=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, grpc_status_code_to_string(status), server_pushback.has_value() ? server_pushback->ToString().c_str() : "N/A", is_lb_drop, stream_network_state.has_value() ? absl::StrCat(*stream_network_state).c_str() : "N/A"); } // Check if we should retry. if (!is_lb_drop) { // Never retry on LB drops. enum { kNoRetry, kTransparentRetry, kConfigurableRetry } retry = kNoRetry; // Handle transparent retries. if (stream_network_state.has_value() && !calld->retry_committed_) { // If not sent on wire, then always retry. // If sent on wire but not seen by server, retry exactly once. if (*stream_network_state == GrpcStreamNetworkState::kNotSentOnWire) { retry = kTransparentRetry; } else if (*stream_network_state == GrpcStreamNetworkState::kNotSeenByServer && !calld->sent_transparent_retry_not_seen_by_server_) { calld->sent_transparent_retry_not_seen_by_server_ = true; retry = kTransparentRetry; } } // If not transparently retrying, check for configurable retry. if (retry == kNoRetry && call_attempt->ShouldRetry(status, server_pushback)) { retry = kConfigurableRetry; } // If we're retrying, do so. if (retry != kNoRetry) { CallCombinerClosureList closures; // Cancel call attempt. call_attempt->MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp( error.ok() ? grpc_error_set_int( GRPC_ERROR_CREATE("call attempt failed"), StatusIntProperty::kRpcStatus, GRPC_STATUS_CANCELLED) : error, &closures); // For transparent retries, add a closure to immediately start a new // call attempt. // For configurable retries, start retry timer. if (retry == kTransparentRetry) { calld->AddClosureToStartTransparentRetry(&closures); } else { calld->StartRetryTimer(server_pushback); } // Record that this attempt has been abandoned. call_attempt->Abandon(); // Yields call combiner. closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); return; } } // Not retrying, so commit the call. calld->RetryCommit(call_attempt); // If retry state is no longer needed, switch to fast path for // subsequent batches. call_attempt->MaybeSwitchToFastPath(); // Run any necessary closures. batch_data->RunClosuresForCompletedCall(error); } // // on_complete callback handling // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddClosuresForCompletedPendingBatch(grpc_error_handle error, CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; PendingBatch* pending = calld->PendingBatchFind( "completed", [this](grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { // Match the pending batch with the same set of send ops as the // batch we've just completed. return batch->on_complete != nullptr && batch_.send_initial_metadata == batch->send_initial_metadata && batch_.send_message == batch->send_message && batch_.send_trailing_metadata == batch->send_trailing_metadata; }); // If batch_data is a replay batch, then there will be no pending // batch to complete. if (pending == nullptr) { return; } // Propagate payload. if (batch_.send_message) { pending->batch->payload->send_message.stream_write_closed = batch_.payload->send_message.stream_write_closed; } // Add closure. closures->Add(pending->batch->on_complete, error, "on_complete for pending batch"); pending->batch->on_complete = nullptr; calld->MaybeClearPendingBatch(pending); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddClosuresForReplayOrPendingSendOps(CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; bool have_pending_send_ops = call_attempt_->HaveSendOpsToReplay(); // We don't check send_initial_metadata here, because that op will always // be started as soon as it is received from the surface, so it will // never need to be started at this point. if (!have_pending_send_ops) { for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(calld->pending_batches_); ++i) { PendingBatch* pending = &calld->pending_batches_[i]; grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; if (batch == nullptr || pending->send_ops_cached) continue; if (batch->send_message || batch->send_trailing_metadata) { have_pending_send_ops = true; break; } } } if (have_pending_send_ops) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: starting next batch for pending " "send op(s)", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt_); } call_attempt_->AddRetriableBatches(closures); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::OnComplete( void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { RefCountedPtr batch_data(static_cast(arg)); CallAttempt* call_attempt = batch_data->call_attempt_; RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p batch_data=%p: " "got on_complete, error=%s, batch=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, batch_data.get(), StatusToString(error).c_str(), grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_string(&batch_data->batch_, false) .c_str()); } // If this attempt has been abandoned, then we're not going to propagate // the completion of this batch, so do nothing. if (call_attempt->abandoned_) { GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP(calld->call_combiner_, "on_complete for abandoned attempt"); return; } // If we got an error and have not yet gotten the // recv_trailing_metadata_ready callback, then defer propagating this // callback back to the surface. We can evaluate whether to retry when // recv_trailing_metadata comes back. