describe 'WebSocketRails.Event', -> describe 'standard events', -> beforeEach -> @data = ['event', {data: { message: 'test'} }, 12345] @event = new WebSocketRails.Event(@data) it 'should generate an ID', -> expect( it 'should have a connection ID', -> expect(@event.connection_id).toEqual 12345 it 'should assign the correct properties when passed a data array', -> expect( 'event' expect( 'test' describe '.serialize()', -> it 'should serialize the event as JSON', -> = 1 serialized = "[\"event\",{\"id\":1,\"data\":{\"message\":\"test\"}}]" expect(@event.serialize()).toEqual serialized describe '.is_channel()', -> it 'should be false', -> expect(@event.is_channel()).toEqual false describe 'channel events', -> beforeEach -> @data = ['event',{channel:'channel',data:{message: 'test'}}] @event = new WebSocketRails.Event(@data) it 'should assign the channel property', -> expect( 'channel' expect( 'event' expect( 'test' describe '.is_channel()', -> it 'should be true', -> expect(@event.is_channel()).toEqual true describe '.serialize()', -> it 'should serialize the event as JSON', -> = 1 serialized = "[\"event\",{\"id\":1,\"channel\":\"channel\",\"data\":{\"message\":\"test\"}}]" expect(@event.serialize()).toEqual serialized describe '.run_callbacks()', -> beforeEach -> success_func = -> failure_func = -> @data = ['event', {data: { message: 'test'} }, 12345] @event = new WebSocketRails.Event(@data, success_func, failure_func) spyOn @event, 'success_callback' spyOn @event, 'failure_callback' describe 'when successful', -> beforeEach -> @event.run_callbacks 0, 'foo' it 'should run the success callback when passed 0', -> expect(@event.success_callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo') it 'should not run the failure callback when passed 0', -> expect(@event.failure_callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when failure', -> beforeEach -> @event.run_callbacks 1, 'foo' it 'should run the failure callback when passed 1', -> expect(@event.failure_callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo') it 'should not run the success callback when passed 1', -> expect(@event.success_callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'when finished without result', -> it 'should not run any callbacks when passed 2', -> @event.run_callbacks 2, 'foo' expect(@event.success_callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(@event.failure_callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled()