require 'spec_helper' describe Heirloom do before do @logger_mock = mock 'logger', :info => true, :debug => true, :error => true @config_mock = mock 'config', :logger => @logger_mock @archive = :config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123' end context "test public methods" do it "should call build with given args" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Builder.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:build).with('args')'args') end it "should call download method with given args" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Downloader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:download).with('args')'args') end it "should call update archive method with given args" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Updater.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:update).with('args') @archive.update('args') end it "should call upload archive method with given args" do mock = double('Mock') reader_mock = double('reader mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return reader_mock reader_mock.should_receive(:regions).and_return ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2'] Heirloom::Uploader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:upload).with('arg' => 'val', :regions => ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2']) @archive.upload('arg' => 'val') end it "should call authorize method" do mock = double('Mock') reader_mock = double('reader mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return reader_mock reader_mock.should_receive(:regions).and_return ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2'] Heirloom::Authorizer.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:authorize).with :regions => ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2'], :accounts => ['acct1', 'acct2'] @archive.authorize ['acct1', 'acct2'] end it "should call archive exists method and return true if archive exists" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:exists?).and_return true @archive.exists?.should be_true end it "should call archive exists method and return fasle if archive doesnt exists" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:exists?).and_return false @archive.exists?.should be_false end it "should call show method" do reader_mock = mock 'reader' show_data = { 'id' => '0.0.7', 'encrypted' => 'true', 'bucket_prefix' => 'rickybobby', 'us-west-2-s3-url' => 's3://rickybobby-us-west-2/demo2/0.0.7.tar.gz.gpg' } object_acls_data = { 'us-west-2-perms' => 'rickybobby:read, lc:full_control', 'us-west-1-perms' => 'rickybobby:read, lc:full_control' } merge_data = show_data.merge object_acls_data Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return reader_mock reader_mock.stub(:show).and_return(show_data) reader_mock.stub(:object_acls).and_return(object_acls_data) == merge_data end it "should call list method" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Lister.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:list) @archive.list end it "should return true if the required buckets exist" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Verifier.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:buckets_exist?). with(:bucket_prefix => 'test-123').and_return true @archive.buckets_exist?(:bucket_prefix => 'test-123'). should be_true end it "should return false if the required buckets don't exist" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Verifier.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:buckets_exist?). with(:bucket_prefix => 'test-123').and_return false @archive.buckets_exist?(:bucket_prefix => 'test-123'). should be_false end it "should call the destroy method" do destroyer_mock = double('destroyer mock') reader_mock = double('reader mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return reader_mock reader_mock.should_receive(:regions).and_return ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2'] Heirloom::Destroyer.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return destroyer_mock destroyer_mock.should_receive(:destroy). with :regions => ['us-west-1', 'us-west-2'] @archive.destroy end it "should call the regions method for an archive" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:regions) @archive.regions end it "should call the count method for an archive" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Reader.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef', :id => '123'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:count) @archive.count end it "should call the delete_buckets on teardowner" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Teardowner.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:delete_buckets).with :regions => ['us-west-1'] @archive.delete_buckets :regions => ['us-west-1'] end it "should call the delete_domain on teardowner" do mock = double('Mock') Heirloom::Teardowner.should_receive(:new). with(:config => @config_mock, :name => 'chef'). and_return mock mock.should_receive(:delete_domain) @archive.delete_domain end end context "rotate" do before do @tmp_dir = '/path/to/temp/dir' Dir.stub(:mktmpdir).and_return @tmp_dir @tmp_file = mock 'file' @tmp_file.stub :path => '/path/to/tmp/file', :close! => true Tempfile.stub :new => @tmp_file FileUtils.stub :remove_entry => true end it "should rotate an archive by downloading and re-uploading" do @archive.should_receive(:download). with(hash_including(:output => @tmp_dir, :secret => "oldpassword", :extract => true)). and_return true @archive.should_receive(:build). with(hash_including(:directory => @tmp_dir, :secret => "newpassword", :file => @tmp_file.path)). and_return true @archive.should_receive(:destroy).with(no_args) @archive.should_receive(:upload). with(hash_including(:secret => "newpassword", :file => @tmp_file.path)) @archive.rotate({ :new_secret => "newpassword", :old_secret => "oldpassword" }) end context "failing download" do before do @archive.stub :download => false, :build => true, :destroy => nil, :upload => true end it "should raise an exception when download fails" do expect { @archive.rotate({ :new_secret => "new", :old_secret => "old" }) }.to raise_error Heirloom::Exceptions::RotateFailed end it "should not destroy the file when download fails" do @archive.should_not_receive(:destroy) begin @archive.rotate({ :new_secret => "new", :old_secret => "old" }) rescue Heirloom::Exceptions::RotateFailed end end end context "failing build" do before do @archive.stub :download => true, :build => false, :destroy => nil, :upload => true end it "should raise an exception when build fails" do expect { @archive.rotate({ :new_secret => "new", :old_secret => "old" }) }.to raise_error Heirloom::Exceptions::RotateFailed end it "should not destroy the file when build fails" do @archive.should_not_receive(:destroy) begin @archive.rotate({ :new_secret => "new", :old_secret => "old" }) rescue Heirloom::Exceptions::RotateFailed end end end end end