=== rrobots USAGE: rrobots [resolution] [#match] [-nogui] [-speed=] [-timeout=] [-teams=] [-with-toolboxes] [-with-mines] [-set-locale=] <...> or : rrobots [-set-locale=] -list-internals or : rrobots [-set-locale=] -list-locales or : rrobots [-set-locale=] -manual or : rrobots [-set-locale=] without arguments : give this usage page * [-list-internals] (exclusive) give the list of avaibles internals Robots. * [resolution] (optional) should be of the form 640x480 or 800*600. default is 800x800. * [match] (optional) to replay a match, put the match# here, including the #sign. * [-nogui] (optional) run the match without the gui, for highest possible speed.(ignores speed value if present). * [-speed=] (optional, defaults to 1) updates GUI after every N ticks. The higher the N, the faster the match will play. * [-timeout=] (optional, default 50000) number of ticks a match will last at most. * [-teams=] (optional) split robots into N teams. Match ends when only one team has robots left. * [-with-toolboxes] (optional) to accept the spawning of healing toolboxes (randomly). * [-ignore-config] (optional) to ignore the config file present in the path. * [-write-config] (optional) to write the config in a file in the path. * [-set-locale] (optional) force a locale if avaible in locales list. * [-list-locales] (exclusive) list avaible locale. * [-manual] (exclusive) give the manual page of RRobots. * [-with-mines] (optional) to accept the dropping of mines by the robots (default 3). The names of the rb files have to match the class names of the robots (up to 8 robots) e.g. 'rrobots SittingDuck NervousDuck' or 'rrobots 600x600 #1234567890 SittingDuck NervousDuck' === tournament USAGE : tournament [-timeout=] [-matches=] [-with-toolboxes] [-with-mines] [-set-locale=] (-dir= | +) or : tournament [-set-locale=] -list-locales or : tournament [-set-locale=] -manual or : tournament [-set-locale=] without arguments : give this usage page * [-timeout=] (optional, default 10000) number of ticks a match will last at most. * [-matches=] (optional, default 2) how many times each robot fights every other robot. * -dir= All .rb files from that directory will be matched against each other. * [-ignore-config] (optional) to ignore the config file YAML present in the path. * [-with-toolboxes] (optional) to accept the spawning of healing toolboxes (randomly). * [-set-locale] (optional) force a locale if avaible in locales list. * [-list-locales] (exclusive) list available locales. * [-manual] (exclusive) donne la page de manuel du projet RRobots. * [-list-internals] (exclusive) give the list of avaibles internals Robots. * [-with-mines] (optional) to accept the dropping of mines by the robots (default 3). This mode doesn't need the TK engine