module IiifPrint module PersistenceLayer class ValkyrieAdapter < AbstractAdapter ## # @param object [Valkyrie::Resource] # @return [Array] def self.object_in_works(object) Array.wrap(Hyrax.custom_queries.find_parent_work(resource: object)) end ## # @param object [Valkyrie::Resource] # @return [Array] def self.object_ordered_works(object) child_file_sets = Hyrax.custom_queries.find_child_file_sets(resource: object).to_a child_works = Hyrax.custom_queries.find_child_works(resource: object).to_a child_works + child_file_sets end ## # @param work_type [Class] # @return the indexer for the given :work_type def self.decorate_with_adapter_logic(work_type:) work_type.send(:include, Hyrax::Schema(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) unless work_type.included_modules.include?(Hyrax::Schema(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) # TODO: Use `Hyrax::ValkyrieIndexer.indexer_class_for` once changes are merged. indexer = "#{work_type}Indexer".constantize indexer.send(:include, Hyrax::Indexer(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) unless indexer.included_modules.include?(Hyrax::Indexer(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) indexer end ## # @param work_type [Class] # @return form for the given :work_type def self.decorate_form_with_adapter_logic(work_type:) form = "#{work_type}Form".constantize form.send(:include, Hyrax::FormFields(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) unless form.included_modules.include?(Hyrax::FormFields(:child_works_from_pdf_splitting)) form end ## # Return the immediate parent of the given :file_set. # # @param file_set [Hyrax::FileMetadata or FileSet] # @return [#work?, Hydra::PCDM::Work] # @return [NilClass] when no parent is found. def self.parent_for(file_set) file_set = Hyrax.query_service.find_by(id: file_set.file_set_id) if file_set.is_a?(Hyrax::FileMetadata) Hyrax.query_service.find_parents(resource: file_set).first end ## # Return the parent's parent of the given :file_set. # # @param file_set [Hyrax::FileMetadata or FileSet] # @return [#work?, Hydra::PCDM::Work] # @return [NilClass] when no grand parent is found. def self.grandparent_for(file_set) parent = parent_for(file_set) return nil unless parent Hyrax.query_service.find_parents(resource: parent).first end def self.solr_construct_query(*args) Hyrax::SolrQueryBuilderService.construct_query(*args) end def self.clean_for_tests! # For Fedora backed repositories, we'll want to consider some cleaning mechanism. For # database backed repositories, we can rely on the database_cleaner gem. raise NotImplementedError end def self.solr_query(query, **args) Hyrax::SolrService.query(query, **args) end def self.solr_name(field_name) Hyrax.config.index_field_mapper.solr_name(field_name.to_s) end # rubocop:disable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument def self.destroy_children_split_from(file_set:, work:, model:, user:) # rubocop:enable Lint/UnusedMethodArgument # look for child records by the file set id they were split from Hyrax.query_service.find_inverse_references_by(resource: file_set, property: :split_from_pdf_id, model: model).each do |child| Hyrax.persister.delete(resource: child) Hyrax.indexing_service.delete(resource: child) Hyrax.publisher.publish('object.deleted', object: child, user: user) end true end def self.pdf?(file_set) file_set.original_file&.pdf? end ## # Add a child record as a member of a parent record # # @param model [child_record] a Valkyrie::Resource model # @param model [parent_record] a Valkyrie::Resource model # @return [TrueClass] def self.create_relationship_between(child_record:, parent_record:) return true if parent_record.member_ids.include?( parent_record.member_ids << true end ## # find a work by title # We should only find one, but there is no guarantee of that # @param title [String] # @param model [String] a Valkyrie::Resource model # @return [Array