#!/usr/bin/env ruby18 # # # # = Test Jeckyl option parsing # # == SubTitle # # Author:: Robert Sharp # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011 Robert Sharp # License:: Open Software Licence v3.0 # # This software is licensed for use under the Open Software Licence v. 3.0 # The terms of this licence can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php # and in the file copyright.txt. Under the terms of this licence, all derivative works # must themselves be licensed under the Open Software Licence v. 3.0 # # # $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'jeckyl' require './test/test_configurator' cdir = File.dirname(__FILE__) conf_file = File.join(cdir, 'conf.d', 'jeckyl') args, conf_file = TestJeckyl.get_config_opt(ARGV, conf_file) options = TestJeckyl.new(conf_file) # options._options.each do |key, opts| # puts key.to_s + ':' + opts.join(', ') # end unless options.optparse(args) exit 0 end puts "Options are:" options.to_s