module Spree class Gateway::AuthorizeNetCim < Gateway preference :login, :string preference :password, :string preference :server, :string, default: "test" preference :test_mode, :boolean, default: false preference :validate_on_profile_create, :boolean, default: false ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response.class_eval do attr_writer :authorization end def provider_class self.class end def options if !['live','test'].include?(self.preferred_server) raise "You must set the 'server' preference in your payment method (Gateway::AuthorizeNetCim) to either 'live' or 'test'" end # add :test key in the options hash, as that is what the # ActiveMerchant::Billing::AuthorizeNetGateway expects if self.preferred_server != "live" self.preferences[:test] = true else self.preferences.delete(:test) end super end def authorize(amount, creditcard, gateway_options) create_transaction(amount, creditcard, :auth_only, transaction_options(gateway_options)) end def purchase(amount, creditcard, gateway_options) create_transaction(amount, creditcard, :auth_capture, transaction_options(gateway_options)) end # capture is only one where source is not passed in for payment profile def capture(amount, response_code, gateway_options) # no credit card needed create_transaction(amount, nil, :prior_auth_capture, trans_id: response_code) end def credit(amount, creditcard, response_code, gateway_options = {}) create_transaction(amount, creditcard, :refund, transaction_options(gateway_options).merge(trans_id: response_code)) end def void(response_code, creditcard, gateway_options = {}) create_transaction(nil, creditcard, :void, transaction_options(gateway_options).merge(trans_id: response_code)) end def cancel(response_code) # From: # DD: if unsettled, void needed response = void(response_code, nil) # DD: if settled, credit/refund needed response = credit(nil, nil, response_code) unless response.success? response end def payment_profiles_supported? true end # Create a new CIM customer profile ready to accept a payment. Called by Spree::Payment on after_save. def create_profile(payment) if payment.source.gateway_customer_profile_id.nil? profile_hash = create_customer_profile(payment) payment.source.update_attributes(gateway_customer_profile_id: profile_hash[:customer_profile_id], gateway_payment_profile_id: profile_hash[:customer_payment_profile_id]) end end # Get the CIM payment profile; Needed for updates. def get_profile(payment) if payment.source.has_payment_profile? profile = cim_gateway.get_customer_profile({ customer_profile_id: payment.source.gateway_customer_profile_id }) if profile profile.params['profile'].deep_symbolize_keys! end end end # Get the CIM payment profile; Needed for updates. def get_payment_profile(payment) if payment.source.has_payment_profile? profile = cim_gateway.get_customer_payment_profile({ customer_profile_id: payment.source.gateway_customer_profile_id, customer_payment_profile_id: payment.source.gateway_payment_profile_id }) if profile profile.params['payment_profile'].deep_symbolize_keys! end end end # Update billing address on the CIM payment profile def update_payment_profile(payment) if payment.source.has_payment_profile? if hash = get_payment_profile(payment) hash[:bill_to] = generate_address_hash(payment.order.bill_address) if hash[:payment][:credit_card] # activemerchant expects a credit card object with 'number', 'year', 'month', and 'verification_value?' defined payment.source.define_singleton_method(:number) { "XXXXXXXXX#{payment.source.last_digits}" } hash[:payment][:credit_card] = payment.source end cim_gateway.update_customer_payment_profile({ customer_profile_id: payment.source.gateway_customer_profile_id, payment_profile: hash }) end end end private def transaction_options(gateway_options = {}) { order: { invoice_number: gateway_options[:order_id] } } end # Create a transaction on a creditcard # Set up a CIM profile for the card if one doesn't exist # Valid transaction_types are :auth_only, :capture_only and :auth_capture def create_transaction(amount, creditcard, transaction_type, options = {}) if creditcard transaction_options = { type: transaction_type }.update(options) if amount amount = "%.2f" % (amount / 100.0) # This gateway requires formated decimal, not cents transaction_options.update({ amount: amount }) end if creditcard transaction_options.update({ customer_profile_id: creditcard.gateway_customer_profile_id, customer_payment_profile_id: creditcard.gateway_payment_profile_id }) end logger.debug("\nAuthorize Net CIM Request") logger.debug(" transaction_options: #{transaction_options.inspect}") t = cim_gateway.create_customer_profile_transaction(transaction: transaction_options) logger.debug("\nAuthorize Net CIM Response") logger.debug(" response: #{t.inspect}\n") t end # Create a new CIM customer profile ready to accept a payment def create_customer_profile(payment) options = options_for_create_customer_profile(payment) response = cim_gateway.create_customer_profile(options) if response.success? { customer_profile_id: response.params['customer_profile_id'], customer_payment_profile_id: response.params['customer_payment_profile_id_list'].values.first } else payment.send(:gateway_error, response) end end def options_for_create_customer_profile(payment) if payment.is_a? CreditCard info = { bill_to: generate_address_hash(payment.address), payment: { credit_card: payment } } else info = { bill_to: generate_address_hash(payment.order.bill_address), payment: { credit_card: payment.source } } end validation_mode = preferred_validate_on_profile_create ? preferred_server.to_sym : :none { profile: { merchant_customer_id: "#{}", ship_to_list: generate_address_hash(payment.order.ship_address), email:, payment_profiles: info }, validation_mode: validation_mode } end # As in PaymentGateway but with separate name fields def generate_address_hash(address) return {} if address.nil? { first_name: address.firstname, last_name: address.lastname, address1: address.address1, address2: address.address2, city:, state: address.state_text, zip: address.zipcode, country:, phone_number: } end def cim_gateway @_cim_gateway ||= begin ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway_mode = preferred_server.to_sym gateway_options = options gateway_options[:test_requests] = false # DD: never ever do test requests because just returns transaction_id = 0 end end end end