module Locomotive module Concerns module Page module Tree extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ::Mongoid::Tree include ::Mongoid::Tree::Ordering prepend PatchedTreeMethods ## fields ## field :depth, type: Integer, default: 0 ## callbacks ## before_save :persist_depth before_save :ensure_index_position before_destroy :destroy_children ## scopes ## scope :order_by_depth_and_position, -> { order_by(:depth.asc, :position.asc) } ## indexes ## index site_id: 1, depth: 1, position: 1 index depth: 1, position: 1 index position: 1 end module PatchedTreeMethods def ancestors # super.order_by(:depth.asc) end ## # Returns this document's siblings and itself, all scoped by the site # # @return [Mongoid::Criteria] Mongoid criteria to retrieve the document's siblings and itself def siblings_and_self base_class.where(parent_id: self.parent_id, site_id: self.site_id) end private def assign_default_position return if self.position.present? && !self.persisted? super end protected def rearrange_children self.children.reset super end end # Returns the children of this node but with the minimal set of required attributes # # @return [ Array ] The children pages ordered by their position # def children_with_minimal_attributes(attrs = []) self.children.minimal_attributes(attrs) end # Assigns the new position of each child of this node. # # @param [ Array ] ids The ordered list of page ids (string) # def sort_children!(ids) position, cached_children = 0, self.children.to_a ids.each do |id| if child = cached_children.detect { |p| p._id == BSON::ObjectId.from_string(id) } child.position = position position += 1 end end end def depth self.parent_ids.count end protected def persist_depth self.depth = self.parent_ids.count end def ensure_index_position self.position = 0 if self.index? end end end end end