== 0.36.2 2010-07-26 === Fixes * Renamed ActionMailer template files to standard localization variants. * Fixed ajax link to calculate hours in work form == 0.36.1 2010-07-22 === Features * Widened layout a bit. == Internal * Removed some deprecation warnings == 0.36.0 2010-07-21 === Features * Merged Work Account into Backlog for simpler setup and maintenance. * Upgraded to Rails 2.3.8 == 0.35.5 2009-02-09 === Fixes * Fixed file upload for task * Changed Excel export date format to work woth Excel. == 0.35.4 2009-01-26 === Fixes * Allow recording work on public holidays and absences. * Changed to NOT select an autocomplete entry when pressing the TAB key. == Internal * Added acts_as_tree and acts_as_list as plugins in preparation of moving to Rails 2 * Removed last use of old pagination, and used will_paginate instead for Rails 2 compatibility. == 0.35.3 2009-01-07 === Fixes * Fixed incompatibility with Ruby 1.8.7 == 0.35.2 2009-01-06 === Features * added advanced auto-completion for description field of work records * highlighting of the matching portion of the description === Fixes * Fixed JIRA plugin to work with Mechanize 0.9.0 * fixed bug when conf file missing from etc * fixed bug when blanks in task_id of work records == 0.35.1 2008-12-24 === Fixes * Fixed wrong link from daily work sheet to weekly work sheet when week includes new year. == 0.35.0 2008-12-15 === Features * Added plugin for JIRA integration. === Fixes * Cosmetic change in task list. * Blank the hours field in the "Edit Work" view if not both start time and stop time are set. * Fixed bug where an absence could not be recorded if a work record ended at midnight on the same date. * Changed excel export to omit empty completion timestamps since Excel refuses to load such documents. === Internal * Added lightwindow support == 0.34.2 2008-10-09 === Features * Switched from Goldspike to Warbler for WAR file generation. * Changed to make all new work records invoicable by default. === Fixes * Fixed bug in Excel export of work records. datetime fields could not be parsed by newer versions og Excel. === Internal * Fixed failing test for Absence records. == 0.34.1 2008-09-22 === Fixes * Fixed bug in Backlog => Works view. Now search and filtering work fine. * Fixed bug in "Started Tasks": Tasks with work records without start time would be wrongly identified as started. * Set "invoice" for a work record to true as default. === Internal * Fixed failing test for Absence records. == 0.34 2008-09-09 == Features * Added dashboard controller and view, showing summary of hours for users you're currently monitoring === Fixes * Fixed exception in WorkLogNagger when no config file is present. * Made link from period to daily work sheet a detour. * Fixed bug when assigning a subtask from a backlog to a sprint. == 0.33.1 2008-05-28 === Fixes * Added Work Account column to the work report. * Changed work report to list times with 2 decimals and be right-aligned. * Fixed missing response when updating an existing row in the daily work sheet. * Fixed wrong date in the works excel export. * Fixed typo in the header of the works list and excel export. * Fixed filtering on works list and excel export to use work record start date instead of completetion date. * Fixed bug where a display of a weekly work sheet for a non-existing user would produce an application error. == 0.33.0 2008-05-09 == Features * Upgraded JRuby to version 1.1.1 for the WAR distribution. === Fixes * Changed to set the most commonly used backlog as default backlog for a new task. * Copied the list of users that have grabbed a task when the task is moved to another period. * Changed setting of start time for a new work record in the daily work sheet to to completion time of the last work record on the same day, or blank if there are no work records or the last work record was not completed yet.. * Added user_id parameter when navigating links in the daily and weekly work sheets. * Changed to display expected number of hours per week instead of adding 8 hours for public holidays and absences. * Fixed wrong indent in Show Sprint view. * Always show start time in works list. * Fixed migrations to work with PostgreSQL 8.3 * Removed automatic setting of "completed at" time for works. == 0.32.0 2008-05-08 == Features * Added filtering on work account to work search view. * Added "Sick child" as absence reason in the daily work sheet. * Added navigating to work records for a user from the subscription list in the user view. === Fixes * Fixed wrong parsing of one-digit minutes for work duration. * Reformatted the Excel export of work records for a work account. Also added sorting by user, task, start and stop times. Should work with MS Excel now. * Set default search dates for work to current month. * Keep user_id when following links from the weekly work sheet to the daily work sheet. This enables subscribers of time sheets to get details about the time sheets they are watching. * Added a "Back" link from weekly