/** @license
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Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * @fileoverview Assertion functions for use in webdriver test cases.
 * @author jmleyba@gmail.com (Jason Leyba)



 * @param {webdriver.Future|Object} obj The object to get the value form.
 * @return {*} The value of the given object.
webdriver.asserts.getValue_ = function(obj) {
  return obj instanceof webdriver.Future ? obj.getValue() : obj;

 * Returns a string with the following format: "<$value> ($type)" where $value
 * is the String representation of the {@code obj} and $type is its type.
 * @param {*} obj The object to build a string for.
 * @return {string} A string describing the given object.
webdriver.asserts.objToString = function(obj) {
  var value = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(obj);
  var valueStr = goog.isDef(value) ? String(value) : 'undefined';
  return '<' + valueStr + '> (' + goog.typeOf(value) + ')';

 * A class for determining if a value matches a defined criteria.
 * @param {function} matchFn A function that takes a single argument and whether
 *     that argument matches the criteria defined by this Matcher.
 * @param {function} describeFn A function that returns a string describing the
 *     criteria for this matcher.  The string returned by this function should
 *     finish this sentence: "Expected to..."
 * @constructor
webdriver.asserts.Matcher = function(matchFn, describeFn) {
  this.matches = matchFn;
  this.describe = describeFn;

 * Factory method for a {@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher} that does a
 * {@code ===} comparison between the expected and actual values.
 * @param {*} expected The expected value.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} An equality matcher.
webdriver.asserts.Matcher.equals = function(expected) {
  return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
      function (actual) {
        return webdriver.asserts.getValue_(expected) ===
      function () {
        return 'equal ' + webdriver.asserts.objToString(expected);
goog.exportSymbol('equals', webdriver.asserts.Matcher.equals);
goog.exportSymbol('is', webdriver.asserts.Matcher.equals);

 * Creates a {@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher} that tests if the actual
 * value contains the expected value.
 * @param {string} expected The string expected to be in the actual value.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} A new matcher.
webdriver.asserts.Matcher.contains = function(expected) {
  return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
      function (actual) {
        var ev = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(expected);
        var av = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(actual);
        return goog.string.contains(av, ev);
      function () {
        return 'contain ' + webdriver.asserts.objToString(expected);
goog.exportSymbol('contains', webdriver.asserts.Matcher.contains);

 * Creates a {@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher} that tests if the actual value
 * matches the given regular expression.
 * @param {RegEx} regex The expected regular expression.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} A new matcher.
webdriver.asserts.Matcher.matchesRegex = function(regex) {
  if (!(regex instanceof RegExp)) {
    throw new Error('IllegalArgument; must be a RegExp, but was: ' + regex +
                    '(' + goog.typeOf(regex) + ')');
  return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
      function (actual) {
        var av = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(actual);
        return av.match(regex) != null;
      function () {
        return 'match regex ' + regex;
goog.exportSymbol('matchesRegex', webdriver.asserts.Matcher.matchesRegex);

 * Creates a {@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher} that tests if the actual value
 * starts with the given string.
 * @param {string} expected The expected beginning of the tested string.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} A new matcher.
webdriver.asserts.Matcher.startsWith = function(expected) {
  return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
      function (actual) {
        var ev = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(expected);
        var av = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(actual);
        return goog.string.startsWith(av, ev);
      function () {
        return 'start with ' + webdriver.asserts.objToString(expected);
goog.exportSymbol('startsWith', webdriver.asserts.Matcher.startsWith);

 * Creates a {@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher} that tests if the actual value is
 * the same location as the expected value.
 * @param {goog.math.Coordinate} expected The expected location, or a future
 *    whose pending result is the expected location.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} A new matcher.
webdriver.asserts.Matcher.isTheSameLocationAs = function(expected) {
  return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
      function (actual) {
        var ev = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(expected);
        var av = webdriver.asserts.getValue_(actual);
        return goog.math.Coordinate.equals(ev, av);
      function () {
        return 'equal ' + webdriver.asserts.objToString(expected);

