# Contributing to Sorbet Rails

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this project!

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant
[code of conduct](https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/.github/tree/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior
to opensource@chanzuckerberg.com.

This project is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md).

## Need Help?

If you are trying to integrate Sorbet into your project, consider these venues:

 * **Stack Overflow**: Try the [sorbet](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sorbet)
   and [sorbet + ruby-on-rails](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sorbet+ruby-on-rails) tags
 * **Slack**: [the Sorbet community](https://sorbet.org/en/community) includes
   [#discuss](https://sorbet-ruby.slack.com/app_redirect?channel=discuss) and
   [#rails](https://sorbet-ruby.slack.com/app_redirect?channel=rails) channels

If you've come here to report an issue, you're in the right place!

## Reporting Bugs and Adding Functionality

We're excited you'd like to contribute to Sorbet Rails!

When reporting a bug, please include:
 * Steps to reproduce
 * The versions of Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sorbet, and this gem that you are using
 * A test case, if you are able

**If you believe you have found a security issue, please contact us at security@chanzuckerberg.com**
rather than filing an issue here.

When proposing new functionality, please include test coverage. We're also available in
the Sorbet Slack [#rails](https://sorbet-ruby.slack.com/app_redirect?channel=rails) channel
to discuss your idea before you get started, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.

## Local Development

1. Clone `sorbet-rails` locally:

❯ git clone https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/sorbet-rails.git

2. Point your project's Gemfile to your local clone:

# -- Gemfile --

gem 'sorbet-rails', path: "~/sorbet-rails"

The most important files are:

 * [`rbi/activerecord.rbi`](rbi/activerecord.rbi): The ActiveRecord RBI.
   If you change anything in this file, it will be reflected when you run `srb tc`.

 * [`lib/sorbet-rails/model_rbi_formatter.rb`](lib/sorbet-rails/model_rbi_formatter.rb):
   Generates RBI files for models. You can regenerate these using `bundle exec rake rails_rbi:models`.

 * [`lib/sorbet-rails/routes_rbi_formatter.rb`](lib/sorbet-rails/routes_rbi_formatter.rb):
   Generates an RBI file for routes. You can regenerate this using `bundle exec rake rails_rbi:routes`.

 * [`lib/sorbet-rails/helper_rbi_formatter.rb`](lib/sorbet-rails/helper_rbi_formatter.rb):
   Generates an RBI file for helpers. You can regenerate this using `bundle exec rake rails_rbi:helpers`.

## Tests

Tests are written using [RSpec](https://rspec.info/). Each pull request is run against
multiple versions of both Ruby and Ruby on Rails. A code coverage report is also generated.

### Running Tests

You can run tests using `bundle exec rake`.

By default, tests will run against a Rails 5.2.x test application.

To run the tests against all supported Rails branches, use:

❯ ./spec/bin/run_all_specs.sh

You can also switch to a version of Rails with `RAILS_VERSION`:

❯ RAILS_VERSION=5.2 ./spec/bin/run_spec.sh
❯ RAILS_VERSION=6.0 ./spec/bin/run_spec.sh
❯ RAILS_VERSION=6.1 ./spec/bin/run_spec.sh

#### Debugging

It is possible to run only one file's tests:
❯ bundle exec rspec spec/model_rbi_formatter_spec.rb
Or a specific test in a file:
❯ bundle exec rspec spec/model_rbi_formatter_spec.rb:28

For debugging, you could use [byebug](https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/byebug), which is
installed in development mode. If you're not familiar with byebug, add `byebug` where you want
execution to stop, which will then start a debugger. For more, check out the
[byebug guide](https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/byebug/blob/master/GUIDE.md).

### Writing Tests

Tests are in the `_spec.rb` files in the [`spec/`](spec/) directory. Sorbet's `srb tc` test
cases are in [`spec/generators/sorbet_test_cases.rb`](spec/generators/sorbet_test_cases.rb).

Rails apps are stored in [`spec/support/`](spec/support/). All models,
controllers, helpers, migrations, and any other shared code comes
from [`spec/generators/rails-template.rb`](spec/generators/rails-template.rb).
The only exception to this is `spec/generators/sorbet_test_cases.rb`, which is
copied into each app with `cp`.

The `rails-template.rb` file uses the
[Rails Application Template](https://guides.rubyonrails.org/rails_application_templates.html)
functionality included in Rails. You can then regenerate each Rails app from
the same file using `bundle exec rake update_spec:v5_0`,
`bundle exec rake update_spec:v5_1`, etc. (or just `bundle exec rake update_spec:all`.

#### Expected Output

If your new tests make changes to the expected output, you can update the expected output
by running:

❯ ./spec/bin/update_test_data.sh

Only do this once you're confident that your code is correct, because it will update
the expected test data stored in [`spec/test_data/`](spec/test_data/) based on your current
code, and all tests will then pass.

If you want to update `sorbet_test_cases.rb`, you can run `bundle exec rake update_spec:sorbet_test_cases`
to copy the file from `spec/generators/sorbet_test_cases.rb` into each of the Rails apps
in `spec/support/`.