work sheet. * Indent subtasks in the sprint view. * Fixed bug in work lock subscription invitation. * Fixed so that partially filled in work records are retained after failed creation. Also error messages for failed work record creations are displayed. * Fixed design of the "New Work Account" view, and set focus on the "Name" field when it is first loaded. == 0.31.1 2008-04-24 === Fixes * Fixed moving of subtasks. Now supertasks are also moved. == 0.31.0 2008-04-14 === Features * Register and display who created a task and who made the last update. === Fixes * Fixed layout in Daily Work Sheet * Added list of all task owners to Edit Task view. * Changed so that the creator of a task automatically grabs it. == 0.30.0 2008-04-09 === Features * Added two new shortcuts: ALT-SHIFT-D to go to the Daily Work Sheet and ALT-SHIFT-W to go to the Weekly Work Sheet. === Fixes * Add 8 hours of work time for public holidays. * Fixed bad rounding of work record durations. * Fixed so that the "task" field gets focus after the "done" field has changed. * Fixed wrong label for "Sick with doctor's note" radio button in the Daily Work Sheet. It would select the "Sick day" button instead. * Fixed parsing error for time of day: 930, 815 etc. === Internal * Renamed the weekly work sheet view from weekly_work_sheet_by_work_account to weekly_work_sheet for shorter URLs. * Moved search call from works_controller to Work model. * Removed non-use of client side JRuby applet. * Extracted shortcut code into partials for use in all layouts. * Removed unused absences layout. * Removed duplicate code for parsing time of day. == 0.29.0 2008-04-07 === Features * Tasks are now automatically grabbed when they are created. * Added 8 hours of work for holidays and sick days in the weekly work sheet. * Removed gem dependency to rmagick for easier installation. * Improved work record search screen. === Fixes * Fixed bug where validation errors for new record in the Daily Work Sheet redirected to the "New Work" view instead of displaying the Daily Work Sheet with appropriate error message. * Fixed bug where updates for rows without start time failed. * Now treat times with only whitespace as empty. * Added a standard link text to hits for empty work records in the search results view. * Select empty work account on new rows in the Daily Work Sheet instead of the first work account. * Sort memebers in a group by first name then last name. == 0.28.0 2008-04-01 === Features * Added public holiday. * Added "Sick day with doctor's note". * Added search for work and work accounts. === Fixes * Fixed infinite loop sending emails when starting the application after 10 o'clock on the last day of the month. * Fixed scope error for absences. Only one person could be absent on any date. * Added "notes" field to new wrok records. == 0.27.0 2008-03-31 === Features * Added a "Notes" field to work record. === Fixes * Fixed infinite loop sending emails when starting the application after 10 o'clock on the last day of the month. == 0.26.0 2008-03-28 === Features * Upgraded JRuby in the WAR distribution to JRuby 1.1RC3 * Added "Invite" function to Task view to invite another user to grab a task. * Added "Total" for holidays and sick days in the Edit User view. === Fixes * Fixed layout in the Daily Work Sheet * Fixed time calculation in the daily work sheet for new rows. * Changed input field type for Work Account for new rows in the Daily Work Sheet from text to drop-down. * Fixed rounding error for displayed durations. * Handled illegal time format when creating new work record in the Daily Work Sheet. * Fixed deleting registered hours in Daily Work Sheet. * Removed the "Save" button from the Daily Work Sheet since it didn't have a clear function. use "RETURN" or "ENTER" instead. * Fixed crossover of absences between users in Daily Work Sheet. * Fixed so that the link from the Daily Work Sheet to the Weekly Work Sheet goes to the correct week. == 0.25.0 2008-03-27 === Features * Added linking to task in Daily Work Sheet * Improved workflow in Daily Work Sheet === Fixes * Work records registered yesterday were added on current day in daily worksheet. * Added links to relevant dates in the "Edit User" * Allowed changing a date to work day when it was set to sick day or holiday even if there were registered work records. * Fixed bug in the daily time sheet where changing a work account for an existing work record would display javascript instead of updating the page. == 0.24.0 2008-02-28 === Features * Allowed for marking dates as holiday or sick days in the daily work sheet. * Show a summary of holidays and sick days in the user view. * Added navigation with UP/DOWN keys in the daily work sheet. === Fixes * Made all work related views group and sort by start date and time. * Do not try to register new work record in the daily work sheet unless work account name has been filled in. == 0.23.1 2008-02-26 === Features * Declared the daily work sheet to be out of experimental stage. * Automatically