# #-- # # $Id: website.rb 576 2007-01-03 19:41:12Z thomas $ # # webgen: template based static website generator # Copyright (C) 2004 Thomas Leitner # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #++ # require 'pathname' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'webgen/config' require 'webgen/plugin' module Webgen # Base class for directories which have a README file with information stored in YAML format. # Should not be used directly, use its child classes! class DirectoryInfo # The unique name. attr_reader :name # Contains additional information, like a description or the creator. attr_reader :infos # Returns a new object for the given +name+. def initialize( name ) @name = name raise ArgumentError.new( "'#{name}' is not a directory!" ) if !File.directory?( path ) @infos = YAML::load( File.read( File.join( path, 'README' ) ) ) raise ArgumentError.new( "'#{name}/README' does not contain key-value pairs in YAML format!" ) unless @infos.kind_of?( Hash ) end # The absolute directory path. Requires that child classes have defined a constant +BASE_PATH+. def path File.expand_path( File.join( self.class::BASE_PATH, name ) ) end # The files under the directory. def files Dir[File.join( path, '**', '*' )] end # Copies the files returned by +#files+ into the directory +dest+, preserving the directory # hierarchy. def copy_to( dest ) files.collect do |file| destpath = File.join( dest, File.dirname( file ).sub( /^#{path}/, '' ) ) FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.dirname( destpath ) ) if File.directory?( file ) FileUtils.mkdir_p( File.join( destpath, File.basename( file ) ) ) else FileUtils.cp( file, destpath ) end File.join( destpath, File.basename( file ) ) end end # Returns all available entries. def self.entries unless defined?( @entries ) @entries = {} Dir[File.join( self::BASE_PATH, '*' )].each do |f| next unless File.directory?( f ) name = File.basename( f ); @entries[name] = self.new( name ) end end @entries end end # A Web site template is a collection of files which provide a starting point for a Web site. # These files provide stubs for the content and should not contain any style information. class WebSiteTemplate < DirectoryInfo # Base path for the templates. BASE_PATH = File.join( Webgen.data_dir, 'website_templates' ) end # A Web site style provides style information for a Web site. This means it contains, at least, a # template file and a CSS file. class WebSiteStyle < DirectoryInfo # Base path for the styles. BASE_PATH = File.join( Webgen.data_dir, 'website_styles' ) # See DirectoryInfo#files def files super.select {|f| f != File.join( path, 'README' )} end end # A gallery style provides style information for gallery pages. It should contains the files # +gallery_main.template+, +gallery_gallery.template+ and +gallery_image.template+ and an optional # readme file. class GalleryStyle < DirectoryInfo # Base path for the styles. BASE_PATH = File.join( Webgen.data_dir, 'gallery_styles' ) # See DirectoryInfo#files def files super.select {|f| f != File.join( path, 'README' )} - plugin_files end def plugin_files plugin_files = [] @infos['plugin files'].each do |pfile| plugin_files += Dir[File.join( path, pfile )] end if @infos['plugin files'] plugin_files end end # A WebSite object represents a webgen website directory and is used for manipulating it. class WebSite # The website directory. attr_reader :directory # The logger used for the website attr_reader :logger # The plugin manager used for this website. attr_reader :manager # Creates a new WebSite object for the given +directory+ and loads its plugins. If the # +plugin_config+ parameter is given, it is used to resolve the values for plugin parameters. # Otherwise, a ConfigurationFile instance is used as plugin configuration. def initialize( directory = Dir.pwd, plugin_config = nil ) @directory = File.expand_path( directory ) @logger = Webgen::Logger.new wrapper_mod = Module.new wrapper_mod.module_eval { include DEFAULT_WRAPPER_MODULE } @loader = PluginLoader.new( wrapper_mod ) @loader.load_from_dir( File.join( @directory, Webgen::PLUGIN_DIR ) ) @manager = PluginManager.new( [DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LOADER, @loader], DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LOADER.plugin_classes + @loader.plugin_classes ) @manager.logger = @logger set_plugin_config( plugin_config ) end # Returns a modified value for Configuration:srcDir, Configuration:outDir and Configuration:websiteDir. def param_for_plugin( plugin_name, param ) case [plugin_name, param] when ['Core/Configuration', 'srcDir'] then @srcDir when ['Core/Configuration', 'outDir'] then @outDir when ['Core/Configuration', 'websiteDir'] then @directory else (@plugin_config ? @plugin_config.param_for_plugin( plugin_name, param ) : PluginParamValueNotFound) end end # Initializes all plugins and renders the website. def render( files = [] ) @logger.level = @manager.param_for_plugin( 'Core/Configuration', 'loggerLevel' ) @manager.init @logger.info( 'WebSite#render' ) { "Starting rendering of website <#{directory}>..." } if files.empty? @manager['Core/FileHandler'].render_site else @manager['Core/FileHandler'].render_files( files ) end @logger.info( 'WebSite#render' ) { "Rendering of website <#{directory}> finished" } end # Loads the configuration file from the +directory+. def self.load_config_file( directory = Dir.pwd ) begin ConfigurationFile.new( File.join( directory, 'config.yaml' ) ) rescue ConfigurationFileInvalid => e nil end end # Create a website in the +directory+, using the template +template_name+ and the style +style_name+. def self.create_website( directory, template_name = 'default', style_name = 'default' ) template = WebSiteTemplate.entries[template_name] style = WebSiteStyle.entries[style_name] raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid website template '#{template}'" ) if template.nil? raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid website style '#{style}'" ) if style.nil? raise ArgumentError.new( "Directory <#{directory}> does already exist!") if File.exists?( directory ) FileUtils.mkdir( directory ) return template.copy_to( directory ) + style.copy_to( File.join( directory, Webgen::SRC_DIR) ) end # Copies the style files for +style+ to the source directory of the website +directory+ # overwritting exisiting files. def self.use_website_style( directory, style_name ) style = WebSiteStyle.entries[style_name] raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid website style '#{style_name}'" ) if style.nil? src_dir = File.join( directory, Webgen::SRC_DIR ) raise ArgumentError.new( "Directory <#{src_dir}> does not exist!") unless File.exists?( src_dir ) return style.copy_to( src_dir ) end # Copies the gallery style files for +style+ to the source directory of the website +directory+ # overwritting exisiting files. def self.use_gallery_style( directory, style_name ) style = GalleryStyle.entries[style_name] raise ArgumentError.new( "Invalid gallery style '#{style_name}'" ) if style.nil? src_dir = File.join( directory, Webgen::SRC_DIR ) plugin_dir = File.join( directory, Webgen::PLUGIN_DIR ) raise ArgumentError.new( "Directory <#{src_dir}> does not exist!") unless File.exists?( src_dir ) plugin_files = style.plugin_files FileUtils.mkdir( plugin_dir ) unless File.exists?( plugin_dir ) FileUtils.cp( plugin_files, plugin_dir ) return style.copy_to( src_dir ) + plugin_files.collect {|f| File.join( plugin_dir, File.basename( f ) )} end ####### private ####### def set_plugin_config( plugin_config ) @manager.plugin_config = ( plugin_config ? plugin_config : self.class.load_config_file( @directory ) ) @srcDir = File.join( @directory, Webgen::SRC_DIR ) outDir = @manager.param_for_plugin( 'Core/Configuration', 'outDir' ) @outDir = (/^(\/|[A-Za-z]:)/ =~ outDir ? outDir : File.join( @directory, outDir ) ) @plugin_config = @manager.plugin_config @manager.plugin_config = self end end # Raised when a configuration file has an invalid structure class ConfigurationFileInvalid < RuntimeError; end # Represents the configuration file of a website. class ConfigurationFile # Returns the whole configuration. attr_reader :config # Reads the content of the given configuration file and initialize a new object with it. def initialize( config_file ) if File.exists?( config_file ) begin @config = YAML::load( File.read( config_file ) ) rescue ArgumentError => e raise ConfigurationFileInvalid, e.message end else @config = {} end check_config end # See PluginManager#param_for_plugin . def param_for_plugin( plugin_name, param ) if @config.has_key?( plugin_name ) && @config[plugin_name].has_key?( param ) @config[plugin_name][param] else PluginParamValueNotFound end end ####### private ####### def check_config if !@config.kind_of?( Hash ) || !@config.all? {|k,v| v.kind_of?( Hash )} raise ConfigurationFileInvalid.new( 'Structure of config file is not valid, has to be a Hash of Hashes' ) end if !@config.has_key?( 'Core/FileHandler' ) || !@config['Core/FileHandler'].has_key?( 'defaultMetaInfo' ) @config.each_key do |plugin_name| next unless plugin_name =~ /File\// if @config[plugin_name]['defaultMetaInfo'].kind_of?( Hash ) ((@config['Core/FileHandler'] ||= {})['defaultMetaInfo'] ||= {})[plugin_name] = @config[plugin_name]['defaultMetaInfo'] @config[plugin_name].delete( 'defaultMetaInfo' ) end end end end end end