# History ## 1.5.1 / 2024-01-31 - Peter Goldstein updated CI configuration to add Ruby 3.1 and Masato Nakamura added Ruby 3.2 and 3.3. [#82][], [#89][] - Updated the CI configuration, resolving [#82][] to add Ruby 3.1. Masato - Switched to [standard ruby][] formatting. - Justin Steele converted the licence file to Markdown. [#84][] - Updated the gem SPDX identifier for GPL 2.0 or later, resolving [#86][] by Vit Ondruch. - Resolve a potential security issue with `ldiff` in its use of `IO.read` instead of `File.read`. [#91][] - Added MFA authentication requirement for release to RubyGems. [#90][] - Added dependabot management for actions and gems. [#90][] - Updated CodeQL coniguration. [#90][] ## 1.5.0 / 2021-12-23 - Updated the CI configuration and monkey-patch Hoe. - Kenichi Kamiya fixed a test configuration deprecation in SimpleCov. [#69][] - Tien introduced several corrections and code improvements: - Removed an off-by-one error when calculating an index value by embracing Ruby iteration properly. This had a side-effect of fixing a long-standing bug in `#traverse_sequences` where the traversal would not be transitive. That is, `LCS(s2, s1)` should produce a sequence that is transitive with `LCS(s1, s2)` on traversal, and applying the diff computed from those results would result in equivalent changes that could be played forward or backward as appropriate. [#71][], [#75][] - The above fix resulted in a changed order of the longest common subsequence when callbacks were applied. After analysis, it was determined that the computed subsequence was _equivalent_ to the prior version, so the test was updated. This also resulted in the clarification of documentation when traversing the subsequences. [#79][] - An infinite loop case in the case where Diff::LCS would be included into an enumerable class has been fixed. [#73][] - Clarified the purpose of a threshold test in calculation of LCS. [#72][], [#80][] - Removed autotest directory ## 1.4.4 / 2020-07-01 - Fixed an issue reported by Jun Aruga in the Diff::LCS::Ldiff binary text detection. [#44][] - Fixed a theoretical issue reported by Jun Aruga in Diff::LCS::Hunk to raise a more useful exception. [#43][] - Added documentation that should address custom object issues as reported in [#35][]. - Fixed more diff errors, in part reported in [#65][]. - The use of `Numeric#abs` is incorrect in `Diff::LCS::Block#diff_size`. The diff size _must_ be accurate for correct change placement. - When selecting @max_diff_size in Diff::LCS::Hunk, choose it based on `block.diff_size.abs`. - Made a number of changes that will, unfortunately, increase allocations at the cost of being safe with frozen strings. - Add some knowledge that when `Diff::LCS::Hunk#diff` is called, that we are processing the _last_ hunk, so some changes will be made to how the output is generated. - `old`, `ed`, and `reverse_ed` formats have no differences. - `unified` format will report `\ No newline at end of file` given the correct conditions, at most once. Unified range reporting also differs for the last hunk such that the `length` of the range is reduced by one. - `context` format will report `\No newline at end of file` given the correct conditions, up to once per "file". Context range reporting also differs for the last hunk such that the `end` part of the range is reduced by one to a minimum of one. - Added a bunch more tests for the cases above, and fixed `hunk_spec.rb` so that the phrase being compared isn't nonsense French. - Updated formatting. - Added a Rake task to assist with manual testing on Ruby 1.8. ## 1.4.3 / 2020-06-29 - Fixed several issues with the 1.4 on Rubies older than 2.0. Some of this was providing useful shim functions to Hoe 3.x (which dropped these older Rubies a while ago). Specifically: - Removed Array#lazy from a method in Diff::LCS::Hunk. - Changed some unit tests to use old-style Symbol-keyed hashes. - Changed some unit test helper functions to no longer use keyword parameters, but only a trailing options hash. - Made the use of `psych` dependent on `RUBY_VERSION >= 1.9`. Resolves [#63][]. ## 1.4.2 / 2020-06-23 - Camille Drapier fixed a small issue with RuboCop configuration. [#59][] - Applied another fix (and unit test) to fix an issue for the Chef team. [#60][], [#61][] ## 1.4.1 / 2020-06-23 - Fix an issue where diff sizes could be negative, and they should be. [#57][], [#58][] ## 1.4 / 2020-06-23 - Ruby versions lower than 2.4 are soft-deprecated and will not be run as part of the CI process any longer. - Akinora MUSHA (knu) added the ability for Diff::LCS::Change objects to be implicitly treated arrays. Originally provided as pull request [#47][], but it introduced a number of test failures as documented in [#48][], and remediation of Diff::LCS itself was introduced in [#49][]. - Resolved [#5][] with some tests comparing output from `system` calls to `bin/ldiff` with some pre-generated output. Resolved [#6][] with these tests. - Resolved a previously undetected `bin/ldiff` issue with `--context` output