calculate total hours for work record in daily work sheet. * Added summary of who has grabbed a task in the edit task view. === Fixes * Moved to JRuby 1.1RC2 for the WAR. * Removed unused keyboard shortcuts, and fixed the remaining shortcuts. * Fixed bug where the last date in a search for work records for a work account were omitted. * Some speedup of daily work sheet and weekly work sheet. * Fixed bug where end time for a work record was filled in when it should be left blank in daily work sheet. * Fixed rounding error for hours in daily work sheet. * Fixed bug in work lock nagger when the global configuration file was missing. * Changed sort order in daily work sheet from completion time to start time. * Changed to allow time format without separator: 0800 and 800 equal 08:00. * Minor cosmetic tweaks in the daily work sheet. * Fixed style sheet to remove the flicker in the sprint view. == 0.23.0 2008-02-25 === Features * Improved input for daily_work_sheet * Allowed override for development and test database with new configuration file * Listed details for works without backlog in "Show Work Account" view. * Added "List Works" view for Work Account. * Added filtering of tasks grabbed by other users in the sprint view. === Fixes * Improved work flow ("Back" links) several places. * Fixed bug in layout when you had started tasks without a sprint. * Some speedup of grabbing tasks. * Fixed database corruption when trying to register users with duplicate login or email. * Fixed display of welcome message after following link from "Forgot password" email. * Fixed bug in daily work sheet when start time was not set for a work record. * Starting work on a task grabs it. * Changed to show "complete" check marks in sprint view for tasks that track time, but are not started. * Display blank field for hours in daily work sheet if it has not been filled in yet. * Always display row for new work record entry in daily work sheet. Earlier, a row for new input was only shown if the previous row was ended. * Removed message about missing database settings in main configuration file on startup since it is optional and deprecated. * Fixed error in class table inheritance library. Validations for the subclass were not called. * Added some Firewatir tests. EXPERIMENTAL! * Added explenation on how to set database connection parameters. == 0.22.1 2008-02-15 === Features * Added Excel export of work list for backlog. === Fixes * Fixed so that you are redirected to the originally requested page after a login. * Fixed so that the work log nagger stops nagging when you lock the previous week. * Fixed so that we get patcxh level updates for rmagick. == 0.22.0 2008-02-14 === Features * Added report for displaying all work records relating to tasks in a backlog for a given time period. * Added ability to look at other users weekly work sheets. Used in the Work Lock Notification mail. === Fixes * Fixed filtering of other users work records in weekly work sheet. * Changed to display full name instead of login in weekly work sheet. == 0.21.3 2008-02-13 === Features * Added link to weekly work sheet from daily work sheet. === Fixes * Fixed reading the default host/port for Work Lock Nag email from the local network settings and backlog.conf. * Fixed adding startup links on non-redhat unix distributions. Now use "ln -s ..." instead. * Fixed bug that could occur when finishing tasks. * Fixed bug when starting two tasks at the same time. * Added missing dependency for the "slave" gem to WAR cofig. == 0.21.2 2008-02-08 === Features * Added ability to override the public application URL in the backlog.conf config file. === Fixes * Changed so that End Work -> Start Work operations don't generate overlapping work records by default. * Added checking of return code to the 'setup_unix' task so the script fails unless it can successfully change to the postgresql administration user. * Added "debug" and "bsd" options to administration script. The "debug" option turns on tracing in the rake scripts. The "bsd" option changes the postgresql admin user from "postgres" to "pgsql". * Fixed bug 16427: http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=16427&group_id=3829&atid=14750 When postponing the first task to a new sprint, the sprint is created and the task is postponed directly. A white screen is displayed during the dialog, but it was the best solution I could find. * Fixed the default host/port for Work Lock Nag email from localhost:3000 to read from the local network settings and backlog.conf. == 0.21.1 2008-02-04 === Features * Added link from weekly work sheet summary to details view with editing option. === Fixes * Changed to nag for work locks at 10am instead of every 24 hours after server startup. * Added localizations for Lock/Unlock operations. * Fixed bug when updating work records without tasks. * Changed formatting of week total of work account to two decimals in the weekly work sheet. * Fixed editing in weekly work sheet details view. == 