/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ /*global ActiveXObject, XMLHttpRequest, localStorage, alert, confirm, console, document, Promise */ /** * Provides base functionality of the SAP jQuery plugin as extension of the jQuery framework.
* See also jQuery for details.
* Although these functions appear as static ones, they are meant to be used on jQuery instances.
* If not stated differently, the functions follow the fluent interface paradigm and return the jQuery instance for chaining of statements. * * Example for usage of an instance method: *
 *   var oRect = jQuery("#myDiv").rect();
 *   alert("Top Position: " + oRect.top);
* * @namespace jQuery * @public */ sap.ui.define([ // new sap/base/* modules "sap/base/util/now", "sap/base/util/Version", "sap/base/assert", "sap/base/Log", // new sap/ui/* modules "sap/ui/dom/getComputedStyleFix", "sap/ui/dom/activeElementFix", "sap/ui/dom/includeScript", "sap/ui/dom/includeStylesheet", "sap/ui/core/support/Hotkeys", "sap/ui/security/FrameOptions", "sap/ui/performance/Measurement", "sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction", "sap/ui/base/syncXHRFix", "sap/base/util/LoaderExtensions", // former sap-ui-core.js dependencies "sap/ui/Device", "sap/ui/thirdparty/URI", "sap/ui/thirdparty/jquery", "sap/ui/thirdparty/jqueryui/jquery-ui-position", "ui5loader-autoconfig", "jquery.sap.stubs" ], function(now, Version, assert, Log, getComputedStyleFix, activeElementFix, includeScript, includeStylesheet, SupportHotkeys, FrameOptions, Measurement, Interaction, syncXHRFix, LoaderExtensions, Device, URI, jQuery /*, jqueryUiPosition, ui5loaderAutoconfig, jquerySapStubs */) { "use strict"; if ( !jQuery ) { throw new Error("Loading of jQuery failed"); } var ui5loader = sap.ui.loader; if ( !ui5loader || !ui5loader._ ) { throw new Error("The UI5 compatilbility module requires a UI5 specific AMD implementation"); } var _ui5loader = ui5loader._; // early logging support var _earlyLogs = []; function _earlyLog(sLevel, sMessage) { _earlyLogs.push({ level: sLevel, message: sMessage }); } var oJQVersion = Version(jQuery.fn.jquery); (function() { /** * Holds information about the browser's capabilities and quirks. * This object is provided and documented by jQuery. * But it is extended by SAPUI5 with detection for features not covered by jQuery. This documentation ONLY covers the detection properties added by UI5. * For the standard detection properties, please refer to the jQuery documentation. * * These properties added by UI5 are only available temporarily until jQuery adds feature detection on their own. * * @name jQuery.support * @namespace * @private * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.Device} instead */ jQuery.support = jQuery.support || {}; /** * Whether the device has a retina display (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2) * @type {boolean} * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.Device.support.retina} instead */ jQuery.support.retina = Device.support.retina; // this is also defined by jquery-mobile-custom.js, but this information is needed earlier jQuery.support.touch = Device.support.touch; /** * Whether the current browser supports (2D) CSS transforms * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.cssTransforms */ jQuery.support.cssTransforms = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports 3D CSS transforms * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.cssTransforms3d */ jQuery.support.cssTransforms3d = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports CSS transitions * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.cssTransitions */ jQuery.support.cssTransitions = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports (named) CSS animations * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.cssAnimations */ jQuery.support.cssAnimations = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports CSS gradients. Note that ANY support for CSS gradients leads to "true" here, no matter what the syntax is. * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.cssGradients */ jQuery.support.cssGradients = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports only prefixed flexible layout properties * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.flexBoxPrefixed */ jQuery.support.flexBoxPrefixed = false; /** * Whether the current browser supports the OLD CSS3 Flexible Box Layout directly or via vendor prefixes * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.flexBoxLayout */ jQuery.support.flexBoxLayout = false; /** * Whether the current browser supports the NEW CSS3 Flexible Box Layout directly or via vendor prefixes * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.newFlexBoxLayout */ jQuery.support.newFlexBoxLayout = true; /** * Whether the current browser supports the IE10 CSS3 Flexible Box Layout directly or via vendor prefixes * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.ie10FlexBoxLayout */ jQuery.support.ie10FlexBoxLayout = false; /** * Whether the current browser supports any kind of Flexible Box Layout directly or via vendor prefixes * @type {boolean} * @private * @name jQuery.support.hasFlexBoxSupport */ jQuery.support.hasFlexBoxSupport = true; }()); // XHR overrides for IE if ( Device.browser.msie ) { // Fixes the CORS issue (introduced by jQuery 1.7) when loading resources // (e.g. SAPUI5 script) from other domains for IE browsers. // The CORS check in jQuery filters out such browsers who do not have the // property "withCredentials" which is the IE and Opera and prevents those // browsers to request data from other domains with jQuery.ajax. The CORS // requests are simply forbidden nevertheless if it works. In our case we // simply load our script resources from another domain when using the CDN // variant of SAPUI5. The following fix is also recommended by jQuery: jQuery.support.cors = true; // Fixes XHR factory issue (introduced by jQuery 1.11). In case of IE // it uses by mistake the ActiveXObject XHR. In the list of XHR supported // HTTP methods PATCH and MERGE are missing which are required for OData. // The related ticket is: #2068 (no downported to jQuery 1.x planned) // the fix will only be applied to jQuery >= 1.11.0 (only for jQuery 1.x) if ( window.ActiveXObject !== undefined && oJQVersion.inRange("1.11", "2") ) { var fnCreateStandardXHR = function() { try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { /* ignore */ } }; var fnCreateActiveXHR = function() { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { /* ignore */ } }; jQuery.ajaxSettings = jQuery.ajaxSettings || {}; jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() { return !this.isLocal ? fnCreateStandardXHR() : fnCreateActiveXHR(); }; } } // getComputedStyle polyfill for firefox if ( Device.browser.firefox ) { getComputedStyleFix(); } // document.activeElement iframe fix if (Device.browser.msie || Device.browser.edge) { activeElementFix(); } // XHR proxy for Firefox if ( Device.browser.firefox && window.Proxy ) { syncXHRFix(); } /* * Merged, raw (un-interpreted) configuration data from the following sources * (last one wins) *
  1. global configuration object window["sap-ui-config"] (could be either a string/url or a conffiguration object)
  2. *
  3. data-sap-ui-config attribute of the bootstrap script tag
  4. *
  5. other data-sap-ui-xyz attributes of the bootstrap tag
  6. *
*/ var oCfgData = window["sap-ui-config"] = (function() { function normalize(o) { for (var i in o) { var v = o[i]; var il = i.toLowerCase(); if ( !o.hasOwnProperty(il) ) { o[il] = v; delete o[i]; } } return o; } function loadExternalConfig(url) { var sCfgFile = "sap-ui-config.json", config; Log.warning("Loading external bootstrap configuration from \"" + url + "\". This is a design time feature and not for productive usage!"); if (url !== sCfgFile) { Log.warning("The external bootstrap configuration file should be named \"" + sCfgFile + "\"!"); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('load', function(e) { if ( xhr.status === 200 && xhr.responseText ) { try { config = JSON.parse( xhr.responseText ); } catch (error) { Log.error("Parsing externalized bootstrap configuration from \"" + url + "\" failed! Reason: " + error + "!"); } } else { Log.error("Loading externalized bootstrap configuration from \"" + url + "\" failed! Response: " + xhr.status + "!"); } }); xhr.open('GET', url, false); try { xhr.send(); } catch (error) { Log.error("Loading externalized bootstrap configuration from \"" + url + "\" failed! Reason: " + error + "!"); } config = config || {}; config.__loaded = true; // mark config as 'being loaded', needed to detect sync call return config; } function getInfo() { function check(oScript, rUrlPattern) { var sUrl = oScript && oScript.getAttribute("src"); var oMatch = rUrlPattern.exec(sUrl); if ( oMatch ) { return { tag: oScript, url: sUrl, resourceRoot: oMatch[1] || "" }; } } var rResources = /^((?:.