 * Verifies that that given value matches the provided {@code Matcher}. This
 * method has two signatures based on the number of arguments:
 * Two arguments:
 *   assertThat(actualValue, matcher)
 * Three arguments:
 *   assertThat(failureMessage, actualValue, matcher)
 * @param {string} failureMessage The message to include in the resulting error
 *     if actualValue does not match matcher.
 * @param {webdriver.Future|Object} The actual value to verify.
 * @param {webdriver.asserts.Matcher} matcher The object to match the actual
 *     value against.  If not an instanceof {@code webdriver.Matcher}, will
 *     default to the matcher returned by the {@code webdriver.equals} factory
 *     function.
webdriver.asserts.assertThat = function(a, b, opt_c) {
  var args = goog.array.slice(arguments, 0);
  var message = args.length > 2 ? (args[0] + '\n') : '';
  var future = args.length > 2 ? args[1] : args[0];

  var matcher = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : args[1];
  if (!(matcher instanceof webdriver.asserts.Matcher)) {
    matcher = webdriver.asserts.Matcher.equals(matcher);

  var doAssertion = function() {
    if (!matcher.matches(future)) {
      throw new Error(message +
          'Expected to ' + matcher.describe() +
          '\n  but was ' + webdriver.asserts.objToString(future));

  if (future instanceof webdriver.Future) {
    // Schedule a function with the Future's controlling driver so the value
    // is verified after it has been set.
  } else {
goog.exportSymbol('assertThat', webdriver.asserts.assertThat);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define some common xUnit paradigm assertion functions, but do not override
// any pre-existing function (e.g. if the jsapi is being used with the jsunit
// library.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

goog.global.fail = goog.global.fail || function(opt_msg) {
  var msg = 'Call to fail()';
  if (opt_msg) {
    msg += ': ' + opt_msg;
  throw new Error(msg);

goog.global.assertEquals = goog.global.assertEquals || function(a, b, opt_c) {
  var args = goog.array.slice(arguments, 0);
  var msg = args.length > 2 ? args[0] : '';
  var expected = args.length > 2 ? args[1] : args[0];
  var actual = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : args[1];
  if (expected !== actual) {
    webdriver.asserts.assertThat(msg, actual, equals(expected));

goog.global.assertTrue = goog.global.assertTrue || function(a, opt_b) {
  var args = goog.array.slice(arguments, 0);
  if (args.length > 1) {
    goog.global.assertEquals(args[0], true, args[1]);
  } else {
    goog.global.assertEquals(true, args[0]);

goog.global.assertFalse = goog.global.assertFalse || function(a, opt_b) {
  var args = goog.array.slice(arguments, 0);
  if (args.length > 1) {
    goog.global.assertEquals(args[0], false, args[1]);
  } else {
    goog.global.assertEquals(false, args[0]);

 * Utility function for inverting a value.  If the input is a...
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code webdriver.asserts.Matcher}, returns a new Matcher that inverts
 * the result of the input</li>
 * <li>{@code webdriver.Future}, returns a new Future whose result will be the
 * inverse of hte input</li>
 * <li>any other type of object, it will be converted to a boolean and
 * inverted</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param {*) input The value to invert.
 * @return {webdriver.asserts.Matcher|webdriver.Future|boolean} The inverted
 *     value according to the rules defined above.
webdriver.not = function(input) {
  if (input instanceof webdriver.Future) {
    var invertedFuture = new webdriver.Future(input.getDriver());
    goog.events.listen(input, goog.events.EventType.CHANGE,
        function() {
    return invertedFuture;
  } else if (input instanceof webdriver.asserts.Matcher) {
    return new webdriver.asserts.Matcher(
        function (actual) {
          return !input.matches(actual);
        function () {
          return 'not ' + input.describe();
  } else {
    return !!!value;
goog.exportSymbol('not', webdriver.not);