0.21.0 2008-02-02 === Features * Notification of delayed time sheets. Backlog is now dependent on the 'slave' gem. === Fixes * Fixed switched users in time sheet monitoring invitation. * Filled in week number when notifying subscribers of a time sheet lock. == 0.20.1 2008-01-29 === Fixes * Rearranged user edit view to avoid clutter. * Fixed sending of invitation mail for time sheets. The sender and recipients were switched. == 0.20.0 2008-01-29 === Features * Added option to invite associates to monitor time sheets. * Divided user actions for changing password and deleting a user into separate views to make each view simpler. === Fixes * Fixed Excel export to print work account ids and work account names. * Fixed application error when trying to register a work record without a work account. == 0.19.0 2008-01-28 === Features * Added button to recalculate the hours when changing start/stop times in the create/edit work record view. * Added locking of work records, and notification. * Added work accounts list link to navigation top. * Changed weekly work sheet to show totals instead of individual work records. Added links in the weekly work sheet to each day for details. * Improved daily work sheet. Maybe usable now. === Fixes * Fixed bug when grabbing/releasing a task and then starting and stopping work. This would render javascript in cleartext. * Changed redirect after login from displaying backlog to welcome view. * Fixed Excel export. == 0.18.0 2008-01-21 === Features * Allowed users to associate themselves with a task by pressing the monkey icon. Only activated if the "Enable users" option on Backlog is checked. * Added recording of last change timestamp for tasks. * Allowed switching of tasks when registering a work record. * Added navigation for editing and creating tasks when registering a work record. === Fixes * Updated graphs in README.txt * Sorted work account list by name. == 0.17.6 2008-01-19 === Features * Allowed moving a task from one backlog to another. * Added simple summary to work account view. === Fixes * Minor cosmetic adjustment of task list. * Fixed application error when displaying completed tasks. * Fixed error when trying to create new task with errors (duplicate description). * Fixed showing of work record for earlier years. * Made task description bold in task lists for better readability. * Changed dependency to rmagick to 1.15.12 instead of newest since rmagick 2 requires very new ImageMagick. == 0.17.5 2008-01-15 === Fixes * Fixed various ordering bugs. * Fixed ajax for finishing and reopening tasks. == 0.17.4 2008-01-14 === Features * Added date and time to top bar * Simplified design of task lists. * Changed title in Show Sprint view from "Backlog" to "Sprint" === Fixes * Fixed wrong "Home" link. * Fixed exception when updating task estimate. * Removed shake effect when starting work on a task. * Various style sheet adjustments. * Fixed moving tasks between sprints in backlog view. * Fixed redirect after ending work directly after starting it. == 0.17.3 2008-01-11 === Fixes * Fixed wrong redirect at startup. * Fixed ugly listing of started tasks. == 0.17.2 2008-01-07 === Fixes * Made task listing a bit prettier. * Changed to redirect to start page after registering. * Made welcome view slightly more welcoming :) * Fixed workflow to return from detour after updating backlog properties. === Internal * Updated gem dependencies. * Added test of WAR file by running it with Jetty. == 0.17.1 2008-01-04 === Fixes * Fixed bad first-time setup. * Updated to Goldspike 1.4 == 0.17.0 2008-01-03 === Features * Started using "Sortable List" instead of draggables for tasks for prettier ordering. * Started using client side Ruby. Woohoo! * Made tasks draggable to sprint boxes in the sidebar. === Fixes * Fixed bug where work related functions assumed year 2007. * Moved use of pagination to Will Paginate plugin to be Rails 2.0 compatible. * Fixed bug in class_table_inheritance * Changed to show most urgent backlog at start if no active sprints exist. * Fixed ordering of tasks in the backlog. * Fixed bad formatting of task headers in sprint view. * Moved edit link for task from description to ID to more often avoid following the link when trying to order the tasks. == 0.16.0 2007-12-26 === Features * Added displaying of task id in task edit form. * Added displaying of task id and description in task full screen view. * Added more notice messages on small updates, for better responsiveness. * Added display of total hours done to Show Task view. * Added action buttons to Show Task view * Improved control script to delete stale PID file at startup and give better status info. * Simple auditing of tasks. Who created the task, and who updated it last. === Fixes * Fixed error in some URL generations that led to strange navigation. == 0.15.1 2007-11-29 === Features * Added displaying of task id in lists. === Fixes * Fixed bug in task reordering. == 0.15.0 2007-11-28 === Features * Expanded search to include the "notes" field of tasks. * Added unformatted viewing of notes for a task. * Made using sprints an option for backlogs. Default is not to use sprints to enable simple usage of the Backlog application. Existing backlogs have the option set even if no sprints have been started, for backwards compatibility. * Added link from task line to task editing view. === Fixes * Ordered work records by end date in list view. * Fixed wrong redirect when moving an unplanned task to a sprint. * Fixed bug when editing a finished task leads to reopening it. * Fixed cosmetic errors in finishing and reopening tasks. * Fixed error when tracking time done, but not start and stop times. * Removed unnecessary icon for showing a backlog when already showing the backlog. * Fixed missing border around icons in backlog view. * Fixed cosmetics on task lines. == 0.14.4 2007-11-27 === Features * Added highlight of field when updating start time or estimate in show period view to indicate that the field was updated. === Fixes * Fixed estimate update for started tasks. * Fixed display of finished and reopened tasks in backlogs view for the first/last unplanned task. == 0.14.3 2007-11-20 === Features * Speedup of Burn Down Charts. * Added link to add new work account when recording work. === Fixes * Fixed bug for weekly work sheet with invoicing. * Fixed bug in Edit Group view. The wrong burn down chart was shown. === Internal * Removed unused code for backlog charts. == 0.14.2 2007-11-19 === Features * Changed to allow changing of work account on already existing work records. * Hide fields for task estimate when editing work records. * Made detours from weekly work sheet return to the weekly work sheet. === Fixes * Fixed bug in Work form. == 0.14.1 2007-11-19 === Features * Added link to Show Backlog view from Show task view. === Fixes * Added error messages to Update Task view. * Fixed bug in Reopen Task action in the Show Task view. * Fixed missing template for Search action. * Fixed display of unplanned completed tasks. * Added adjustment of list position for backup restoration. == 0.14.0 2007-11-18 === Features * Made Add member/Join group actions use ajax for increased speed. * Fixed backup/restore rake tasks. * Speed up of user/group actions. == 0.13.2 2007-11-18 === Fixes * Fixed broken update of burn down chart. == 0.13.1 2007-11-17 === Features * Changed to allow not setting a task for a work record. === Fixes * Added missing web.xml file to WAR distribution. * Fixed wrong parsing of updated start time when using single digit hour (eg. 8:15) * Added "Add Task" button to Backlog view. * Speed up of all pages. * Fixed finishing and reopening tasks in the Backlog view. == 0.13.0 2007-11-14 === Features * Removed "Track done" attribute from backlog, since it is determined by setting a work account. * Speed up of work related tasks === Fixes * Changed to allow not setting a work account for a backlog. * Fixed faulty javascript to select active task. * Fixed redirect to create a new sprint when moving a task to next sprint for the first time. * Added setting of executable flag for init.d startup script. === Known bugs * Ordering in the Show Backlog view is messed up. * Finishing or reopening tasks makes remaining tasks show wrong priority number. == 0.12.4 2007-11-11 === Fixes * Fixed broken drag and drop of tasks. === Known bugs * Finishing or reopening tasks makes remaining tasks show wrong priority number. == 0.12.3 2007-11-10 === Fixes * Fix bug in update of burn down chart when updating start time for task in progress. * Fixed wrong update of page after update in "list started" view. * Fixed bug when finishing a task by entering 0 estimation point. * Speed up of finish and abort tasks. * Fixed bad layout in Safari. * Now set focus on user name field in login dialog on Safari. === Known bugs * Finishing or reopening tasks makes remaining tasks show wrong priority number. == 0.12.2 2007-11-08 ===Features * Made "update start time for work" functions use ajax to speed up response. === Fixes * Removed obsolete and wrong validation of customer name size in Task. This would give application error when trying to link a task to a customer. === Known bugs * Finishing or reopening tasks makes remaining tasks show wrong priority number. == 0.12.1 2007-11-07 ===Features * Made "Move to next sprint" and "Abort" functions use ajax to speed up response. * Added scaffold for Customers. === Fixes * Fixed some errors in the Show Sprint view. === Known bugs * Finishing or reopening tasks makes remaining tasks show wrong priority number. == 0.12.0 2007-11-06 ===Features * Changed to use AJAX for small updates of tasks in the sprint view. This to speed up the user experience. Known bug: The position numbers are not updated yet. * Added Transactional Migrations plugin to avoid partial migrations. === Fixes * Changed to return from detour to work account edit view * Moved editing of "Track Times" option from Backlog to Work Account * Added link from backlog to corresponding