*\/)?resources\/)/, rBootScripts, aScripts, i, oResult; // Prefer script tags which have the sap-ui-bootstrap ID // This prevents issues when multiple script tags point to files named // "sap-ui-core.js", for example when using the cache buster for UI5 resources oResult = check(document.querySelector('SCRIPT[src][id=sap-ui-bootstrap]'), rResources); if ( !oResult ) { aScripts = document.querySelectorAll('SCRIPT[src]'); rBootScripts = /^(.*\/)?(?:sap-ui-(core|custom|boot|merged)(?:-.*)?)\.js(?:[?#]|$)/; for ( i = 0; i < aScripts.length; i++ ) { oResult = check(aScripts[i], rBootScripts); if ( oResult ) { break; } } } return oResult || {}; } var _oBootstrap = getInfo(), oScriptTag = _oBootstrap.tag, oCfg = window["sap-ui-config"]; // load the configuration from an external JSON file if (typeof oCfg === "string") { oCfg = loadExternalConfig(oCfg); } oCfg = normalize(oCfg || {}); oCfg.resourceroots = oCfg.resourceroots || {}; oCfg.themeroots = oCfg.themeroots || {}; // map loadall mode to sync preload mode if ( /(^|\/)(sap-?ui5|[^\/]+-all).js([?#]|$)/.test(_oBootstrap.url) ) { Log.error( "The all-in-one file 'sap-ui-core-all.js' has been abandoned in favour of standard preloads." + " Please migrate to sap-ui-core.js and consider to use async preloads."); oCfg.preload = 'sync'; } // if a script tag has been identified, collect its configuration info if ( oScriptTag ) { // evaluate the config attribute first - if present var sConfig = oScriptTag.getAttribute("data-sap-ui-config"); if ( sConfig ) { try { var oParsedConfig; try { // first try to parse the config as a plain JSON oParsedConfig = JSON.parse("{" + sConfig + "}"); } catch (e) { // if the JSON.parse fails, we fall back to the more lenient "new Function" eval for compatibility reasons Log.error("JSON.parse on the data-sap-ui-config attribute failed. Please check the config for JSON syntax violations."); /*eslint-disable no-new-func */ oParsedConfig = (new Function("return {" + sConfig + "};"))(); /*eslint-enable no-new-func */ } Object.assign(oCfg, normalize(oParsedConfig)); } catch (e) { // no log yet, how to report this error? Log.error("failed to parse data-sap-ui-config attribute: " + (e.message || e)); } } // merge with any existing "data-sap-ui-" attributes for (var i = 0; i < oScriptTag.attributes.length; i++) { var attr = oScriptTag.attributes[i]; var m = attr.name.match(/^data-sap-ui-(.*)$/); if ( m ) { // the following (deactivated) conversion would implement multi-word names like "resource-roots" m = m[1].toLowerCase(); // .replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(s,w) { return w.toUpperCase(); }) if ( m === 'resourceroots' ) { // merge map entries instead of overwriting map Object.assign(oCfg[m], JSON.parse(attr.value)); } else if ( m === 'theme-roots' ) { // merge map entries, but rename to camelCase Object.assign(oCfg.themeroots, JSON.parse(attr.value)); } else if ( m !== 'config' ) { oCfg[m] = attr.value; } } } } return oCfg; }()); var syncCallBehavior = 0; // ignore if ( oCfgData['xx-nosync'] === 'warn' || /(?:\?|&)sap-ui-xx-nosync=(?:warn)/.exec(window.location.search) ) { syncCallBehavior = 1; } if ( oCfgData['xx-nosync'] === true || oCfgData['xx-nosync'] === 'true' || /(?:\?|&)sap-ui-xx-nosync=(?:x|X|true)/.exec(window.location.search) ) { syncCallBehavior = 2; } ui5loader.config({ reportSyncCalls: syncCallBehavior }); if ( syncCallBehavior && oCfgData.__loaded ) { _earlyLog(syncCallBehavior === 1 ? "warning" : "error", "[nosync]: configuration loaded via sync XHR"); } // check whether noConflict must be used... if ( oCfgData.noconflict === true || oCfgData.noconflict === "true" || oCfgData.noconflict === "x" ) { jQuery.noConflict(); } /** * Root Namespace for the jQuery plug-in provided by SAP SE. * * @version 1.60.23 * @namespace * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58. To avoid usage of global variables in general, please * do not use the jQuery.sap namespace any longer. Most of the jQuery.sap functionalities * are replaced by alternative modules which can be found in the API doc. */ jQuery.sap = jQuery.sap || {}; // namespace already created by jquery.sap.stubs // -------------------------- VERSION ------------------------------------- /** * Returns a Version instance created from the given parameters. * * This function can either be called as a constructor (using new) or as a normal function. * It always returns an immutable Version instance. * * The parts of the version number (major, minor, patch, suffix) can be provided in several ways: * * * To keep the code size small, this implementation mainly validates the single string variant. * All other variants are only validated to some degree. It is the responsibility of the caller to * provide proper parts. * * @param {int|string|any[]|jQuery.sap.Version} vMajor the major part of the version (int) or any of the single * parameter variants explained above. * @param {int} iMinor the minor part of the version number * @param {int} iPatch the patch part of the version number * @param {string} sSuffix the suffix part of the version number * @return {jQuery.sap.Version} the version object as determined from the parameters * * @class Represents a version consisting of major, minor, patch version and suffix, e.g. '1.2.7-SNAPSHOT'. * * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @alias jQuery.sap.Version * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/util/Version} instead */ jQuery.sap.Version = Version; /** * Returns a string representation of this version. * @name jQuery.sap.Version#toString * @return {string} a string representation of this version. * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Returns the major version part of this version. * @name jQuery.sap.Version#getMajor * @function * @return {int} the major version part of this version * @public * @since 1.15.0 */ /** * Returns the minor version part of this version. * @name jQuery.sap.Version#getMinor * @return {int} the minor version part of this version * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Returns the patch (or micro) version part of this version. * @name jQuery.sap.Version#getPatch * @return {int} the patch version part of this version * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Returns the version suffix of this version. * * @name jQuery.sap.Version#getSuffix * @return {string} the version suffix of this version * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Compares this version with a given one. * * The version with which this version should be compared can be given as a jQuery.sap.Version instance, * as a string (e.g. v.compareto("1.4.5")). Or major, minor, patch and suffix values can be given as * separate parameters (e.g. v.compareTo(1, 4, 5)) or in an array (e.g. v.compareTo([1, 4, 5])). * * @name jQuery.sap.Version#compareTo * @return {int} 0, if the given version is equal to this version, a negative value if the given other version is greater * and a positive value otherwise * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Checks whether this version is in the range of the given interval (start inclusive, end exclusive). * * The boundaries against which this version should be checked can be given as jQuery.sap.Version * instances (e.g. v.inRange(v1, v2)), as strings (e.g. v.inRange("1.4", "2.7")) * or as arrays (e.g. v.inRange([1,4], [2,7])). * * @name jQuery.sap.Version#inRange * @param {string|any[]|jQuery.sap.Version} vMin the start of the range (inclusive) * @param {string|any[]|jQuery.sap.Version} vMax the end of the range (exclusive) * @return {boolean} true if this version is greater or equal to vMin and smaller * than vMax, false otherwise. * @public * @since 1.15.0 * @function */ /** * Returns a high resolution timestamp in microseconds if supported by the environment, otherwise in milliseconds. * The timestamp is based on 01/01/1970 00:00:00 (UNIX epoch) as float with microsecond precision or * with millisecond precision, if high resolution timestamps are not available. * The fractional part of the timestamp represents fractions of a millisecond. * Converting to a Date is possible by using require(["sap/base/util/now"], function(now){new Date(now());} * * @returns {float} timestamp in microseconds if supported by the environment otherwise in milliseconds * @public * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/util/now} instead */ jQuery.sap.now = now; // Reads the value for the given key from the localStorage or writes a new value to it. var fnMakeLocalStorageAccessor = function(key, type, callback) { return function(value) { try { if ( value != null || type === 'string' ) { if (value) { localStorage.setItem(key, type === 'boolean' ? 'X' : value); } else { localStorage.removeItem(key); } callback(value); } value = localStorage.getItem(key); return type === 'boolean' ? value === 'X' : value; } catch (e) { Log.warning("Could not access localStorage while accessing '" + key + "' (value: '" + value + "', are cookies disabled?): " + e.message); } }; }; jQuery.sap.debug = fnMakeLocalStorageAccessor.call(this, 'sap-ui-debug', '', function(vDebugInfo) { /*eslint-disable no-alert */ alert("Usage of debug sources is " + (vDebugInfo ? "on" : "off") + " now.