{{ page.title }}
{%- if page.last_modified_at -%}
{%- assign mdate = page.last_modified_at | date_to_xmlschema -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if page.author -%}
{% for author in page.author %}
{{ author }}
{%- if forloop.last == false %}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
{% if page.categories.size > 0 %}
{{ content }}
{% if jekyll.environment == "production" and site.disqus and page.comments != false %}
{% include disqus.html %}
{% endif %}
{%- for category in page.categories -%}
- {% assign slugified_category = category | slugify %} {%- if site.categories_path -%} {{ category }} {%- else -%} {{ category }} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}
{%- for tag in page.tags -%}
- {% assign slugified_tag = tag | slugify %} {%- if site.tags_path -%} {{ slugified_tag }} {%- else -%} {{ slugified_tag }} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%}