work account. * Made Edit Work Account view fit with layout. == 0.11.0 2007-11-03 ===Features * Added work accounts, required for all work records. * Allow work records to be entered without task reference. * Improved the Daily Work Sheet slightly. STILL EXPERIMENTAL! === Fixes * Added init scripts on unix to start at boot. * Now display validation errors on the Works form when editing. * Locked the backlog application to Rails 1.2.4 since Rails 1.2.5 broke acts_as_list == 0.10.8 2007-09-27 === Fixes * Always make startup link in /etc/init.d even if it exists already * Reduced output in the "backlog setup_unix" command to avoid clutter. * Daily Time Sheet now allows adding work records. Edit still not working. * Filtered work records in daily work sheet to only show records for the current user. == 0.10.7 2007-09-26 === Fixes * Fixed bug when postponing tasks * Changed to propagate messages during redirects to front page. * Fixed bugs in listing work for sprint. * Made daily work sheet not fail with subtasks. It still does not work properly. == 0.10.6 2007-09-25 === Fixes * Fixed calculation of work in time sheet. * Corrected link to Time sheet for older weeks. * Fixed extraction of changes when releasing. == 0.10.5 2007-09-25 === Fixes * Changed so that when specifying a task, only one subtask is created. * Fixed bug in creation of estimates for subtasks. * Corrected list work for period. * Changed to group work done by start time instead of end time. * Fixed bug in listing started subtasks. * Added link to task from edit work view. * Added backlog and super task names in drop down in new work view. * Added edit link in weekly work sheet. == 0.10.4 2007-09-24 === Features * Now you can move tasks in and out of supertasks. === Fixes * Changed name of released WAR file back to include the version number since RubyForge only allows unique file names. * Fixed bug where the "show period" action would fail if you tried to display the period of an unplanned task. * Fixed bugs in the calculation of weekly work sheet and time sheet. == 0.10.3 2007-09-24 * Removed "Active Sprint" from Group edit view, when there is no active sprint. * Made "Home" link correct when running in application server with JRuby. * Made notices and messages a bit prettier and easier to read. * Added link to create new group in the "New sprint" view. * Fixed link to party from task edit view. Got broken when reverting from EdgeRails. * Changed default database.yml to work in Aptana RadRails. * Removed Datek specific info from environment files. * Changed to raise mail delivery failures to help user choose valid email address. * Changed expiry of login token from 1 day to 1 year to enable cookie login. * Fixed indentation for subtasks in task lists. * Changed to allow revising estimates for tasks in future sprints. * Fixed bug in ordering of subtasks. * Fixed bug in task ordering in backlog view. == 0.10.2 2007-09-23 * Removed version from name of released WAR file to enable easier replacement in Tomcat. * Fixed bug when starting work on a task. == 0.10.1 2007-09-22 * Fixed bug in "remember me" login when running with JRuby * Fixed bug when moving a task to next sprint on mysql * Made user message more visible, especially register messages. * Added explanatory text in log for reading global config. * Excluded "pkg" from war file to avoid duplicates and save space. * Removed "bouncycastle" from WAR to get it to run on Tomcat. * Merged migration steps 001 and 002 to get them to run on SQLite. * Fixed reading of application version when running with JRuby. * Excluded "log" and "WEB-INF" directories from gem to save space. * Added "rails" to gem dependencies since Rails is not included anymore. * Bumped dependent version of rmagick from 1.15.9 to 1.15.10 to get the newest fixes. == 0.10.0 2007-09-21 === Features * Now Backlog is JRuby friendly! * Added WAR file to distribution for running on any Java EE application server * Reverted from EdgeRails to get Backlog working with JRuby. * Added performance tests that are automatically run on every commit. === Fixes * Fixed bug when moving a task from a really old sprint, and the next sprint had already finished. * Fixed automatic login using cookie. * Added array and hash encoding to url_for in project since it is missing in current Rails trunk. * Removed call to "image_tag" since the servlet context (backlog) was added twice to the image URL. * Fixed database connection settings for JRuby == 0.9.1 2007-09-09 * Fixed loading of database config in production environment. * Fixed misaligned columns in weekly work sheet when invoicing is disabled. * Added "Back" link from Show Backlog view. * Fixed focus in Edit Backlog view. * Added navigation buttons in Edit Backlog view. == 0.9.0 2007-09-07 === Features * Support for overriding database settings in system configuration file. * Sqlite support. * Added automatic login using security token in cookie. === Fixes * Updated RedHillOnRails Core to fix problems with