\nFor the change to take effect, you need to reload the page."); /*eslint-enable no-alert */ }); /** * Sets the URL to reboot this app from, the next time it is started. Only works with localStorage API available * (and depending on the browser, if cookies are enabled, even though cookies are not used). * * @param {string} sRebootUrl the URL to sap-ui-core.js, from which the application should load UI5 on next restart; undefined clears the restart URL * @returns {string} the current reboot URL or undefined in case of an error or when the reboot URL has been cleared * * @private * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.setReboot = fnMakeLocalStorageAccessor.call(this, 'sap-ui-reboot-URL', 'string', function(sRebootUrl) { // null-ish clears the reboot request if ( sRebootUrl ) { /*eslint-disable no-alert */ alert("Next time this app is launched (only once), it will load UI5 from:\n" + sRebootUrl + ".\nPlease reload the application page now."); /*eslint-enable no-alert */ } }); jQuery.sap.statistics = fnMakeLocalStorageAccessor.call(this, 'sap-ui-statistics', 'boolean', function(bUseStatistics) { /*eslint-disable no-alert */ alert("Usage of Gateway statistics " + (bUseStatistics ? "on" : "off") + " now.\nFor the change to take effect, you need to reload the page."); /*eslint-enable no-alert */ }); // -------------------------- Logging ------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new Logger instance which will use the given component string * for all logged messages without a specific component. * * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger * @param {string} sDefaultComponent The component to use * @class A Logger class * @since 1.1.2 * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/Log.getLogger} instead */ /** * Creates a new fatal-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log instance for method chaining * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#fatal * @function */ /** * Creates a new error-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log instance * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#error * @function */ /** * Creates a new warning-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log instance * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#warning * @function */ /** * Creates a new info-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log instance * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#info * @function */ /** * Creates a new debug-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log instance * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#debug * @function */ /** * Creates a new trace-level entry in the log with the given message, details and calling component. * * @param {string} sMessage Message text to display * @param {string} [sDetails=''] Details about the message, might be omitted * @param {string} [sComponent=''] Name of the component that produced the log entry * @param {function} [fnSupportInfo] Callback that returns an additional support object to be logged in support mode. * This function is only called if support info mode is turned on with logSupportInfo(true). * To avoid negative effects regarding execution times and memory consumption, the returned object should be a simple * immutable JSON object with mostly static and stable content. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} The log-instance * @public * @SecSink {0 1 2|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#trace * @function */ /** * Defines the maximum jQuery.sap.log.Level of log entries that will be recorded. * Log entries with a higher (less important) log level will be omitted from the log. * When a component name is given, the log level will be configured for that component * only, otherwise the log level for the default component of this logger is set. * For the global logger, the global default level is set. * * Note: Setting a global default log level has no impact on already defined * component log levels. They always override the global default log level. * * @param {jQuery.sap.log.Level} iLogLevel The new log level * @param {string} [sComponent] The log component to set the log level for * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} This logger object to allow method chaining * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#setLevel * @function */ /** * Returns the log level currently effective for the given component. * If no component is given or when no level has been configured for a * given component, the log level for the default component of this logger is returned. * * @param {string} [sComponent] Name of the component to retrieve the log level for * @return {int} The log level for the given component or the default log level * @public * @since 1.1.2 * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#getLevel * @function */ /** * Checks whether logging is enabled for the given log level, * depending on the currently effective log level for the given component. * * If no component is given, the default component of this logger will be taken into account. * * @param {int} [iLevel=Level.DEBUG] The log level in question * @param {string} [sComponent] Name of the component to check the log level for * @return {boolean} Whether logging is enabled or not * @public * @since 1.13.2 * @name jQuery.sap.log.Logger#isLoggable * @function */ /** * A Logging API for JavaScript. * * Provides methods to manage a client-side log and to create entries in it. Each of the logging methods * {@link jQuery.sap.log.debug}, {@link jQuery.sap.log.info}, {@link jQuery.sap.log.warning}, * {@link jQuery.sap.log.error} and {@link jQuery.sap.log.fatal} creates and records a log entry, * containing a timestamp, a log level, a message with details and a component info. * The log level will be one of {@link jQuery.sap.log.Level} and equals the name of the concrete logging method. * * By using the {@link jQuery.sap.log.setLevel} method, consumers can determine the least important * log level which should be recorded. Less important entries will be filtered out. (Note that higher numeric * values represent less important levels). The initially set level depends on the mode that UI5 is running in. * When the optimized sources are executed, the default level will be {@link jQuery.sap.log.Level.ERROR}. * For normal (debug sources), the default level is {@link jQuery.sap.log.Level.DEBUG}. * * All logging methods allow to specify a component. These components are simple strings and * don't have a special meaning to the UI5 framework. However they can be used to semantically group * log entries that belong to the same software component (or feature). There are two APIs that help * to manage logging for such a component. With {@link jQuery.sap.log.getLogger}(sComponent), * one can retrieve a logger that automatically adds the given sComponent as component * parameter to each log entry, if no other component is specified. Typically, JavaScript code will * retrieve such a logger once during startup and reuse it for the rest of its lifecycle. * Second, the {@link jQuery.sap.log.Logger#setLevel}(iLevel, sComponent) method allows to set the log level * for a specific component only. This allows a more fine granular control about the created logging entries. * {@link jQuery.sap.log.Logger#getLevel} allows to retrieve the currently effective log level for a given * component. * * {@link jQuery.sap.log.getLogEntries} returns an array of the currently collected log entries. * * Furthermore, a listener can be registered to the log. It will be notified whenever a new entry * is added to the log. The listener can be used for displaying log entries in a separate page area, * or for sending it to some external target (server). * * @since 0.9.0 * @namespace * @public * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#fatal as fatal * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#error as error * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#warning as warning * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#info as info * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#debug as debug * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#trace as trace * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#getLevel as getLevel * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#setLevel as setLevel * @borrows jQuery.sap.log.Logger#isLoggable as isLoggable * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/Log} instead */ jQuery.sap.log = Object.assign(Log.getLogger(), /** @lends jQuery.sap.log */ { /** * Enumeration of the configurable log levels that a Logger should persist to the log. * * Only if the current LogLevel is higher than the level {@link jQuery.sap.log.Level} of the currently added log entry, * then