require 'spec_helper' require 'r10k/module_loader/puppetfile' describe R10K::ModuleLoader::Puppetfile do describe 'initial parameters' do describe 'honor' do let(:options) do { basedir: '/test/basedir/env', forge: 'localforge.internal.corp', overrides: { modules: { deploy_modules: true } }, environment:'env', '/test/basedir/', 'env', { remote: 'git://foo/remote', ref: 'env' }) } end subject {**options) } describe 'the moduledir' do it 'respects absolute paths' do absolute_options = options.merge({moduledir: '/opt/puppetlabs/special/modules'}) puppetfile =**absolute_options) expect(puppetfile.instance_variable_get(:@moduledir)).to eq('/opt/puppetlabs/special/modules') end it 'roots the moduledir in the basepath if a relative path is specified' do relative_options = options.merge({moduledir: 'my/special/modules'}) puppetfile =**relative_options) expect(puppetfile.instance_variable_get(:@moduledir)).to eq('/test/basedir/env/my/special/modules') end end describe 'the Puppetfile' do it 'respects absolute paths' do absolute_options = options.merge({puppetfile: '/opt/puppetlabs/special/Puppetfile'}) puppetfile =**absolute_options) expect(puppetfile.instance_variable_get(:@puppetfile)).to eq('/opt/puppetlabs/special/Puppetfile') end it 'roots the Puppetfile in the basepath if a relative path is specified' do relative_options = options.merge({puppetfile: ''}) puppetfile =**relative_options) expect(puppetfile.instance_variable_get(:@puppetfile)).to eq('/test/basedir/env/') end end it 'the forge' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@forge)).to eq('localforge.internal.corp') end it 'the overrides' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@overrides)).to eq({ modules: { deploy_modules: true }}) end it 'the environment' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@environment).name).to eq('env') end end describe 'sane defaults' do subject { '/test/basedir') } it 'has a moduledir rooted in the basedir' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@moduledir)).to eq('/test/basedir/modules') end it 'has a Puppetfile rooted in the basedir' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@puppetfile)).to eq('/test/basedir/Puppetfile') end it 'uses the public forge' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@forge)).to eq('') end it 'creates an empty overrides' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@overrides)).to eq({}) end it 'does not require an environment' do expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@environment)).to eq(nil) end end end describe 'adding modules' do let(:basedir) { '/test/basedir' } subject { basedir) } it 'should transform Forge modules with a string arg to have a version key' do expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', subject.moduledir, hash_including(version: '1.2.3'), anything).and_call_original expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', '1.2.3') }.to change { subject.modules } expect(subject.modules.collect(&:name)).to include('test_module') end it 'should not accept Forge modules with a version comparison' do expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', subject.moduledir, hash_including(version: '< 1.2.0'), anything).and_call_original expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', '< 1.2.0') }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /module puppet\/test_module.*doesn't have an implementation/i) expect(subject.modules.collect(&:name)).not_to include('test_module') end it 'should accept non-Forge modules with a hash arg' do module_opts = { git: '' } expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', subject.moduledir, module_opts, anything).and_call_original expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) }.to change { subject.modules } expect(subject.modules.collect(&:name)).to include('test_module') end it 'should accept non-Forge modules with a valid relative :install_path option' do module_opts = { install_path: 'vendor', git: '', } expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', File.join(basedir, 'vendor'), module_opts, anything).and_call_original expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) }.to change { subject.modules } expect(subject.modules.collect(&:name)).to include('test_module') end it 'should accept non-Forge modules with a valid absolute :install_path option' do install_path = File.join(basedir, 'vendor') module_opts = { install_path: install_path, git: '', } expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', install_path, module_opts, anything).and_call_original expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) }.to change { subject.modules } expect(subject.modules.collect(&:name)).to include('test_module') end it 'should reject non-Forge modules with an invalid relative :install_path option' do module_opts = { install_path: '../../vendor', git: '', } expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) }.to raise_error(R10K::Error, /cannot manage content.*is not within/i).and not_change { subject.modules } end it 'should reject non-Forge modules with an invalid absolute :install_path option' do module_opts = { install_path: '/tmp/mydata/vendor', git: '', } expect { subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) }.to raise_error(R10K::Error, /cannot manage content.*is not within/i).and not_change { subject.modules } end it 'should disable and not add modules that conflict with the environment' do env = instance_double('R10K::Environment::Base') mod = instance_double('R10K::Module::Base', name: 'conflict', origin: :puppetfile, 'origin=': nil) loader = basedir, environment: env) allow(env).to receive(:'module_conflicts?').with(mod).and_return(true) expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('conflict', anything, anything, anything).and_return(mod) expect { loader.add_module('conflict', {}) }.not_to change { loader.modules } end end describe '#purge_exclusions' do let(:managed_dirs) { ['dir1', 'dir2'] } subject { '/test/basedir') } it 'includes managed_directories' do expect(subject.send(:determine_purge_exclusions, managed_dirs)).to match_array(managed_dirs) end context 'when belonging to an environment' do let(:env_contents) { ['env1', 'env2' ] } let(:env) { double(:environment, desired_contents: env_contents) } subject { '/test/basedir', environment: env) } it "includes environment's desired_contents" do expect(subject.send(:determine_purge_exclusions, managed_dirs)).to match_array(managed_dirs + env_contents) end end end describe '#managed_directories' do let(:basedir) { '/test/basedir' } subject { basedir) } before do allow(subject).to receive(:puppetfile_content).and_return('') end it 'returns an array of paths that #purge! will operate within' do expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', subject.moduledir, hash_including(version: '1.2.3'), anything).and_call_original subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', '1.2.3') subject.load expect(subject.modules.length).to be 1 expect(subject.managed_directories).to match_array([subject.moduledir]) end context "with a module with install_path == ''" do it "basedir isn't in the list of paths to purge" do module_opts = { install_path: '', git: '' } expect(R10K::Module).to receive(:new).with('puppet/test_module', basedir, module_opts, anything).and_call_original subject.add_module('puppet/test_module', module_opts) subject.load expect(subject.modules.length).to be 1 expect(subject.managed_directories).to be_empty end end end describe 'evaluating a Puppetfile' do def expect_wrapped_error(error, pf_path, error_type) expect(error).to be_a_kind_of(R10K::Error) expect(error.message).to eq("Failed to evaluate #{pf_path}") expect(error.original).to be_a_kind_of(error_type) end subject { @path) } it 'wraps and re-raises syntax errors' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'invalid-syntax') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.to raise_error do |e| expect_wrapped_error(e, pf_path, SyntaxError) end end it 'wraps and re-raises load errors' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'load-error') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.to raise_error do |e| expect_wrapped_error(e, pf_path, LoadError) end end it 'wraps and re-raises argument errors' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'argument-error') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.to raise_error do |e| expect_wrapped_error(e, pf_path, ArgumentError) end end it 'rejects Puppetfiles with duplicate module names' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'duplicate-module-error') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.to raise_error(R10K::Error, /Puppetfiles cannot contain duplicate module names/i) end it 'wraps and re-raises name errors' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'name-error') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.to raise_error do |e| expect_wrapped_error(e, pf_path, NameError) end end it 'accepts a forge module with a version' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'valid-forge-with-version') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.not_to raise_error end describe 'setting a custom moduledir' do it 'allows setting an absolute moduledir' do @path = '/fake/basedir' allow(subject).to receive(:puppetfile_content).and_return('moduledir "/fake/moduledir"') subject.load expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@moduledir)).to eq('/fake/moduledir') end it 'roots relative moduledirs in the basedir' do @path = '/fake/basedir' allow(subject).to receive(:puppetfile_content).and_return('moduledir "my/moduledir"') subject.load expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@moduledir)).to eq(File.join(@path, 'my/moduledir')) end end it 'accepts a forge module without a version' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'valid-forge-without-version') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.not_to raise_error end it 'creates a git module and applies the default branch specified in the Puppetfile' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'default-branch-override') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') expect { subject.load }.not_to raise_error git_module = subject.modules[0] expect(git_module.default_ref).to eq 'here_lies_the_default_branch' end it 'creates a git module and applies the provided default_branch_override' do @path = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'unit', 'puppetfile', 'default-branch-override') pf_path = File.join(@path, 'Puppetfile') default_branch_override = 'default_branch_override_name' subject.default_branch_override = default_branch_override expect { subject.load }.not_to raise_error git_module = subject.modules[0] expect(git_module.default_override_ref).to eq default_branch_override expect(git_module.default_ref).to eq 'here_lies_the_default_branch' end end end