describe BW::UIBarButtonItem do describe ".styled" do describe "given an unknown style" do it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(NameError) { BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:unknown, "object") } exception.message.should.equal("uninitialized constant Kernel::UIBarButtonItemStyleUnknown") end end describe "given an invalid object" do it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(ArgumentError) { BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:plain, :object) } exception.message.should.equal("invalid object - :object") end end ############################################################################################### describe "given a String object" do before do @object = "Friends" @target = -> { true } @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:plain, @object, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct title" do @subject.title.should.equal(@object) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given a String object but no block" do before do @object = "Friends" @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:plain, @object) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct title" do @subject.title.should.equal(@object) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do end end ############################################################################################### describe "given an UIImage object" do before do @object = UIImage.alloc.init @target = -> { true } @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:bordered, @object, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct image" do @subject.image.should.equal(@object) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given two UIImage objects" do before do @object1 = UIImage.alloc.init @object2 = UIImage.alloc.init @target = -> { true } @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.styled(:done, @object1, @object2, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct image" do @subject.image.should.equal(@object1) end it "has the correct iPhone landscape image" do @subject.landscapeImagePhone.should.equal(@object2) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end end ################################################################################################# describe ".system" do describe "given an unknown system item" do it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(NameError) { BW::UIBarButtonItem.system(:unknown) } exception.message.should.equal("uninitialized constant Kernel::UIBarButtonSystemItemUnknown") end end ############################################################################################### describe "given a system item" do before do @target = -> { true } @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.system(:save, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct system item" do # TIP: systemItem is an undocumented property @subject.systemItem.should.equal(UIBarButtonSystemItemSave) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given a system item but no block" do before do @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.system(:save) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct system item" do @subject.systemItem.should.equal(UIBarButtonSystemItemSave) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(nil) end end end ################################################################################################# describe ".custom" do describe "given a custom view" do before do @view = UIView.alloc.init @target = -> { true } @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.custom(@view, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has a custom view" do @subject.customView.should.equal(@view) end it "adds one, single tap gesture recognizer to the custom view" do @view.gestureRecognizers.size.should.equal(1) @view.gestureRecognizers.first.class.should.equal(UITapGestureRecognizer) @view.gestureRecognizers.first.numberOfTapsRequired.should.equal(1) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given a custom view but no block" do before do @view = UIView.alloc.init @subject = BW::UIBarButtonItem.custom(@view) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has a custom view" do @subject.customView.should.equal(@view) end it "adds no gesture recognizers to the custom view" do @view.gestureRecognizers.should.equal(nil) end end end ################################################################################################# describe ".new" do describe "not given options" do it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(ArgumentError) { } exception.message.should.equal("invalid options - {}") end end describe "given unknown options" do it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(ArgumentError) { => true) } exception.message.should.equal("invalid options - {:unknown=>true}") end end describe "given incompatible options for a styled item" do before do @options = { :styled => :bordered, :title => "Friends", :image => UIImage.alloc.init } end it "raises an exception" do exception = should.raise(ArgumentError) { } exception.message.should.equal("invalid object - #{@options.values_at(:title, :image)}") end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a styled item with a title" do before do @options = { :styled => :plain, :title => "Friends" } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct title" do @subject.title.should.equal(@options[:title]) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a styled item with an image" do before do @options = { :styled => :bordered, :image => UIImage.alloc.init } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct image" do @subject.image.should.equal(@options[:image]) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a styled item with two images" do before do @options = { :styled => :bordered, :image => UIImage.alloc.init, :landscape => UIImage.alloc.init } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct style" do end it "has the correct image" do @subject.image.should.equal(@options[:image]) end it "has the correct iPhone landscape image" do @subject.landscapeImagePhone.should.equal(@options[:landscape]) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a system item" do before do @options = { :system => :save } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct system item" do @subject.systemItem.should.equal(UIBarButtonSystemItemSave) end it "has the correct target" do end it "has the correct action" do @subject.action.should.equal(:call) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a custom view" do before do @options = { :custom => UIView.alloc.init } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has a custom view" do @subject.customView.should.equal(@options[:custom]) end it "adds one, single tap gesture recognizer to the custom view" do @options[:custom].gestureRecognizers.size.should.equal(1) @options[:custom].gestureRecognizers.first.class.should.equal(UITapGestureRecognizer) @options[:custom].gestureRecognizers.first.numberOfTapsRequired.should.equal(1) end end ############################################################################################### describe "given options for a view" do before do @options = { :view => UIView.alloc.init } @target = -> { true } @subject =, &@target) end it "has the correct class" do @subject.class.should.equal(BW::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has the correct superclass" do @subject.superclass.should.equal(::UIBarButtonItem) end it "has a custom view" do @subject.customView.should.equal(@options[:view]) end it "adds one, single tap gesture recognizer to the view" do @options[:view].gestureRecognizers.size.should.equal(1) @options[:view].gestureRecognizers.first.class.should.equal(UITapGestureRecognizer) @options[:view].gestureRecognizers.first.numberOfTapsRequired.should.equal(1) end end end end