this very entry is permanently added to the log. Otherwise it is ignored. * @see jQuery.sap.log.Logger#setLevel * @enum {int} * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/Log.Level} instead */ Level: Log.Level, /** * Do not log anything * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.NONE * @type {int} */ /** * Fatal level. Use this for logging unrecoverable situations * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.FATAL * @type {int} */ /** * Error level. Use this for logging of erroneous but still recoverable situations * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.ERROR * @type {int} */ /** * Warning level. Use this for logging unwanted but foreseen situations * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.WARNING * @type {int} */ /** * Info level. Use this for logging information of purely informative nature * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.INFO * @type {int} */ /** * Debug level. Use this for logging information necessary for debugging * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.DEBUG * @type {int} */ /** * Trace level. Use this for tracing the program flow. * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.TRACE * @type {int} */ /** * Trace level to log everything. * @public * @name jQuery.sap.log.Level.ALL * @type {int} */ /** * Returns a {@link jQuery.sap.log.Logger} for the given component. * * The method might or might not return the same logger object across multiple calls. * While loggers are assumed to be light weight objects, consumers should try to * avoid redundant calls and instead keep references to already retrieved loggers. * * The optional second parameter iDefaultLogLevel allows to specify * a default log level for the component. It is only applied when no log level has been * defined so far for that component (ignoring inherited log levels). If this method is * called multiple times for the same component but with different log levels, * only the first call one might be taken into account. * * @param {string} sComponent Component to create the logger for * @param {int} [iDefaultLogLevel] a default log level to be used for the component, * if no log level has been defined for it so far. * @return {jQuery.sap.log.Logger} A logger for the component. * @public * @static * @since 1.1.2 * @function */ getLogger: Log.getLogger, /** * Returns the logged entries recorded so far as an array. * * Log entries are plain JavaScript objects with the following properties * * * @return {object[]} an array containing the recorded log entries * @public * @static * @since 1.1.2 * @function */ getLogEntries: Log.getLogEntries, /** * Allows to add a new LogListener that will be notified for new log entries. * * The given object must provide method onLogEntry and can also be informed * about onDetachFromLog and onAttachToLog * @param {object} oListener The new listener object that should be informed * @return {jQuery.sap.log} The global logger * @public * @static * @function */ addLogListener: Log.addLogListener, /** * Allows to remove a registered LogListener. * @param {object} oListener The new listener object that should be removed * @return {jQuery.sap.log} The global logger * @public * @static * @function */ removeLogListener: Log.removeLogListener, /** * Enables or disables whether additional support information is logged in a trace. * If enabled, logging methods like error, warning, info and debug are calling the additional * optional callback parameter fnSupportInfo and store the returned object in the log entry property supportInfo. * * @param {boolean} bEnabled true if the support information should be logged * @private * @static * @since 1.46.0 * @function */ logSupportInfo: Log.logSupportInfo, /** * Enumeration of levels that can be used in a call to {@link jQuery.sap.log.Logger#setLevel}(iLevel, sComponent). * * @deprecated Since 1.1.2. To streamline the Logging API a bit, the separation between Level and LogLevel has been given up. * Use the (enriched) enumeration {@link jQuery.sap.log.Level} instead. * @enum * @public */ LogLevel: Log.Level, /** * Retrieves the currently recorded log entries. * @deprecated Since 1.1.2. To avoid confusion with getLogger, this method has been renamed to {@link jQuery.sap.log.getLogEntries}. * @function * @public */ getLog: Log.getLogEntries }); var sWindowName = (typeof window === "undefined" || window.top == window) ? "" : "[" + window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0] + "] "; /** * A simple assertion mechanism that logs a message when a given condition is not met. * * Note: Calls to this method might be removed when the JavaScript code * is optimized during build. Therefore, callers should not rely on any side effects * of this method. * * @param {boolean} bResult Result of the checked assertion * @param {string|function} vMessage Message that will be logged when the result is false. In case this is a function, the return value of the function will be displayed. This can be used to execute complex code only if the assertion fails. * * @public * @static * @SecSink {1|SECRET} Could expose secret data in logs * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/assert} instead */ jQuery.sap.assert = function(bResult, vMessage) { if (!bResult) { var sMessage = typeof vMessage === "function" ? vMessage() : vMessage; assert(bResult, sWindowName + sMessage); } }; // against all our rules: use side effect of assert to differentiate between optimized and productive code jQuery.sap.assert( Log.setLevel(Log.Level.DEBUG) || 1, "will be removed in optimized version"); // evaluate configuration oCfgData.loglevel = (function() { var m = /(?:\?|&)sap-ui-log(?:L|-l)evel=([^&]*)/.exec(window.location.search); return m && m[1]; }()) || oCfgData.loglevel; if ( oCfgData.loglevel ) { Log.setLevel(Log.Level[oCfgData.loglevel.toUpperCase()] || parseInt(oCfgData.loglevel,10)); } Log.info("SAP Logger started."); // log early logs jQuery.each(_earlyLogs, function(i,e) { Log[e.level](e.message); }); _earlyLogs = null; // ------------------------------------------- OBJECT -------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a new constructor function that creates objects with * the given prototype. * * As of 1.45.0, this method has been deprecated. Use the following code pattern instead: *
	 *   function MyFunction() {
	 *   };
	 *   MyFunction.prototype = oPrototype;
* @param {object} oPrototype Prototype to use for the new objects * @return {function} the newly created constructor function * @public * @static * @deprecated As of 1.45.0, define your own function and assign oPrototype to its prototype property instead. */ jQuery.sap.factory = function factory(oPrototype) { jQuery.sap.assert(typeof oPrototype == "object", "oPrototype must be an object (incl. null)"); function Factory() {} Factory.prototype = oPrototype; return Factory; }; /** * Returns a new object which has the given oPrototype as its prototype. * * If several objects with the same prototype are to be created, * {@link jQuery.sap.factory} should be used instead. * * @param {object} oPrototype Prototype to use for the new object * @return {object} new object * @public * @static * @deprecated As of 1.45.0, use Object.create(oPrototype) instead. */ jQuery.sap.newObject = function newObject(oPrototype) { jQuery.sap.assert(typeof oPrototype == "object", "oPrototype must be an object (incl. null)"); // explicitly fall back to null for best compatibility with old implementation return Object.create(oPrototype || null); }; /** * Returns a new function that returns the given oValue (using its closure). * * Avoids the need for a dedicated member for the value. * * As closures don't come for free, this function should only be used when polluting * the enclosing object is an absolute "must-not" (as it is the case in public base classes). * * @param {object} oValue The value that the getter should return * @returns {function} The new getter function * @public * @static * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.getter = function(oValue) { return function() { return oValue; }; }; /** * Returns a JavaScript object which is identified by a sequence of names. * * A call to getObject("a.b.C") has essentially the same effect * as accessing window.a.b.C but with the difference that missing * intermediate objects (a or b in the example above) don't lead to an exception. * * When the addressed object exists, it is simply returned. If it doesn't exists, * the behavior depends on the value of the second, optional parameter * iNoCreates (assuming 'n' to be the number of names in the name sequence): * * * Example: *
	 *   getObject()            -- returns the context object (either param or window)
	 *   getObject("a.b.C")     -- will only try to get a.b.C and return undefined if not found.
	 *   getObject("a.b.C", 0)  -- will create a, b, and C in that order if they don't exists
	 *   getObject("a.b.c", 1)  -- will create a and b, but not C.
