module Axel RecordNotFound = StandardError module ControllerHelpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do if respond_to?(:helper_method) helper_method :errors, :metadata, :header_status, :drop_meta?, :format, :render_nil_format, :safe_json_load, :xml_clean end delegate :header_status, to: :errors if respond_to?(:layout) && ! layout "axel" end if respond_to?(:rescue_from) rescue_from ForceSSL do |e| drop_meta! rescue_error status: :forbidden, message: "SSL is required" end rescue_from NotAuthorized do |e| rescue_error status: 401, message: "User not authorized" end rescue_from Axel::RecordNotFound do |e| rescue_error status: 404, message: "Record not found" end if defined?(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |e| rescue_error status: 404, message: "Record not found" end end if defined?(ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error) rescue_from ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error do |e| rescue_error status: 422, message: "Unacceptable parameter being used" end end if defined?(ActionController::UnknownFormat) rescue_from ActionController::UnknownFormat do |e| render nothing: true, status: 406, message: "Unknown Format" end end end end module ClassMethods def respond_to_json_xml respond_to :json, :xml end end # Public: Quick access to a set of errors we're tracking # while dealing with a request # # Example: # # errors # # => <# Errors ...> # # Return an object for recording errors over a request def errors @errors ||= end def metadata @metadata ||= end # Default API response when an error occurs def rescue_error(options = {}) messages = ([options[:messages]] + [options[:message]]).flatten.compact errors.new_error options[:status], *messages respond_to_empty end # Public: Use for weird actions like #update where we don't want # to create a whole rabl template for it. This will allow the format # to fixed correctly and render a different action for you. # # action - used to pick the template we're now rendering # # Example: # # respond_with_action :show # def respond_with_action(action) respond_with do |f| f.json { render action: action } f.xml { render action: action } end end alias render_action respond_with_action # Public: Use to respond with an empty template. Especially useful for # manipulative controller actions where you don't want to have a new view, # but you DO want to return our "envelope" def respond_to_empty respond_to do |f| f.json { render nothing: true, layout: "axel", status: header_status } f.xml { render nothing: true, layout: "axel", status: header_status } end end alias render_empty respond_to_empty # Public: Use as a before filter. Will find a resource with some automation. # Find based on params. # # options - Hash of options for tweaking # :finder - Column being used for the select (:id, :user_name) # :value - The value the column should be (an ID or Name value) # # Example: # # PersonasController#find_resource # (with params[:id] => 1) # # => @persona # => <# Persona id: 1 #> # # PersonasController#find_resource(finder: :user_id) # (with params[:user_id] => 1) # # => @persona # => <# Persona user_id: 1 #> # # PersonasController#find_resource(finder: :user_id, value: 2) # (with params[:user_id] => 1) # # => @persona # => <# Persona user_id: 2 #> # # Return the value of the instance variable we just set def find_resource(options = {}) resource_name = controller_name.singularize resource = controller_name.classify.constantize finder_column = options[:finder] || :id finder_value = options[:value] || params[:id] resources = resource.where(finder_column => finder_value) if resources.length == 0 raise RecordNotFound else instance_variable_set "@#{resource_name}", resources.first end end def query_params try_strong_params request.GET end def post_params try_strong_params request.POST end def object_params try_strong_params post_params.fetch(object_name, post_params) end def try_strong_params(regular_params) end def object_name controller_name.singularize end def force_ssl! return true unless Rails::Application.productionish? if !request.ssl? raise ForceSSL end end def drop_meta! metadata.drop! end def drop_meta? metadata.drop? end def format params[:format] || :json end def render_nil_format { json: nil, xml: "" }.with_indifferent_access[format] end def rabl_render(object, view) Rabl.render(object, view, view_path: 'app/views', scope: self) end def safe_json_load(json) json.present? ? MultiJson.load(json, mode: :null) : nil end def xml_clean(payload) payload.gsub(/\<(\/)*hash\>\s{1}/, ''). gsub(/<\?\W*([xX][mM][lL])\W*version.*encoding.*\?>/, ""). strip end end end