# encoding: utf-8 # # Examples for bounding boxes. # require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. example_helper])) Prawn::ManualBuilder::Example.generate("bounding_box.pdf", :page_size => "FOLIO") do package "bounding_box" do |p| p.section "Basics" do |s| s.example "creation" s.example "bounds" end p.section "Advanced" do |s| s.example "stretchy" s.example "nesting" s.example "indentation" s.example "canvas" s.example "russian_boxes" end p.intro do prose("Bounding boxes are the basic containers for structuring the content flow. Even being low level building blocks sometimes their simplicity is very welcome. The examples show:") list( "How to create bounding boxes with specific dimensions", "How to inspect the current bounding box for its coordinates", "Stretchy bounding boxes", "Nested bounding boxes", "Indent blocks" ) end end end