require 'redcarpet' class ImpressRenderer < Redcarpet::Render::HTML @@attrs = [] @@current = 0 @@author, @@head, @@title = nil def self.init_with_attrs _attrs, _opts @@attrs = _attrs @@current = 0 @@opts = _opts end def author @@author = "" end def self.head= head @@head = head end def self.title= title @@title = "#{title}" end def hrule # this is how we later inject attributes into pages. what an awful hack. @@current += 1 %{
} end def block_code code, lang "
" end def codespan code "#{code}" end def mathjax if @@opts[:latex] %{ } end end def doc_header %{ #{@@title} #{@@author} #{self.mathjax} #{@@head}

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} end def doc_footer %{
} end end