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(!calld->retry_committed_ && !error.ok() && !call_attempt->completed_recv_trailing_metadata_)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: deferring on_complete", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt); } call_attempt->on_complete_deferred_batches_.emplace_back( std::move(batch_data), error); CallCombinerClosureList closures; call_attempt->MaybeAddBatchForCancelOp(error, &closures); if (!call_attempt->started_recv_trailing_metadata_) { // recv_trailing_metadata not yet started by application; start it // ourselves to get status. call_attempt->AddBatchForInternalRecvTrailingMetadata(&closures); } closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); return; } // Update bookkeeping in call_attempt. if (batch_data->batch_.send_initial_metadata) { call_attempt->completed_send_initial_metadata_ = true; } if (batch_data->batch_.send_message) { ++call_attempt->completed_send_message_count_; } if (batch_data->batch_.send_trailing_metadata) { call_attempt->completed_send_trailing_metadata_ = true; } // If the call is committed, free cached data for send ops that we've just // completed. if (calld->retry_committed_) { batch_data->FreeCachedSendOpDataForCompletedBatch(); } // Construct list of closures to execute. CallCombinerClosureList closures; // Add closure for the completed pending batch, if any. batch_data->AddClosuresForCompletedPendingBatch(error, &closures); // If needed, add a callback to start any replay or pending send ops on // the LB call. if (!call_attempt->completed_recv_trailing_metadata_) { batch_data->AddClosuresForReplayOrPendingSendOps(&closures); } // If retry state is no longer needed (i.e., we're committed and there // are no more send ops to replay), switch to fast path for subsequent // batches. call_attempt->MaybeSwitchToFastPath(); // Schedule all of the closures identified above. // Note: This yields the call combiner. closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner_); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::OnCompleteForCancelOp( void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { RefCountedPtr batch_data(static_cast(arg)); CallAttempt* call_attempt = batch_data->call_attempt_; RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* calld = call_attempt->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p batch_data=%p: " "got on_complete for cancel_stream batch, error=%s, batch=%s", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt, batch_data.get(), StatusToString(error).c_str(), grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_string(&batch_data->batch_, false) .c_str()); } GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP( calld->call_combiner_, "on_complete for internally generated cancel_stream op"); } // // retriable batch construction // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableSendInitialMetadataOp() { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; // We need to make a copy of the metadata batch for each attempt, since // the filters in the subchannel stack may modify this batch, and we don't // want those modifications to be passed forward to subsequent attempts. // // If we've already completed one or more attempts, add the // grpc-retry-attempts header. call_attempt_->send_initial_metadata_ = calld->send_initial_metadata_.Copy(); if (GPR_UNLIKELY(calld->num_attempts_completed_ > 0)) { call_attempt_->send_initial_metadata_.Set(GrpcPreviousRpcAttemptsMetadata(), calld->num_attempts_completed_); } else { call_attempt_->send_initial_metadata_.Remove( GrpcPreviousRpcAttemptsMetadata()); } call_attempt_->started_send_initial_metadata_ = true; batch_.send_initial_metadata = true; batch_.payload->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata = &call_attempt_->send_initial_metadata_; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableSendMessageOp() { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log( GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p attempt=%p: starting calld->send_messages[%" PRIuPTR "]", calld->chand_, calld, call_attempt_, call_attempt_->started_send_message_count_); } CachedSendMessage cache = calld->send_messages_[call_attempt_->started_send_message_count_]; ++call_attempt_->started_send_message_count_; batch_.send_message = true; batch_.payload->send_message.send_message = cache.slices; batch_.payload->send_message.flags = cache.flags; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableSendTrailingMetadataOp() { auto* calld = call_attempt_->calld_; // We need to make a copy of the metadata batch for each attempt, since // the filters in the subchannel stack may modify this batch, and we don't // want those modifications to be passed forward to subsequent attempts. call_attempt_->send_trailing_metadata_ = calld->send_trailing_metadata_.Copy(); call_attempt_->started_send_trailing_metadata_ = true; batch_.send_trailing_metadata = true; batch_.payload->send_trailing_metadata.send_trailing_metadata = &call_attempt_->send_trailing_metadata_; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableRecvInitialMetadataOp() { call_attempt_->started_recv_initial_metadata_ = true; batch_.recv_initial_metadata = true; call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_.Clear(); batch_.payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = &call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_; batch_.payload->recv_initial_metadata.trailing_metadata_available = &call_attempt_->trailing_metadata_available_; GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_ready_, RecvInitialMetadataReady, this, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); batch_.payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready = &call_attempt_->recv_initial_metadata_ready_; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableRecvMessageOp() { ++call_attempt_->started_recv_message_count_; batch_.recv_message = true; batch_.payload->recv_message.recv_message = &call_attempt_->recv_message_; batch_.payload->recv_message.flags = &call_attempt_->recv_message_flags_; batch_.payload->recv_message.call_failed_before_recv_message = nullptr; GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&call_attempt_->recv_message_ready_, RecvMessageReady, this, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); batch_.payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready = &call_attempt_->recv_message_ready_; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData:: AddRetriableRecvTrailingMetadataOp() { call_attempt_->started_recv_trailing_metadata_ = true; batch_.recv_trailing_metadata = true; call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_.Clear(); batch_.payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata = &call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_; batch_.payload->recv_trailing_metadata.collect_stats = &call_attempt_->collect_stats_; GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_ready_, RecvTrailingMetadataReady, this, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); batch_.payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready = &call_attempt_->recv_trailing_metadata_ready_; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::AddCancelStreamOp( grpc_error_handle error) { batch_.cancel_stream = true; batch_.payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error = error; // Override on_complete callback. GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&on_complete_, OnCompleteForCancelOp, this, nullptr); } // // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData vtable functions // grpc_error_handle RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::Init( grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_element_args* args) { auto* chand = static_cast(elem->channel_data); new (elem->call_data) RetryFilter::LegacyCallData(chand, *args); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: created call", chand, elem->call_data); } return absl::OkStatus(); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::Destroy( grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_final_info* /*final_info*/, grpc_closure* then_schedule_closure) { auto* calld = static_cast(elem->call_data); // Save our ref to the CallStackDestructionBarrier until after our // dtor is invoked. RefCountedPtr call_stack_destruction_barrier = std::move(calld->call_stack_destruction_barrier_); calld->~LegacyCallData(); // Now set the callback in the CallStackDestructionBarrier object, // right before we release our ref to it (implicitly upon returning). // The callback will be invoked when the CallStackDestructionBarrier // is destroyed. call_stack_destruction_barrier->set_on_call_stack_destruction( then_schedule_closure); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::StartTransportStreamOpBatch( grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { auto* calld = static_cast(elem->call_data); calld->StartTransportStreamOpBatch(batch); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::SetPollent(grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_polling_entity* pollent) { auto* calld = static_cast(elem->call_data); calld->pollent_ = pollent; } // // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData implementation // RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::LegacyCallData(RetryFilter* chand, const grpc_call_element_args& args) : chand_(chand), retry_throttle_data_(chand->retry_throttle_data()), retry_policy_(chand->GetRetryPolicy(args.arena)), retry_backoff_( BackOff::Options() .set_initial_backoff(retry_policy_ == nullptr ? Duration::Zero() : retry_policy_->initial_backoff()) .set_multiplier(retry_policy_ == nullptr ? 0 : retry_policy_->backoff_multiplier()) .set_jitter(RetryFilter::BackoffJitter()) .set_max_backoff(retry_policy_ == nullptr ? Duration::Zero() : retry_policy_->max_backoff())), path_(CSliceRef(args.path)), deadline_(args.deadline), arena_(args.arena), owning_call_(args.call_stack), call_combiner_(args.call_combiner), call_stack_destruction_barrier_( arena_->New()), pending_send_initial_metadata_(false), pending_send_message_(false), pending_send_trailing_metadata_(false), retry_committed_(false), retry_codepath_started_(false), sent_transparent_retry_not_seen_by_server_(false) {} RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::~LegacyCallData() { FreeAllCachedSendOpData(); CSliceUnref(path_); // Make sure there are no remaining pending batches. for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(pending_batches_); ++i) { CHECK_EQ(pending_batches_[i].batch, nullptr); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::StartTransportStreamOpBatch( grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry) && !GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(channel)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: batch started from surface: %s", chand_, this, grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_string(batch, false).c_str()); } // If we have an LB call, delegate to the LB call. if (committed_call_ != nullptr) { // Note: This will release the call combiner. committed_call_->StartTransportStreamOpBatch(batch); return; } // If we were previously cancelled from the surface, fail this // batch immediately. if (!cancelled_from_surface_.ok()) { // Note: This will release the call combiner. grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( batch, cancelled_from_surface_, call_combiner_); return; } // Handle cancellation. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(batch->cancel_stream)) { // Save cancel_error in case subsequent batches are started. cancelled_from_surface_ = batch->payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: cancelled from surface: %s", chand_, this, StatusToString(cancelled_from_surface_).c_str()); } // Fail any pending batches. PendingBatchesFail(cancelled_from_surface_); // If we have a current call attempt, commit the call, then send // the cancellation down to that attempt. When the call fails, it // will not be retried, because we have committed it here. if (call_attempt_ != nullptr) { RetryCommit(call_attempt_.get()); // TODO(roth): When implementing hedging, this will get more // complex, because instead of just passing the batch down to a // single call attempt, we'll need to cancel multiple call // attempts and wait for the cancellation on_complete from each call // attempt before we propagate the on_complete from this batch // back to the surface. // Note: This will release the call combiner. call_attempt_->CancelFromSurface(batch); return; } // Cancel retry timer if needed. if (retry_timer_handle_.has_value()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: cancelling retry timer", chand_, this); } if (chand_->event_engine()->Cancel(*retry_timer_handle_)) { GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(owning_call_, "OnRetryTimer"); } retry_timer_handle_.reset(); FreeAllCachedSendOpData(); } // We have no call attempt, so there's nowhere to send the cancellation // batch. Return it back to the surface immediately. // Note: This will release the call combiner. grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( batch, cancelled_from_surface_, call_combiner_); return; } // Add the batch to the pending list. PendingBatch* pending = PendingBatchesAdd(batch); // If the timer is pending, yield the call combiner and wait for it to // run, since we don't want to start another call attempt until it does. if (retry_timer_handle_.has_value()) { GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP(call_combiner_, "added pending batch while retry timer pending"); return; } // If we do not yet have a call attempt, create one. if (call_attempt_ == nullptr) { // If this is the first batch and retries are already committed // (e.g., if this batch put the call above the buffer size limit), then // immediately create an LB call and delegate the batch to it. This // avoids the overhead of unnecessarily allocating a CallAttempt // object or caching any of the send op data. // Note that we would ideally like to do this also on subsequent // attempts (e.g., if a batch puts the call above the buffer size // limit since the last attempt was complete), but in practice that's // not really worthwhile, because we will almost always have cached and // completed at least the send_initial_metadata op on the previous // attempt, which means that we'd need special logic to replay the // batch anyway, which is exactly what the CallAttempt object provides. // We also skip this optimization if perAttemptRecvTimeout is set in the // retry policy, because we need the code in CallAttempt to handle // the associated timer. if (!retry_codepath_started_ && retry_committed_ && (retry_policy_ == nullptr || !retry_policy_->per_attempt_recv_timeout().has_value())) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: retry committed before first attempt; " "creating LB call", chand_, this); } PendingBatchClear(pending); auto* service_config_call_data = DownCast( arena_->GetContext()); committed_call_ = CreateLoadBalancedCall( [service_config_call_data]() { service_config_call_data->Commit(); }, /*is_transparent_retry=*/false); committed_call_->StartTransportStreamOpBatch(batch); return; } // Otherwise, create a call attempt. // The attempt will automatically start any necessary replays or // pending batches. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: creating call attempt", chand_, this); } retry_codepath_started_ = true; CreateCallAttempt(/*is_transparent_retry=*/false); return; } // Send batches to call attempt. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: starting batch on attempt=%p", chand_, this, call_attempt_.get()); } call_attempt_->StartRetriableBatches(); } OrphanablePtr RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CreateLoadBalancedCall( absl::AnyInvocable on_commit, bool is_transparent_retry) { grpc_call_element_args args = {owning_call_, nullptr, path_, /*start_time=*/0, deadline_, arena_, call_combiner_}; return chand_->client_channel()->CreateLoadBalancedCall( args, pollent_, // This callback holds a ref to the CallStackDestructionBarrier // object until the LB call is destroyed. call_stack_destruction_barrier_->MakeLbCallDestructionClosure(this), std::move(on_commit), is_transparent_retry); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::CreateCallAttempt(bool is_transparent_retry) { call_attempt_ = MakeRefCounted(this, is_transparent_retry); call_attempt_->StartRetriableBatches(); } // // send op data caching // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::MaybeCacheSendOpsForBatch( PendingBatch* pending) { if (pending->send_ops_cached) return; pending->send_ops_cached = true; grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; // Save a copy of metadata for send_initial_metadata