maid (0.2.0.alpha.1) unstable; urgency=low * Started version numbering. Total adoption is forthcoming. This forced v0.2.0 vs. v0.1.4. * Changed "dir" tool to always sort. (Closes: #62) * Added "version --long" command which gives information about the platform version and Ruby version. (Closes: #65) * Improved user documentation, now in Markdown. (Closes: #66) * Updated development dependencies. * Various minor internal changes. -- Benjamin Oakes Mon, 26 Nov 2012 14:51:13 +0000 maid (0.1.4.alpha.2) unstable; urgency=low * Noted license in gemspec. Was incorrect value in alpha.1. Made an early alpha release to test effect on listing. (Closes: #61) * Minor development-only documentation changes. -- Benjamin Oakes Sat, 24 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.3) stable; urgency=medium * First stable release with official support for Ubuntu. * Added new features, fixed bugs as listed for betas 1 and 2. * Minor development-only changes: * Added ChangeLog (this file) * Updated development dependencies to most recent versions * Scripted testing of supported Ruby and Ubuntu releases -- Benjamin Oakes Fri, 23 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.3.beta.2) unstable; urgency=low * Fixed "Trash does not expand paths". (Closes: #56) * Fixed "XDG gives a warning about RbConfig vs Config" on Ubuntu by using custom-built maid-xdg gem. (Closes: #53) -- Benjamin Oakes Wed, 21 Nov 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.3.beta.1) unstable; urgency=low * Started official support for Ubuntu. * Fixed default trash path on Ubuntu (and possibly other Linux distributions). (Closes: #6) * Added ability to handle an array of filenames passed to "move", "trash". (Closes: #16) * Added "remove" tool for deleting files, and secure deletion. (Closes: #30) * Added "remove_over" option for "trash" which can delete files if they're over a size threshold. (Closes: #32) * Added "sync" tool for using rsync. (Closes: #17) * Added "mkdir" tool for making directories ("folders"). (Closes: #20) * Added "created_at" tool for looking up creation time. (Closes: #21) * Added "modified_at" tool for looking up modification time. (Closes: #13) * Renamed "last_accessed" to "accessed_at", deprecated "last_accessed". (Closes: #22) * Deprecated "git_piston" in favor of SparkleShare. (Closes: #18) * Updated README and samples. (Closes: #38) * Updated dependencies. (Closes: #5) -- Benjamin Oakes Mon, 15 Oct 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.2) stable; urgency=high * Started official support for Ruby 1.9.3. * Ended official support for Ruby 1.9.2. * Updated README to clarify installation, updating, etc. * Introduced new default behavior: "help" rather than "clean". * Ensured the trash path exists as a directory before moving files. This helped prevent potential problems (unsupported) Linux users could have experienced. -- Benjamin Oakes Mon, 3 Sep 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.1) stable; urgency=low * Improved published documentation. -- Benjamin Oakes Mon, 31 Aug 2012 00:00:00 +0000 maid (0.1.0) stable; urgency=low * Initial release (culmination of 4 prior beta releases). * Started official support for Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2. * Started official support for Mac OS X. * Started Maid rules DSL format. * Added "maid clean" command with "noop", "rules", and "silent" options. * Added "maid help" commands. * Added "maid sample" command. * Added "maid version" command. * Added "dir" tool. * Added "find" tool. * Added "move" tool. * Added "trash" tool. * Added "cmd" tool. * Added "downloaded_from" tool. * Added "duration_s" tool. * Added "locate" tool. * Added "zipfile_contents" tool. * Added "disk_usage" tool. * Added "git_piston" tool. * Added "last_accessed" tool. * Added logging. * First iteration of tutorial and documentation. * Possibly other misc changes/features in the first version. :) -- Benjamin Oakes Fri, 24 Jun 2011 00:00:00 +0000