module DataMapper class Collection def adjust(attributes = {}, reload = false) raise NotImplementedError, 'adjust *with* validations has not be written yet, try adjust!' end ## # increment or decrement attributes on a collection # # @example [Usage] # * People.all.adjust(:salary => +1000) # * Children.all(:age.gte => 18).adjust(:allowance => -100) # # @param attributes A hash of attributes to adjust, and their adjustment # @param reload If true, affected objects will be reloaded # # @public def adjust!(attributes = {}, reload = false) return true if attributes.empty? adjust_attributes = {}*attributes.keys).each do |property| adjust_attributes[property] = attributes[] if property end each { |r| attributes.each_pair{|a,v| r.attribute_set(a,r.send(a) + v) }; } if loaded? # if none of the attributes that are adjusted is part of the collection-query # there is no need to load the collection (it will not change after adjustment) # if the query contains a raw sql-string, we cannot (truly) know, and must load. altered = query.conditions.detect{|c| adjust_attributes.include?(c[1]) || c[0] == :raw } if identity_map.any? && reload reload_query = reload_query = all(reload_query.merge(:fields => @key_properties)).send(:keys) if altered end repository.adjust(adjust_attributes,scoped_query) # Reload affected objects in identity-map. if collection was affected, dont use the scope. (altered ? model : self).all(reload_query).reload(:fields => attributes.keys) if reload_query && reload_query.any? # if preload was set to false, and collection was affected by updates, # something is now officially borked. We'll try the best we can (still many cases this is borked for) query.conditions.each do |c| if adjustment = adjust_attributes[c[1]] case c[2] when Numeric then c[2] += adjustment when Range then c[2] = (c[2].first+adjustment)..(c[2].last+adjustment) end if adjustment = adjust_attributes[c[1]] end end if altered return true end # adjust end # Collection end # DataMapper