* * When a oContext is given, the search starts in that object. * Otherwise it starts in the window object that this plugin * has been created in. * * Note: Although this method internally uses object["key"] to address object * properties, it does not support all possible characters in a name. * Especially the dot ('.') is not supported in the individual name segments, * as it is always interpreted as a name separator. * * @param {string} sName a dot separated sequence of names that identify the required object * @param {int} [iNoCreates=NaN] number of objects (from the right) that should not be created * @param {object} [oContext=window] the context to execute the search in * @returns {function} The value of the named object * * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/util/ObjectPath.get} or * {@link module:sap/base/util/ObjectPath.get} instead */ jQuery.sap.getObject = function(sName, iNoCreates, oContext) { var oObject = oContext || window, aNames = (sName || "").split("."), l = aNames.length, iEndCreate = isNaN(iNoCreates) ? 0 : l - iNoCreates, i; if ( syncCallBehavior && oContext === window ) { Log.error("[nosync] getObject called to retrieve global name '" + sName + "'"); } for (i = 0; oObject && i < l; i++) { if (!oObject[aNames[i]] && i < iEndCreate ) { oObject[aNames[i]] = {}; } oObject = oObject[aNames[i]]; } return oObject; }; /** * Sets an object property to a given value, where the property is * identified by a sequence of names (path). * * When a oContext is given, the path starts in that object. * Otherwise it starts in the window object that this plugin * has been created for. * * Note: Although this method internally uses object["key"] to address object * properties, it does not support all possible characters in a name. * Especially the dot ('.') is not supported in the individual name segments, * as it is always interpreted as a name separator. * * @param {string} sName a dot separated sequence of names that identify the property * @param {any} vValue value to be set, can have any type * @param {object} [oContext=window] the context to execute the search in * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/base/util/ObjectPath.set} instead */ jQuery.sap.setObject = function (sName, vValue, oContext) { var oObject = oContext || window, aNames = (sName || "").split("."), l = aNames.length, i; if ( l > 0 ) { for (i = 0; oObject && i < l - 1; i++) { if (!oObject[aNames[i]] ) { oObject[aNames[i]] = {}; } oObject = oObject[aNames[i]]; } oObject[aNames[l - 1]] = vValue; } }; // ---------------------- performance measurement ----------------------------------------------------------- /** * Namespace for the jQuery performance measurement plug-in provided by SAP SE. * * @name jQuery.sap.measure * @namespace * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement} or {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure = Measurement; /** * Gets the current state of the performance measurement functionality * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.getActive * @function * @return {boolean} current state of the performance measurement functionality * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.getActive} instead */ /** * Activates or deactivates the performance measure functionality * Optionally a category or list of categories can be passed to restrict measurements to certain categories * like "javascript", "require", "xmlhttprequest", "render" * @param {boolean} bOn - state of the performance measurement functionality to set * @param {string | string[]} aCategories - An optional list of categories that should be measured * * @return {boolean} current state of the performance measurement functionality * @name jQuery.sap.measure#setActive * @function * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.setActive} instead */ /** * Starts a performance measure. * Optionally a category or list of categories can be passed to allow filtering of measurements. * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.start * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @param {string} sInfo Info for the measurement * @param {string | string[]} [aCategories = "javascript"] An optional list of categories for the measure * * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.start} instead */ /** * Pauses a performance measure * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.pause * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp, pause-timestamp (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.pause} instead */ /** * Resumes a performance measure * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.resume * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp, resume-timestamp (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.resume} instead */ /** * Ends a performance measure * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.end * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp, end-timestamp, time, duration (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.end} instead */ /** * Clears all performance measurements * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.clear * @function * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.clear} instead */ /** * Removes a performance measure * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.remove * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.remove} instead */ /** * Adds a performance measurement with all data * This is useful to add external measurements (e.g. from a backend) to the common measurement UI * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.add * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @param {string} sInfo Info for the measurement * @param {int} iStart start timestamp * @param {int} iEnd end timestamp * @param {int} iTime time in milliseconds * @param {int} iDuration effective time in milliseconds * @param {string | string[]} [aCategories = "javascript"] An optional list of categories for the measure * @return {object} [] current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp, end-timestamp, time, duration, categories (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.add} instead */ /** * Starts an average performance measure. * The duration of this measure is an avarage of durations measured for each call. * Optionally a category or list of categories can be passed to allow filtering of measurements. * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.average * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @param {string} sInfo Info for the measurement * @param {string | string[]} [aCategories = "javascript"] An optional list of categories for the measure * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.average} instead */ /** * Gets a performance measure * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.getMeasurement * @function * @param {string} sId ID of the measurement * @return {object} current measurement containing id, info and start-timestamp, end-timestamp, time, duration (false if error) * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.getMeasurement} instead */ /** * Gets all performance measurements * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.getAllMeasurements * @function * @param {boolean} [bCompleted] Whether only completed measurements should be returned, if explicitly set to false only incomplete measurements are returned * @return {object[]} current array with measurements containing id, info and start-timestamp, end-timestamp, time, duration, categories * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.getAllMeasurements} instead */ /** * Gets all performance measurements where a provided filter function returns a truthy value. * If neither a filter function nor a category is provided an empty array is returned. * To filter for certain properties of measurements a fnFilter can be implemented like this * * function(oMeasurement) { * return oMeasurement.duration > 50; * } * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.filterMeasurements * @function * @param {function} [fnFilter] a filter function that returns true if the passed measurement should be added to the result * @param {boolean|undefined} [bCompleted] Optional parameter to determine if either completed or incomplete measurements should be returned (both if not set or undefined) * @param {string[]} [aCategories] The function returns only measurements which match these specified categories * * @return {object} [] filtered array with measurements containing id, info and start-timestamp, end-timestamp, time, duration, categories (false if error) * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.filterMeasurements} instead */ /** * Registers an average measurement for a given objects method * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.registerMethod * @function * @param {string} sId the id of the measurement * @param {object} oObject the object of the method * @param {string} sMethod the name of the method * @param {string[]} [aCategories = ["javascript"]] An optional categories list for the measurement * * @returns {boolean} true if the registration was successful * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.registerMethod} instead */ /** * Unregisters an average measurement for a given objects method * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.unregisterMethod * @function * @param {string} sId the id of the measurement * @param {object} oObject the object of the method * @param {string} sMethod the name of the method * * @returns {boolean} true if the unregistration was successful * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.unregisterMethod} instead */ /** * Unregisters all average measurements * * @name jQuery.sap.measure.unregisterAllMethods * @function * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/Measurement.unregisterAllMethods} instead */ /** * Clears all interaction measurements * * @function * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.clear} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.clearInteractionMeasurements = Interaction.clear; /** * Start an interaction measurements * * @function * @param {string} sType type of the event which triggered the interaction * @param {object} oSrcElement the control on which the interaction was triggered * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.start} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.startInteraction = Interaction.start; /** * End an interaction measurements * * @function * @param {boolean} bForce forces end of interaction now and ignores further re-renderings * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.end} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.endInteraction = Interaction.end; /** * Gets the incomplete pending interaction * @function * @return {object} interaction measurement * @private * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.getPending} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.getPendingInteractionMeasurement = Interaction.getPending; /** * Gets all interaction measurements for which a provided filter function returns a truthy value. * To filter for certain categories of measurements a fnFilter can be implemented like this * * function(InteractionMeasurement) { * return InteractionMeasurement.duration > 0 * } * * @function * @param {function} fnFilter a filter function that returns true if the passed measurement should be added to the result * @return {object[]} all interaction measurements passing the filter function successfully * @public * @since 1.36.2 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.filter} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.filterInteractionMeasurements = Interaction.filter; /** * Gets all interaction measurements * @function * @param {boolean} bFinalize finalize the current pending interaction so that it is contained in the returned array * @return {object[]} all interaction measurements * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/performance/trace/Interaction.getAll} instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.getAllInteractionMeasurements = Interaction.getAll; /** * Gets the current request timings array for type 'resource' safely * * @function * @return {object[]} array of performance timing objects * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use native function performance.getEntriesByType("resource") instead */ jQuery.sap.measure.getRequestTimings = function() { if (window.performance.getEntriesByType) { return window.performance.getEntriesByType("resource"); } return []; }; /** * Clears all request timings safely. * * @function * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use native function performance.clearResourceTimings() where available */ jQuery.sap.measure.clearRequestTimings = function() { if (window.performance.clearResourceTimings) { window.performance.clearResourceTimings(); } }; /** * Sets the request buffer size for the measurement safely. * * @param {int} iSize size of the buffer * @function * @public * @since 1.34.0 * @deprecated since 1.58 use native function performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(iSize) where available */ jQuery.sap.measure.setRequestBufferSize = function(iSize) { if (window.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize) { window.performance.setResourceTimingBufferSize(iSize); } }; // ---------------------- require/declare -------------------------------------------------------- var getModuleSystemInfo = (function() { /** * Local logger, by default only logging errors. Can be configured to DEBUG via config parameter. * @private */ var oLog = _ui5loader.logger = Log.getLogger("sap.ui.ModuleSystem", (/sap-ui-xx-debug(M|-m)odule(L|-l)oading=(true|x|X)/.test(location.search) || oCfgData["xx-debugModuleLoading"]) ? Log.Level.DEBUG : Log.Level.INFO ), mKnownSubtypes = LoaderExtensions.getKnownSubtypes(), rSubTypes; (function() { var sSub = ""; for (var sType in mKnownSubtypes) { sSub = (sSub ? sSub + "|" : "") + "(?:(?:" + mKnownSubtypes[sType].join("\\.|") + "\\.)?" + sType + ")"; } sSub = "\\.(?:" + sSub + "|[^./]+)$"; oLog.debug("constructed regexp for file sub-types :" + sSub); rSubTypes = new RegExp(sSub); }()); function ui5ToRJS(sName) { if ( /^jquery\.sap\./.test(sName) ) { return sName; } return sName.replace(/\./g, "/"); } /** * Constructs a URL to load the module with the given name and file type (suffix). * * Searches the longest prefix of the given module name for which a registration * exists (see {@link jQuery.sap.registerModulePath}) and replaces that prefix * by the registered URL prefix. * * The remainder of the module name is appended to the URL, replacing any dot with a slash. * * Finally, the given suffix (typically a file name extension) is added (unconverted). * * The returned name (without the suffix) doesn't end with a slash. * * @param {string} sModuleName module name to detemrine the path for * @param {string} sSuffix suffix to be added to the resulting path * @return {string} calculated path (URL) to the given module * * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.require.toUrl} instead */ jQuery.sap.getModulePath = function(sModuleName, sSuffix) { return jQuery.sap.getResourcePath(ui5ToRJS(sModuleName), sSuffix); }; /** * Determines the URL for a resource given its unified resource name. * * Searches the longest prefix of the given resource name for which a registration * exists (see {@link jQuery.sap.registerResourcePath}) and replaces that prefix * by the registered URL prefix. * * The remainder of the resource name is appended to the URL. * * Unified Resource Names
* Several UI5 APIs use Unified Resource Names (URNs) as naming scheme for resources that * they deal with (e.h. Javascript, CSS, JSON, XML, ...). URNs are similar to the path * component of a URL: * * * UI5 APIs that only deal with Javascript resources, use a slight variation of this scheme, * where the extension '.js' is always omitted (see {@link sap.ui.define}, {@link sap.ui.require}). * * * Relationship to old Module Name Syntax
* * Older UI5 APIs that deal with resources (like {@link jQuery.sap.registerModulePath}, * {@link jQuery.sap.require} and {@link jQuery.sap.declare}) used a dot-separated naming scheme * (called 'module names') which was motivated by object names in the global namespace in * Javascript. * * The new URN scheme better matches the names of the corresponding resources (files) as stored * in a server and the dot ('.') is no longer a forbidden character in a resource name. This finally * allows to handle resources with different types (extensions) with the same API, not only JS files. * * Last but not least does the URN scheme better match the naming conventions used by AMD loaders * (like requireJS). * * @param {string} sResourceName unified resource name of the resource * @returns {string} URL to load the resource from * @public * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.require.toUrl} instead */ jQuery.sap.getResourcePath = function(sResourceName, sSuffix) { // if no suffix was given and if the name is not empty, try to guess the suffix from the last segment if ( arguments.length === 1 && sResourceName != '' ) { // @evo-todo re-implement without split // only known types (and their known subtypes) are accepted var aSegments = sResourceName.split(/\//); var m = rSubTypes.exec(aSegments[aSegments.length - 1]); if ( m ) { sSuffix = m[0]; aSegments[aSegments.length - 1] = aSegments[aSegments.length - 1].slice(0, m.index); sResourceName = aSegments.join('/'); } else { sSuffix = ""; } } return _ui5loader.getResourcePath(sResourceName, sSuffix); }; /** * Registers a URL prefix for a module name prefix. * * Before a module is loaded, the longest registered prefix of its module name * is searched for and the associated URL prefix is used as a prefix for the request URL. * The remainder of the module name is attached to the request URL by replacing * dots ('.') with slashes ('/'). * * The registration and search operates on full name segments only. So when a prefix * * 'sap.com' -> 'http://www.sap.com/ui5/resources/' * * is registered, then it will match the name * * 'sap.com.Button' * * but not * * 'sap.commons.Button' * * Note that the empty prefix ('') will always match and thus serves as a fallback for * any search. * * The prefix can either be given as string or as object which contains the url and a 'final' property. * If 'final' is set to true, overwriting a module prefix is not possible anymore. * * @param {string} sModuleName module name to register a path for * @param {string | object} vUrlPrefix path prefix to register, either a string literal or an object (e.g. {url : 'url/to/res', 'final': true}) * @param {string} [vUrlPrefix.url] path prefix to register * @param {boolean} [vUrlPrefix.final] flag to avoid overwriting the url path prefix for the given module name at a later point of time * * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 set path mappings via {@link sap.ui.loader.config} instead. * @SecSink {1|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests */ jQuery.sap.registerModulePath = function registerModulePath(sModuleName, vUrlPrefix) { jQuery.sap.assert(!