ops. if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { seen_send_initial_metadata_ = true; grpc_metadata_batch* send_initial_metadata = batch->payload->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata; send_initial_metadata_ = send_initial_metadata->Copy(); } // Set up cache for send_message ops. if (batch->send_message) { SliceBuffer* cache = arena_->New(std::move( *std::exchange(batch->payload->send_message.send_message, nullptr))); send_messages_.push_back({cache, batch->payload->send_message.flags}); } // Save metadata batch for send_trailing_metadata ops. if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) { seen_send_trailing_metadata_ = true; grpc_metadata_batch* send_trailing_metadata = batch->payload->send_trailing_metadata.send_trailing_metadata; send_trailing_metadata_ = send_trailing_metadata->Copy(); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::FreeCachedSendInitialMetadata() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: destroying send_initial_metadata", chand_, this); } send_initial_metadata_.Clear(); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::FreeCachedSendMessage(size_t idx) { if (send_messages_[idx].slices != nullptr) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: destroying send_messages[%" PRIuPTR "]", chand_, this, idx); } Destruct(std::exchange(send_messages_[idx].slices, nullptr)); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::FreeCachedSendTrailingMetadata() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: destroying send_trailing_metadata", chand_, this); } send_trailing_metadata_.Clear(); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::FreeAllCachedSendOpData() { if (seen_send_initial_metadata_) { FreeCachedSendInitialMetadata(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < send_messages_.size(); ++i) { FreeCachedSendMessage(i); } if (seen_send_trailing_metadata_) { FreeCachedSendTrailingMetadata(); } } // // pending_batches management // size_t RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::GetBatchIndex( grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { if (batch->send_initial_metadata) return 0; if (batch->send_message) return 1; if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) return 2; if (batch->recv_initial_metadata) return 3; if (batch->recv_message) return 4; if (batch->recv_trailing_metadata) return 5; GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return (size_t)-1); } // This is called via the call combiner, so access to calld is synchronized. RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatch* RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatchesAdd( grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { const size_t idx = GetBatchIndex(batch); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: adding pending batch at index %" PRIuPTR, chand_, this, idx); } PendingBatch* pending = &pending_batches_[idx]; CHECK_EQ(pending->batch, nullptr); pending->batch = batch; pending->send_ops_cached = false; // Update state in calld about pending batches. // Also check if the batch takes us over the retry buffer limit. // Note: We don't check the size of trailing metadata here, because // gRPC clients do not send trailing metadata. if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { pending_send_initial_metadata_ = true; bytes_buffered_for_retry_ += batch->payload->send_initial_metadata .send_initial_metadata->TransportSize(); } if (batch->send_message) { pending_send_message_ = true; bytes_buffered_for_retry_ += batch->payload->send_message.send_message->Length(); } if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) { pending_send_trailing_metadata_ = true; } // TODO(roth): When we implement hedging, if there are currently attempts // in flight, we will need to pick the one on which the max number of send // ops have already been sent, and we commit to that attempt. if (GPR_UNLIKELY(bytes_buffered_for_retry_ > chand_->per_rpc_retry_buffer_size())) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: exceeded retry buffer size, committing", chand_, this); } RetryCommit(call_attempt_.get()); } return pending; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatchClear(PendingBatch* pending) { if (pending->batch->send_initial_metadata) { pending_send_initial_metadata_ = false; } if (pending->batch->send_message) { pending_send_message_ = false; } if (pending->batch->send_trailing_metadata) { pending_send_trailing_metadata_ = false; } pending->batch = nullptr; } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::MaybeClearPendingBatch( PendingBatch* pending) { grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; // We clear the pending batch if all of its callbacks have been // scheduled and reset to nullptr. if (batch->on_complete == nullptr && (!batch->recv_initial_metadata || batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready == nullptr) && (!batch->recv_message || batch->payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready == nullptr) && (!batch->recv_trailing_metadata || batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready == nullptr)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: clearing pending batch", chand_, this); } PendingBatchClear(pending); } } // This is called via the call combiner, so access to calld is synchronized. void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::FailPendingBatchInCallCombiner( void* arg, grpc_error_handle error) { grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = static_cast(arg); RetryFilter::LegacyCallData* call = static_cast( batch->handler_private.extra_arg); // Note: This will release the call combiner. grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure(batch, error, call->call_combiner_); } // This is called via the call combiner, so access to calld is synchronized. void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatchesFail(grpc_error_handle error) { CHECK(!error.ok()); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { size_t num_batches = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(pending_batches_); ++i) { if (pending_batches_[i].batch != nullptr) ++num_batches; } gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: failing %" PRIuPTR " pending batches: %s", chand_, this, num_batches, StatusToString(error).c_str()); } CallCombinerClosureList closures; for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(pending_batches_); ++i) { PendingBatch* pending = &pending_batches_[i]; grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; if (batch != nullptr) { batch->handler_private.extra_arg = this; GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&batch->handler_private.closure, FailPendingBatchInCallCombiner, batch, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); closures.Add(&batch->handler_private.closure, error, "PendingBatchesFail"); PendingBatchClear(pending); } } closures.RunClosuresWithoutYielding(call_combiner_); } template RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatch* RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::PendingBatchFind(const char* log_message, Predicate predicate) { for (size_t i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(pending_batches_); ++i) { PendingBatch* pending = &pending_batches_[i]; grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch = pending->batch; if (batch != nullptr && predicate(batch)) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: %s pending batch at index %" PRIuPTR, chand_, this, log_message, i); } return pending; } } return nullptr; } // // retry code // void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::RetryCommit(CallAttempt* call_attempt) { if (retry_committed_) return; retry_committed_ = true; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: committing retries", chand_, this); } if (call_attempt != nullptr) { // If the call attempt's LB call has been committed, invoke the // call's on_commit callback. // Note: If call_attempt is null, this is happening before the first // retry attempt is started, in which case we'll just pass the real // on_commit callback down into the LB call, and it won't be our // problem anymore. if (call_attempt->lb_call_committed()) { auto* service_config_call_data = DownCast( arena_->GetContext()); service_config_call_data->Commit(); } // Free cached send ops. call_attempt->FreeCachedSendOpDataAfterCommit(); } } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::StartRetryTimer( absl::optional server_pushback) { // Reset call attempt. call_attempt_.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "StartRetryTimer"); // Compute backoff delay. Duration next_attempt_timeout; if (server_pushback.has_value()) { CHECK(*server_pushback >= Duration::Zero()); next_attempt_timeout = *server_pushback; retry_backoff_.Reset(); } else { next_attempt_timeout = retry_backoff_.NextAttemptTime() - Timestamp::Now(); } if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: retrying failed call in %" PRId64 " ms", chand_, this, next_attempt_timeout.millis()); } // Schedule retry after computed delay. GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(owning_call_, "OnRetryTimer"); retry_timer_handle_ = chand_->event_engine()->RunAfter(next_attempt_timeout, [this] { ApplicationCallbackExecCtx callback_exec_ctx; ExecCtx exec_ctx; OnRetryTimer(); }); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::OnRetryTimer() { GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&retry_closure_, OnRetryTimerLocked, this, nullptr); GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_START(call_combiner_, &retry_closure_, absl::OkStatus(), "retry timer fired"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::OnRetryTimerLocked( void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) { auto* calld = static_cast(arg); if (calld->retry_timer_handle_.has_value()) { calld->retry_timer_handle_.reset(); calld->CreateCallAttempt(/*is_transparent_retry=*/false); } GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(calld->owning_call_, "OnRetryTimer"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::AddClosureToStartTransparentRetry( CallCombinerClosureList* closures) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(retry)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: scheduling transparent retry", chand_, this); } GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(owning_call_, "OnRetryTimer"); GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&retry_closure_, StartTransparentRetry, this, nullptr); closures->Add(&retry_closure_, absl::OkStatus(), "start transparent retry"); } void RetryFilter::LegacyCallData::StartTransparentRetry( void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) { auto* calld = static_cast(arg); if (calld->cancelled_from_surface_.ok()) { calld->CreateCallAttempt(/*is_transparent_retry=*/true); } else { GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP(calld->call_combiner_, "call cancelled before transparent retry"); } GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(calld->owning_call_, "OnRetryTimer"); } } // namespace grpc_core