require 'open-uri' require 'nokogiri' # What's the current weather forecast? class Robut::Plugin::Weather include Robut::Plugin class << self attr_accessor :default_location end # Returns a description of how to use this plugin def usage [ "#{at_nick} weather - returns the weather in the default location for today", "#{at_nick} weather tomorrow - returns the weather in the default location for tomorrow", "#{at_nick} weather - returns the weather for today", "#{at_nick} weather Tuesday - returns the weather for Tuesday" ] end def handle(time, sender_nick, message) # ignore messages that don't end in ? return unless message[message.length - 1, 1] == "?" message = message[0..message.length - 2] words = words(message) i = words.index("weather") # ignore messages that don't have "weather" in them return if i.nil? location = ? self.class.default_location : words[0..i-1].join(" ") if location.nil? reply "I don't have a default location!" return end day_of_week = nil day_string = words[i+1..-1].join(" ").downcase if day_string != "" day_of_week = parse_day(day_string) if day_of_week.nil? reply "I don't recognize the date: \"#{day_string}\"" return end end if bad_location?(location) reply "I don't recognize the location: \"#{location}\"" return end if day_of_week reply forecast(location, day_of_week) else reply current_conditions(location) end end def parse_day(day) day_map = { "monday" => "Mon", "mon" => "Mon", "tuesday" => "Tue", "tue" => "Tue", "tues" => "Tue", "wed" => "Wed", "wednesday" => "Wed", "thurs" => "Thu", "thu" => "Thu", "thursday" => "Thu", "friday" => "Fri", "fri" => "Fri", "saturday" => "Sat", "sat" => "Sat", "sunday" => "Sun", "sun" => "Sun", } if day_map.has_key?(day) return day_map[day] end if day == "tomorrow" return ( + 60*60*24).strftime("%a") end if day == "today" return"%a") end end def current_conditions(location) doc = weather_data(location) condition ="current_conditions condition").first["data"] temperature ="current_conditions temp_f").first["data"] normalized_location ="forecast_information city").first["data"] "Weather for #{normalized_location}: #{condition}, #{temperature}F" end def forecast(location, day_of_week) doc = weather_data(location) forecast ="forecast_conditions").detect{|el| c = el.children.detect{|c| == "day_of_week"}; c && c["data"] == day_of_week} return "Can't find a forecast for #{day_of_week}" if forecast.nil? condition = forecast.children.detect{|c| == "condition"}["data"] high = forecast.children.detect{|c| == "high"}["data"] low = forecast.children.detect{|c| == "low"}["data"] normalized_location ="forecast_information city").first["data"] "Forecast for #{normalized_location} on #{day_of_week}: #{condition}, High: #{high}F, Low: #{low}F" end def weather_data(location = "") @weather_data ||= {} @weather_data[location] ||= begin url = "{URI.escape(location)}" Nokogiri::XML(open(url)) end @weather_data[location] end def bad_location?(location = "") weather_data(location).search("forecast_information").empty? end end