Sqlite. * Fixed bug in "New task" view when switching backlog. * Cosmetic fixes to task icons. * Set focus on description field in "New task" view if description is empty. * Changed to use rbconfig instead of "/etc" to install on more configurations. * Shortened "Changes" in news post to only last entry in History.txt * Excluded "doc" directory from gem distribution since it is generated on install and it saves network bandwidth. * Hide password in Edit User view. == 0.8.1 2007-09-04 * Localized "Notes" string. * Split Backlog Edit View into Edit for options and Show for tasks for less clutter. Tasks are probably viewed way more often than options. * Added file upload to create task view. * Changed to allow editing of tasks not in any sprint. * Fixed bug where estimates were not updated in the Task update view. * Fixed bug when finishing a task by setting estimate to 0 in the task edit view. * Added links to edit and show a backlog in the backlog and sprint views. * Changed link in the Backlog List view to go to the backlog Show view instead of the backlog edit view. * Improved work flow when adding a task from the show sprint view. * Removed faulty link from Backlog view for Unplanned tasks. == 0.8.0 2007-09-03 * FEATURE: Added notes and files to tasks. * Removed duplicate foreign key extension plugin. * Removed duplicate foreign keys from database schema. * Made Estimate input more robust. * Made server response messages more visible. * Shortened release news posting a bit. == 0.7.12 2007-09-01 * Changed gem description and changes in the Rakefile to generate better news posting. * Added "Todo" header to task fields header. * Fixed Hoe Rakefile rsync arguments to ignore the wiki files located on the RubyForge web server. * Fixed bug in updating an unplanned task. * Fixed bug in specifying a task. * Fixed wrong link in search results for tasks. == 0.7.11 2007-08-31 * Removed link to "list work" view in the "started tasks" view since neither backlog nor sprint are in fokus. * Fixed bugs when updating a task to be unplanned. * Fixed bug for tasks with estimates shown in backlog edit view. == 0.7.10 2007-08-29 * Added projection to future sprints to aid planning. * Corrected spelling error in README.txt * Added link to RubyForge project page in README.txt * Localized search result page title * Tried to fix duplicate entries in RDoc. * Shortened headers in weekly work sheet to save space. * Fixed bug in weekly work sheet for work records for tasks outside a sprint. * Fixed bug in work form that prevented checking the "done" flag when tracking start and stop times, but not estimates. * Added calendars as intended integration targets. == 0.7.9 2007-08-26 * Changed backlog management script to work on OSX. Thanks to Albert Davidson Chou for helping me on this. * Made image links in the README.txt file only appear inline for thumbnails. * Fixed headers for completed tasks. * Restored Manifest.txt file since it is required by Hoe, even if it is not used. * Fixed bug in list started tasks view. * Changed display of resolution of finished tasks from text to icon to save space. The icons still have descriptive title. * Added Search of tasks and backlogs. == 0.7.8 2007-08-25 * Changed use of RMagick to be optional. Everything except the graphs should work if rmagick is not installed. rmagick is still a dependency for the gem, but you can force installation of the backlog gem without RMagick or gruff with the --ignore-dependencies flag. You still need the postgres gem. * Changed documentation to mention GraphicsMagic as an alternative to ImageMagick * Added more documentation of the charts. * Added explanation on how to install Backlog without ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick and RMagick. * Made change password view a bit prettier. * Added link to project home to top of layout. == 0.7.7 2007-08-24 * Added link to backlog from work record in weekly work sheet * Added ImageMagick and PostgreSQL as requirements in the GEM * Removed shortcuts from login and sign up views. * Removed link to backlog list of not logged in. * Localized some user messages. * Focus on login field in login view. * Changed "period" to "sprint" to follow the Scrum vocabulary. Thinking of option to change this by installation/project. == 0.7.6 2007-08-22 * Changed Task edit view to use Ajax to update the Period link to make it more responsive when moving a task between periods. * Changed the LARGE chart size from 1440x900 to 1368x768 for display on our large screen TV * Fixed bug for displaying burn down chart for groups that have no active period. * Made 404 error page a bit bit nicer. * Added .png extension to burn down chart for period. * Added link to burn down charts to README.txt * Localized header for active period == 0.7.5 2007-08-19 * Changed gem to work on MacOSX * Added missing dependency to "postgres" gem * Made the code inline in the gem rdoc == 0.7.4 2007-08-18 * Added missing dependency on gruff and rmagick * Added line in installation