require 'pathname' module ForeverStyleGuide module ApplicationHelper def trademark(copy) case copy when "Forever" copy.upcase when "Forever Historian", "Forever Valet", "Forever Live!", "Forever Print" copy[0..6].upcase + copy[7..copy.length-1] + "™" when "pixels2Pages", "Historian", "ClickCollage", "It's like insurance for your photos", "Paper Tray Studio", "p2P", "StoryBook Legacy", "Templates & Co", "Valet" copy + "™" when "Forever Account", "Forever Guarantee", "Forever Guarantee Fund", "Forever Membership", "Forever Retreats", "Forever Retreat", "Forever Ambassador", "Forever Ambassadors", "Forever Deal of the Day", "Forever App", "Forever Digital Art", "Forever Digital Art Store", "Forever Founder's Club", "Forever Gift Certificate", "Forever Gift Certificates", "Forever Intro Account", "Forever Library", "Forever Media Conversion", "Forever Mobile", "Forever Owner", "Forever Vault", "Forever Print Shop", "Forever Services", "Forever Software", "Forever Store" copy[0..6].upcase + "™" + copy[7..copy.length-1] when "Forever Artisan", "Forever Storage" copy[0..6].upcase + copy[7..copy.length-1] + "®" when "Artisan", "Panstoria" copy + "®" else copy end end #Path helpers for mounted style guide use def www_url(path = '/', url = nil) strip_subdomain("www", path, url) end def strip_subdomain(sub, path = '/', url = nil) url ||= request.url if respond_to?(:request) url = URI(url) replace = url.to_s protocols = ['www.', 'store.', 'my.'] replace = protocols.find { |protocol| replace.include?(protocol) } #protect against a nil return that would break localhost if replace.blank? replace = '/' end =, "#{sub}.") # Allow ember routes like /#/settings/password url.path = URI.escape(path, '#, ?') url.query = nil url = URI.decode(url.to_s) end def absolute_url(url_str) return unless url_str.present? url_str = url_str.strip return url_str if url_str =~ /https?\:/i "http://" + url_str end def has_item_in_cart? defined?(current_order) && current_order.product_count > 0 end def has_ambassador? defined?(current_ambassador) && current_ambassador.present? end #active state nav def is_active? return true if @pages.any?{ |matches| [controller.controller_name, controller.action_name].include? matches } end def is_in_product_dropdown? @pages = [ 'guaranteed_storage', 'add_storage', 'services', 'historian', 'downloads', 'artisan', 'digital_art', 'digital_art_library', 'forever_print_library' 'p2p', 'forever_print', 'print', 'prints', 'print_quality', 'gifts', 'shipping', 'bulk_orders', 'returns', 'products' ] is_active? end def is_in_my_forever_dropdown? @pages = ['guarantee', 'about', 'team', 'beliefs'] is_active? end def is_in_community_dropdown? @pages = ['opportunity', 'find_ambassadors', 'commitments', 'retreats'] is_active? end def is_in_deals_dropdown? @pages = ['promotions', 'deals'] is_active? end #User storage methds as seen in web app user.rb def capacity_readable if current_user number_to_human_size(current_user.storage_capacity, precision: 4) end end def storage_ratio_percent number_to_percentage(storage_ratio * 100, precision: 0) end def storage_ratio return 0 if current_user.storage_capacity == 0 current_user.storage_used.to_f / current_user.storage_capacity.to_f end # Admin Links def store_admin_url www_url('/admin') end def stop_impersonating_url ('/impersonations') end # Web App Paths def library_url ('/app/library') end def albums_url ('/app/albums') end def tags_url ('/app/tags') end def projects_url ('/app/projects') end def people_url ('/app/users') end def profile_url ('/app/profile') end def user_settings_url ('/app/settings') end # Combined Store/WWW Paths - now all available at def user_order_history_url www_url('/settings/orders') end def user_downloads_url www_url('/settings/downloads') end def ambassador_settings_url www_url('/settings/my_ambassador') end def login_url www_url('/sign_in') end def log_out_url www_url('/log_out') end def sign_up_url www_url('/sign_up') end def marketing_home_url www_url('/') end def about_url www_url('/about') end def team_url www_url('/about/team') end def beliefs_url www_url('/about/beliefs') end def guarantee_url www_url('/guarantee') end def storage_url www_url('/forever_storage') end def mobile_url www_url('/mobile') end def historian_url www_url('/historian') end def artisan_url www_url('/artisan') end def forever_print_url www_url('/forever_print') end def print_quality_url www_url('/print_quality') end def deals_url www_url('/deals') end def shipping_info_url www_url('/shipping') end def bulk_orders_url www_url('/bulk-orders') end def return_policy_url www_url('/returns') end def p2p_url www_url('/pixels2pages') end def customer_commitments_url www_url('/commitments') end def opportunity_url www_url('/opportunity') end def retreats_url www_url('/retreats') end def press_url www_url('/about/press') end def cart_url www_url('/cart') end def services_url www_url('/services') end def digital_art_url www_url('/digital_art') end def new_digital_art_url www_url('/digital_art_library?facet_name=new') end def forever_print_library_url www_url('/forever_print_library') end def featured_photo_books_library_url www_url('/forever_print_library?facet_name=featured') end def artisan_print_url www_url('/artisan#printing') end def free_digital_art_url www_url('/digital_art_library?facet_name=free') end def predesigned_layouts_digital_art_url www_url('/digital_art_library?facet_name=pre-designed%20layouts') end def all_digital_art_url www_url('/digital_art_library') end def gift_certificate_url www_url('/gift_certificates') end def gift_certificate_url www_url('/gift_certificates') end def gifts_url www_url('/gifts') end def find_ambassador_url www_url('/find_ambassador') end def ambassador_direct_url www_url('/ambassador-direct') end def upgrade_url if defined?(current_user) && current_user.membership www_url('/add_storage') else www_url('/pricing') end end def back_office_url www_url('/back_office') end def tos_url www_url('/tos') end def privacy_url www_url('/privacy') end # External Paths def forever_live_url "" end def facebook_url "" end def twitter_url "" end def instagram_url "" end def youtube_url "" end def pinterest_url "" end def blog_url "" end def ios_url "" end def android_url "" end def careers_url "" end def help_center_url "" end def contact_us_url "" end def web_faq_url "" end def artisan_faq_url "" end def historian_faq_url "" end def zendesk_overview_video_url "" end def zendesk_uploading_video_url "" end def zendesk_sharing_video_url "" end def zendesk_albums_video_url "" end def zendesk_tags_video_url "" end def zendesk_projects_video_url "" end # Path helpers for style guide dummy app def style_guide_path Rails.application.routes.named_routes[:forever_style_guide].path.spec.to_s end def style_guide_root ForeverStyleGuide::Engine.root end def style_guide_version ForeverStyleGuide::VERSION end def sections_path end def demo_link(demo_name) File.join(style_guide_path, "demo", demo_name) end def escape_for_display(content) content.gsub(/\</, "<").gsub(/\>/, ">").html_safe end def escape_erb_for_display(partial_path) partial ="#{style_guide_root}/app/views/#{partial_path}") escape_for_display(partial) end end end