/\//.test(sModuleName), "module name must not contain a slash."); sModuleName = sModuleName.replace(/\./g, "/"); // URL must not be empty vUrlPrefix = vUrlPrefix || '.'; LoaderExtensions.registerResourcePath(sModuleName, vUrlPrefix); }; /** * Registers a URL prefix for a resource name prefix. * * Before a resource is loaded, the longest registered prefix of its unified resource name * is searched for and the associated URL prefix is used as a prefix for the request URL. * The remainder of the resource name is attached to the request URL 1:1. * * The registration and search operates on full name segments only. So when a prefix * * 'sap/com' -> 'http://www.sap.com/ui5/resources/' * * is registered, then it will match the name * * 'sap/com/Button' * * but not * * 'sap/commons/Button' * * Note that the empty prefix ('') will always match and thus serves as a fallback for * any search. * * The url prefix can either be given as string or as object which contains the url and a final flag. * If final is set to true, overwriting a resource name prefix is not possible anymore. * * @param {string} sResourceNamePrefix in unified resource name syntax * @param {string | object} vUrlPrefix prefix to use instead of the sResourceNamePrefix, either a string literal or an object (e.g. {url : 'url/to/res', 'final': true}) * @param {string} [vUrlPrefix.url] path prefix to register * @param {boolean} [vUrlPrefix.final] flag to avoid overwriting the url path prefix for the given module name at a later point of time * * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 set path mappings via {@link sap.ui.loader.config} instead. * @SecSink {1|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests */ jQuery.sap.registerResourcePath = LoaderExtensions.registerResourcePath; /** * Register information about third party modules that are not UI5 modules. * * The information maps the name of the module (without extension '.js') to an info object. * Instead of a complete info object, only the value of the deps property can be given as an array. * * @param {object} mShims Map of shim configuration objects keyed by module names (withou extension '.js') * @param {boolean} [mShims.any-module-name.amd=false] * Whether the module uses an AMD loader if present. If set to true, UI5 will disable * the AMD loader while loading such modules to force the modules to expose their content via global names. * @param {string[]|string} [mShims.any-module-name.exports=undefined] * Global name (or names) that are exported by the module. If one ore multiple names are defined, * the first one will be read from the global object and will be used as value of the module. * Each name can be a dot separated hierarchial name (will be resolved with jQuery.sap.getObject) * @param {string[]} [mShims.any-module-name.deps=undefined] * List of modules that the module depends on (requireJS syntax, no '.js'). * The modules will be loaded first before loading the module itself. * * @private * @sap-restricted sap.ui.core sap.ui.export sap.ui.vk * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.loader.config} instead */ jQuery.sap.registerModuleShims = function(mShims) { jQuery.sap.assert( typeof mShims === 'object', "mShims must be an object"); ui5loader.config({ shim: mShims }); }; /** * Check whether a given module has been loaded / declared already. * * Returns true as soon as a module has been required the first time, even when * loading/executing it has not finished yet. So the main assertion of a * return value of true is that the necessary actions have been taken * to make the module available in the near future. It does not mean, that * the content of the module is already available! * * This fuzzy behavior is necessary to avoid multiple requests for the same module. * As a consequence of the assertion above, a preloaded module does not * count as declared. For preloaded modules, an explicit call to * jQuery.sap.require is necessary to make them available. * * If a caller wants to know whether a module needs to be loaded from the server, * it can set bIncludePreloaded to true. Then, preloaded modules will * be reported as 'declared' as well by this method. * * @param {string} sModuleName name of the module to be checked * @param {boolean} [bIncludePreloaded=false] whether preloaded modules should be reported as declared. * @return {boolean} whether the module has been declared already * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link sap.ui.require} instead */ jQuery.sap.isDeclared = function isDeclared(sModuleName, bIncludePreloaded) { var state = _ui5loader.getModuleState( ui5ToRJS(sModuleName) + ".js" ); return state && (bIncludePreloaded || state > 0); }; /** * Whether the given resource has been loaded (or preloaded). * @param {string} sResourceName Name of the resource to check, in unified resource name format * @returns {boolean} Whether the resource has been loaded already * @private * @sap-restricted sap.ui.core * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.isResourceLoaded = function isResourceLoaded(sResourceName) { return !!_ui5loader.getModuleState(sResourceName); }; /** * Returns the names of all declared modules. * @return {string[]} the names of all declared modules * @see jQuery.sap.isDeclared * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.getAllDeclaredModules = LoaderExtensions.getAllRequiredModules; // take resource roots from configuration var paths = {}; for ( var n in oCfgData.resourceroots ) { paths[ui5ToRJS(n)] = oCfgData.resourceroots[n] || "."; } ui5loader.config({paths: paths}); var mUrlPrefixes = _ui5loader.getUrlPrefixes(); // dump the URL prefixes oLog.info("URL prefixes set to:"); for (var n in mUrlPrefixes) { oLog.info(" " + (n ? "'" + n + "'" : "(default)") + " : " + mUrlPrefixes[n]); } /** * Declares a module as existing. * * By default, this function assumes that the module will create a JavaScript object * with the same name as the module. As a convenience it ensures that the parent * namespace for that object exists (by calling jQuery.sap.getObject). * If such an object creation is not desired, bCreateNamespace must be set to false. * * @param {string | object} sModuleName name of the module to be declared * or in case of an object {modName: "...", type: "..."} * where modName is the name of the module and the type * could be a specific dot separated extension e.g. * {modName: "sap.ui.core.Dev", type: "view"} * loads sap/ui/core/Dev.view.js and * registers as sap.ui.core.Dev.view * @param {boolean} [bCreateNamespace=true] whether to create the parent namespace * * @public * @static * @deprecated As of 1.52, UI5 modules and their dependencies should be defined using {@link sap.ui.define}. * For more details see {@link topic:91f23a736f4d1014b6dd926db0e91070 Modules and Dependencies} in the * documentation. */ jQuery.sap.declare = function(sModuleName, bCreateNamespace) { var sNamespaceObj = sModuleName; // check for an object as parameter for sModuleName // in case of this the object contains the module name and the type // which could be {modName: "sap.ui.core.Dev", type: "view"} if (typeof (sModuleName) === "object") { sNamespaceObj = sModuleName.modName; sModuleName = ui5ToRJS(sModuleName.modName) + (sModuleName.type ? "." + sModuleName.type : "") + ".js"; } else { sModuleName = ui5ToRJS(sModuleName) + ".js"; } _ui5loader.declareModule(sModuleName); // ensure parent namespace even if module was declared already // (as declare might have been called by require) if (bCreateNamespace !== false) { // ensure parent namespace jQuery.sap.getObject(sNamespaceObj, 1); } }; /** * Ensures that the given module is loaded and executed before execution of the * current script continues. * * By issuing a call to this method, the caller declares a dependency to the listed modules. * * Any required and not yet loaded script will be loaded and execute synchronously. * Already loaded modules will be skipped. * * @param {...string | object} vModuleName one or more names of modules to be loaded * or in case of an object {modName: "...", type: "..."} * where modName is the name of the module and the type * could be a specific dot separated extension e.g. * {modName: "sap.ui.core.Dev", type: "view"} * loads sap/ui/core/Dev.view.js and * registers as sap.ui.core.Dev.view * * @public * @static * @function * @SecSink {0|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests * @deprecated As of 1.52, UI5 modules and their dependencies should be defined using {@link sap.ui.define}. * When additional modules have to be loaded dynamically at a later point in time, the asynchronous API * {@link sap.ui.require} should be used. For more details, see {@link topic:91f23a736f4d1014b6dd926db0e91070 * Modules and Dependencies} in the documentation. */ jQuery.sap.require = function(vModuleName) { if ( arguments.length > 1 ) { // legacy mode with multiple arguments, each representing a dependency for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { jQuery.sap.require(arguments[i]); } return this; } // check for an object as parameter for sModuleName // in case of this the object contains the module name and the type // which could be {modName: "sap.ui.core.Dev", type: "view"} if (typeof (vModuleName) === "object") { jQuery.sap.assert(!vModuleName.type || mKnownSubtypes.js.indexOf(vModuleName.type) >= 0, "type must be empty or one of " + mKnownSubtypes.js.join(", ")); vModuleName = ui5ToRJS(vModuleName.modName) + (vModuleName.type ? "." + vModuleName.type : ""); } else { vModuleName = ui5ToRJS(vModuleName); } sap.ui.requireSync(vModuleName); }; // propagate legacy require hook to ui5loader translate hook Object.defineProperty(jQuery.sap.require, "_hook", { get: function() { return _ui5loader.translate; }, set: function(hook) { jQuery.sap.assert(false, "jquery.sap.global: legacy hook for code transformation should no longer be used"); _ui5loader.translate = hook; } }); /** * @private * @deprecated */ jQuery.sap.preloadModules = function(sPreloadModule, bAsync, oSyncPoint) { Log.error("jQuery.sap.preloadModules was never a public API and has been removed. Migrate to Core.loadLibrary()!"); }; /** * Adds all resources from a preload bundle to the preload cache. * * When a resource exists already in the cache, the new content is ignored. * * @param {object} oData Preload bundle * @param {string} [oData.url] URL from which the bundle has been loaded * @param {string} [oData.name] Unique name of the bundle * @param {string} [oData.version='1.0'] Format version of the preload bundle * @param {object} oData.modules Map of resources keyed by their resource name; each resource must be a string or a function * * @private * @sap-restricted sap.ui.core,preloadfiles * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.registerPreloadedModules = function(oData) { var modules = oData.modules; if ( Version(oData.version || "1.0").compareTo("2.0") < 0 ) { modules = {}; for ( var sName in oData.modules ) { modules[ui5ToRJS(sName) + ".js"] = oData.modules[sName]; } } sap.ui.require.preload(modules, oData.name, oData.url); }; /** * Removes a set of resources from the resource cache. * * @param {string} sName unified resource name of a resource or the name of a preload group to be removed * @param {boolean} [bPreloadGroup=true] whether the name specifies a preload group, defaults to true * @param {boolean} [bUnloadAll] Whether all matching resources should be unloaded, even if they have been executed already. * @param {boolean} [bDeleteExports] Whether exports (global variables) should be destroyed as well. Will be done for UI5 module names only. * @experimental Since 1.16.3 API might change completely, apps must not develop against it. * @private * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.unloadResources = _ui5loader.unloadResources; /** * Converts a UI5 module name to a unified resource name. * * Used by View and Fragment APIs to