instructions to install ImageMagick before installing Backlog * Removed the warning messages that appeared on install claiming not to find README.txt * Added uniqueness constraint to backlog name. * Changed to use logger for debug messages to avoid filling the production log with debug messages. * Started working on getting the daily work sheet working. == 0.7.3 2007-08-17 * Fixed bug in estimate creation * Added cruisecontrol.rb configuration file * Fixed mailing of password * Fixed find_by for class table inheritance subclasses * Fixed date limits for new periods * Fixed display of position in period edit view * Added link to current user in top of layout * Added display of periods to user view * Adjusted the legend in the burn down graphs == 0.7.2 2007-08-17 * Fixed bugs in task reordering links * Switched default language to English * Fixed English mailer views == 0.7.1 2007-08-14 * Added author and email to the gem to avoid false listing in Hoe Down! http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoedown.html * This in response to bug 13054 http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=13054&group_id=3829&atid=14750 * Added localized text for weekly work sheet == 0.7.0 2007-08-14 * Back in business after halting to avoid spamming people. * Fixed work flow when moving task to other period using drag&drop in side bar * Fixed bug in moving tasks to other periods * Optimized slightly by omitting generating layout data for no_layout action * Added more validation of "position" fields * Added completed tasks to backlog edit view * Removed unique index for periods(party_id, position) since it broke list updates in PostgreSQL * Added better assertion of position sequences in tests == 0.6.6 2007-08-07 * Improved task lists in backlog edit view. == 0.6.5 2007-08-07 * Fixed authentication error for burn down chart == 0.6.4 2007-08-07 * Improved viewing of active period for group. == 0.6.3 2007-08-07 * Fixed wrong start date in burn down chart == 0.6.2 2007-08-07 * Added link to the active period of a party == 0.6.1 2007-08-07 * Improved design for daily work sheet == 0.6.0 2007-08-07 * Added backlog list view == 0.5.10 2007-08-06 * Made burn down graph show progress made on the first day == 0.5.9 2007-08-06 * Aligned burn down graphs to even numbers == 0.5.8 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug in daily_work_sheet == 0.5.7 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug when linking from a task after drag-and-drop reordering. == 0.5.6 2007-08-06 * Improved the list of started tasks == 0.5.5 2007-08-06 * Fixed bug in link helper that resulted in some GET buttons became POST buttons. == 0.5.4 2007-08-06 * Changed control script restart to completely stop and start the application * Renamed old restart to reload == 0.5.3 2007-08-06 * Dates in weekly work sheet view == 0.5.2 2007-08-06 * Added previous/next week arrows in weekly work sheet view == 0.5.1 2007-08-06 * Improved backlog edit task list == 0.5.0 2007-08-06 * Changed first time work flow to add new backlog * Changed startup work flow to show most urgent period for the current user * Now display version in the header. == 0.4.0 2007-08-06 * Added tasks to backlog edit view * Started simplifying task ordering. Now ordering simply has period_id as scope. * Improved and fixed bugs in work flow * Fixed typos in style sheet * KNOWN BUG: Ordering for tasks in backlog does not work properly == 0.3.9 2007-08-03 * Fixed bug in moving task between periods == 0.3.8 2007-08-03 * Fixed bug in setup script == 0.3.7 2007-08-03 * Made setup more robust * Moved PID file from log dir to /var/run to make updates smoother == 0.3.6 2007-08-03 * Added configuration to allow running on other port number than 3000 This port number is stored in /etc/backup.conf and survives updates == 0.3.5 2007-08-03 * Fixed bugs around task positioning and validation * Made atomic gem publishing with version only written in History.txt == 0.3.4 2007-08-03 * Fixed bugs around task positioning and validation * Fixed bugs in task view == 0.3.3 2007-08-03 * Made validation of tasks position tighter * Fixed bugs in task positioning :) == 0.3.2 2007-08-02 * Improved setup on linux == 0.3.1 2007-08-02 * Improved setup on linux == 0.3.0 2007-08-02 * Improved work flow * Added task list to backlog edit view == 0.2.1 2007-07-31 * Improved work flow * Added more shortcut links == 0.2.0 2007-07-31 * Improved work flow == 0.1.2 2007-07-29 * Improved gem generation * Fixed bugs in user registration and initial setup == 0.1.1 2007-07-29 * Improved gem generation * Fixed bugs in user registration and initial setup == 0.1.0 2007-07-29 * First party (user/group) centric release. * Released gem, but still requires external database. == 0.0.4 2007-07-06 * Last backlog centric release. Next release will be user/group centric * Released gem, but still requires external database. == 0.0.0 2007-06-14 * First release on RubyForge * Now running at backlog.kubosch.no and datek.no (internal)