require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe RocketAMF::Envelope do describe 'deserializer' do it "should handle remoting message from remote object" do req = create_envelope("remotingMessage.bin") req.headers.length.should == 0 req.messages.length.should == 1 message = req.messages[0].data message.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::RemotingMessage) message.messageId.should == "FE4AF2BC-DD3C-5470-05D8-9971D51FF89D" message.body.should == [true] end it "should handle command message from remote object" do req = create_envelope("commandMessage.bin") req.headers.length.should == 0 req.messages.length.should == 1 message = req.messages[0].data message.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::CommandMessage) message.messageId.should == "7B0ACE15-8D57-6AE5-B9D4-99C2D32C8246" message.body.should == {} end end describe 'serializer' do it "should serialize response when converted to string" do res = res.should_receive(:serialize).and_return('serialized') res.to_s.should == 'serialized' end it "should serialize a simple call" do res = :amf_version => 3 res.messages <<'/1/onResult', '', 'hello') expected = request_fixture('simple-response.bin') res.serialize.should == expected end it "should serialize a AcknowledgeMessage response" do ak = ak.clientId = "7B0ACE15-8D57-6AE5-B9D4-99C2D32C8246" ak.messageId = "7B0ACE15-8D57-6AE5-B9D4-99C2D32C8246" ak.timestamp = 0 res = :amf_version => 3 res.messages <<'/1/onResult', '', ak) expected = request_fixture('acknowledge-response.bin') res.serialize.should == expected end end describe 'message handler' do it "should respond to ping command" do res = req = create_envelope('commandMessage.bin') res.each_method_call req do |method, args| nil end res.messages.length.should == 1 res.messages[0].data.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::AcknowledgeMessage) end it "should fail on unsupported command" do res = req = create_envelope('unsupportedCommandMessage.bin') res.each_method_call req do |method, args| nil end res.messages.length.should == 1 res.messages[0].data.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::ErrorMessage) res.messages[0].data.faultString.should == "CommandMessage 10000 not implemented" end it "should handle RemotingMessages properly" do res = req = create_envelope('remotingMessage.bin') res.each_method_call req do |method, args| method.should == '' args.should == [true] true end res.messages.length.should == 1 res.messages[0].data.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::AcknowledgeMessage) res.messages[0].data.body.should == true end it "should catch exceptions properly" do res = req = create_envelope('remotingMessage.bin') res.each_method_call req do |method, args| raise 'Error in call' end res.messages.length.should == 1 res.messages[0].data.should be_a(RocketAMF::Values::ErrorMessage) res.messages[0].target_uri.should =~ /onStatus$/ end it "should not crash if source missing on RemotingMessage" do res = req = create_envelope('remotingMessage.bin') req.messages[0].data.instance_variable_set("@source", nil) lambda { res.each_method_call req do |method,args| true end }.should_not raise_error end end end