convert a given module name into a unified resource name. * When the sSuffix is not given, the suffix '.js' is added. This fits the most * common use case of converting a module name to the Javascript resource that contains the * module. Note that an empty sSuffix is not replaced by '.js'. This allows to * convert UI5 module names to requireJS module names with a call to this method. * * @param {string} sModuleName Module name as a dot separated name * @param {string} [sSuffix='.js'] Suffix to add to the final resource name * @private * @sap-restricted sap.ui.core * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.getResourceName = function(sModuleName, sSuffix) { return ui5ToRJS(sModuleName) + (sSuffix == null ? ".js" : sSuffix); }; /** * Retrieves the resource with the given name, either from the preload cache or from * the server. The expected data type of the resource can either be specified in the * options (dataType) or it will be derived from the suffix of the sResourceName. * The only supported data types so far are xml, html, json and text. If the resource name extension * doesn't match any of these extensions, the data type must be specified in the options. * * If the resource is found in the preload cache, it will be converted from text format * to the requested dataType using a converter from jQuery.ajaxSettings.converters. * * If it is not found, the resource name will be converted to a resource URL (using {@link #getResourcePath}) * and the resulting URL will be requested from the server with a synchronous jQuery.ajax call. * * If the resource was found in the local preload cache and any necessary conversion succeeded * or when the resource was retrieved from the backend successfully, the content of the resource will * be returned. In any other case, an exception will be thrown, or if option failOnError is set to true, * null will be returned. * * Future implementations of this API might add more options. Generic implementations that accept an * mOptions object and propagate it to this function should limit the options to the currently * defined set of options or they might fail for unknown options. * * For asynchronous calls the return value of this method is an ECMA Script 6 Promise object which callbacks are triggered * when the resource is ready: * If failOnError is false the catch callback of the promise is not called. The argument given to the fullfilled * callback is null in error case. * If failOnError is true the catch callback will be triggered. The argument is an Error object in this case. * * @param {string} [sResourceName] resourceName in unified resource name syntax * @param {object} [mOptions] options * @param {object} [mOptions.dataType] one of "xml", "html", "json" or "text". If not specified it will be derived from the resource name (extension) * @param {string} [mOptions.name] unified resource name of the resource to load (alternative syntax) * @param {string} [mOptions.url] url of a resource to load (alternative syntax, name will only be a guess) * @param {string} [mOptions.headers] Http headers for an eventual XHR request * @param {string} [mOptions.failOnError=true] whether to propagate load errors or not * @param {string} [mOptions.async=false] whether the loading should be performed asynchronously. * @return {string|Document|object|Promise} content of the resource. A string for text or html, an Object for JSON, a Document for XML. For asynchronous calls an ECMA Script 6 Promise object will be returned. * @throws Error if loading the resource failed * @private * @experimental API is not yet fully mature and may change in future. * @since 1.15.1 * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap.loadResource = LoaderExtensions.loadResource; /* * register a global event handler to detect script execution errors. * Only works for browsers that support document.currentScript. * / window.addEventListener("error", function(e) { if ( document.currentScript && document.currentScript.dataset.sapUiModule ) { var error = { message: e.message, filename: e.filename, lineno: e.lineno, colno: e.colno }; document.currentScript.dataset.sapUiModuleError = JSON.stringify(error); } }); */ /** * Loads the given Javascript resource (URN) asynchronously via as script tag. * Returns a promise that will be resolved when the load event is fired or reject * when the error event is fired. * * Note: execution errors of the script are not reported as 'error'. * * This method is not a full implementation of require. It is intended only for * loading "preload" files that do not define an own module / module value. * * Functionality might be removed/renamed in future, so no code outside the * sap.ui.core library must use it. * * @experimental * @private * @sap-restricted sap.ui.core,sap.ushell * @deprecated since 1.58 */ jQuery.sap._loadJSResourceAsync = _ui5loader.loadJSResourceAsync; return function() { return { modules : _ui5loader.getAllModules(), prefixes : _ui5loader.getUrlPrefixes() }; }; }()); // --------------------- script and stylesheet handling -------------------------------------------------- /** * Includes the script (via <script>-tag) into the head for the * specified sUrl and optional sId. * * @param {string|object} * vUrl the URL of the script to load or a configuration object * @param {string} * vUrl.url the URL of the script to load * @param {string} * [vUrl.id] id that should be used for the script tag * @param {object} * [vUrl.attributes] map of attributes that should be used for the script tag * @param {string|object} * [vId] id that should be used for the script tag or map of attributes * @param {function} * [fnLoadCallback] callback function to get notified once the script has been loaded * @param {function} * [fnErrorCallback] callback function to get notified once the script loading failed * @return {void|Promise} * When using the configuration object a Promise will be returned. The * documentation for the fnLoadCallback applies to the resolve * handler of the Promise and the one for the fnErrorCallback * applies to the reject handler of the Promise. * * @public * @static * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/includeScript} instead * @SecSink {0|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests */ jQuery.sap.includeScript = includeScript; /** * Includes the specified stylesheet via a <link>-tag in the head of the current document. If there is call to * includeStylesheet providing the sId of an already included stylesheet, the existing element will be * replaced. * * @param {string|object} * vUrl the URL of the stylesheet to load or a configuration object * @param {string} * vUrl.url the URL of the stylesheet to load * @param {string} * [vUrl.id] id that should be used for the link tag * @param {object} * [vUrl.attributes] map of attributes that should be used for the script tag * @param {string|object} * [vId] id that should be used for the link tag or map of attributes * @param {function} * [fnLoadCallback] callback function to get notified once the stylesheet has been loaded * @param {function} * [fnErrorCallback] callback function to get notified once the stylesheet loading failed. * In case of usage in IE the error callback will also be executed if an empty stylesheet * is loaded. This is the only option how to determine in IE if the load was successful * or not since the native onerror callback for link elements doesn't work in IE. The IE * always calls the onload callback of the link element. * @return {void|Promise} * When using the configuration object a Promise will be returned. The * documentation for the fnLoadCallback applies to the resolve * handler of the Promise and the one for the fnErrorCallback * applies to the reject handler of the Promise. * * @public * @static * @function * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/dom/includeStylesheet} instead * @SecSink {0|PATH} Parameter is used for future HTTP requests */ jQuery.sap.includeStyleSheet = includeStylesheet; // --------------------- support hooks --------------------------------------------------------- // TODO should be in core, but then the 'callback' could not be implemented if ( !(oCfgData.productive === true || oCfgData.productive === "true" || oCfgData.productive === "x") ) { SupportHotkeys.init(getModuleSystemInfo, oCfgData); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( oJQVersion.compareTo("2.2.3") != 0 ) { // if the loaded jQuery version isn't SAPUI5's default version -> notify // the application Log.warning("SAPUI5's default jQuery version is 2.2.3; current version is " + jQuery.fn.jquery + ". Please note that we only support version 2.2.3."); } // --------------------- frame protection ------------------------------------------------------- /** * @deprecated since 1.58 use {@link module:sap/ui/security/FrameOptions} instead */ jQuery.sap.FrameOptions = FrameOptions; /** * Executes an 'eval' for its arguments in the global context (without closure variables). * * This is a synchronous replacement for jQuery.globalEval which in some * browsers (e.g. FireFox) behaves asynchronously. * * @type void * @public * @static * @deprecated since 1.58 * @SecSink {0|XSS} Parameter is evaluated */ jQuery.sap.globalEval = function() { /*eslint-disable no-eval */ eval(arguments[0]); /*eslint-enable no-eval */ }; (function() { var b = Device.browser; var id = b.name; // TODO move to a separate module? Only adds 385 bytes (compressed), but... if ( !jQuery.browser ) { // re-introduce the jQuery.browser support if missing (jQuery-1.9ff) jQuery.browser = (function (ua) { var rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/, ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/, rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/, ua = ua.toLowerCase(), match = rwebkit.exec(ua) || ropera.exec(ua) || rmsie.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec(ua) || [], browser = {}; if (match[1]) { browser[match[1]] = true; browser.version = match[2] || "0"; if (browser.webkit) { browser.safari = true; } } return browser; }(window.navigator.userAgent)); } if (id === b.BROWSER.CHROME) { jQuery.browser.safari = false; jQuery.browser.chrome = true; } else if (id === b.BROWSER.SAFARI) { jQuery.browser.safari = true; jQuery.browser.chrome = false; } if (id) { jQuery.browser.fVersion = b.version; jQuery.browser.mobile = b.mobile; } }()); return jQuery; });