not matching `diff --context` output. - Resolved an issue with later versions of Ruby not working with an `OptParse` specification of `Numeric`; this has been changed to `Integer`. - Brandon Fish added truffleruby in [#52][]. - Fixed two missing classes as reported in [#53][]. ## 1.3 / 2017-01-18 - Bugs fixed: - Fixed an error for bin/ldiff --version. Fixes issue [#21][]. - Force Diff::LCS::Change and Diff::LCS::ContextChange to only perform equality comparisons against themselves. Provided by Kevin Mook in pull request [#29][]. - Fix tab expansion in htmldiff, provided by Mark Friedgan in pull request [#25][]. - Silence Ruby 2.4 Fixnum deprecation warnings. Fixes issue [#38][] and pull request [#36][]. - Ensure that test dependencies are loaded properly. Fixes issue [#33][] and pull request [#34][]. - Fix issue [#1][] with incorrect intuition of patch direction. Tentative fix, but the previous failure cases pass now. - Tooling changes: - Added SimpleCov and Coveralls support. - Change the homepage (temporarily) to the GitHub repo. - Updated testing and gem infrastructure. - Modernized the specs. - Cleaned up documentation. - Added a Code of Conduct. ## 1.2.5 / 2013-11-08 - Bugs fixed: - Comparing arrays flattened them too far, especially with Diff::LCS.sdiff. Fixed by Josh Bronson in pull request [#23][]. ## 1.2.4 / 2013-04-20 - Bugs fixed: - A bug was introduced after 1.1.3 when pruning common sequences at the start of comparison. Paul Kunysch (@pck) fixed this in pull request [#18][]. Thanks! - The Rubinius (1.9 mode) bug in [rubinius/rubinius#2268][] has been fixed by the Rubinius team two days after it was filed. Thanks for fixing this so quickly! - Switching to Raggi's hoe-gemspec2 for gemspec generation. ## 1.2.3 / 2013-04-11 - Bugs Fixed: - The new encoding detection for diff output generation (added in 1.2.2) introduced a bug if the left side of the comparison was the empty set. Originally found in [rspec/rspec-expectations#238][] and [rspec/rspec-expectations#239][]. Jon Rowe developed a reasonable heuristic (left side, right side, empty string literal) to avoid this bug. - There is a known issue with Rubinius in 1.9 mode reported in [rubinius/rubinius#2268][] and demonstrated in the Travis CI builds. For all other tested platforms, diff-lcs is considered stable. As soon as a suitably small test-case can be created for the Rubinius team to examine, this will be added to the Rubinius issue around this. ## 1.2.2 / 2013-03-30 - Bugs Fixed: - Diff::LCS::Hunk could not properly generate a difference for comparison sets that are not US-ASCII-compatible because of the use of literal regular expressions and strings. Jon Rowe found this in [rspec/rspec-expectations#219][] and provided a first pass implementation in pull request [#15][]. I've reworked it because of test failures in Rubinius when running in Ruby 1.9 mode. This coerces the added values to the encoding of the old dataset (as determined by the first piece of the old dataset). - Adding Travis CI testing for Ruby 2.0. ## 1.2.1 / 2013-02-09 - Bugs Fixed: - As seen in [rspec/rspec-expectations#200][], the release of Diff::LCS 1.2 introduced an unnecessary public API change to Diff::LCS::Hunk (see the change at [rspec/rspec-expectations@3d6fc82c][] for details). The new method name (and behaviour) is more correct, but I should not have renamed the function or should have at least provided an alias. This release restores Diff::LCS::Hunk#unshift as an alias to #merge. Note that the old #unshift behaviour was incorrect and will not be restored. ## 1.2.0 / 2013-01-21 - Minor Enhancements: - Added special case handling for Diff::LCS.patch so that it handles patches that are empty or contain no changes. - Added two new methods (#patch_me and #unpatch_me) to the includable module. - Bugs Fixed: - Fixed issue [#1][] patch direction detection. - Resolved issue [#2][] by handling `string[string.size, 1]` properly (it returns `""` not `nil`). - Michael Granger (ged) fixed an implementation error in Diff::LCS::Change and added specs in pull request [#8][]. Thanks! - Made the code auto-testable. - Vít Ondruch (voxik) provided the latest version of the GPL2 license file in pull request [#10][]. Thanks! - Fixed a documentation issue with the includable versions of #patch! and #unpatch! where they implied that they would replace the original value. Given that Diff::LCS.patch always returns a copy, the documentation was incorrect and has been corrected. To provide the behaviour that was originally documented, two new methods were added to provide this behaviour. Found by scooter-dangle in issue [#12][]. Thanks! - Code Style Changes: - Removed trailing spaces. - Calling class methods using `.` instead of `::`. - Vít Ondruch (voxik) removed unnecessary shebangs in pull request [#9][]. Thanks! - Kenichi Kamiya (kachick) removed some warnings of an unused variable in lucky pull request [#13][]. Thanks! - Embarked on a major refactoring to make the files a little more manageable and understand the code on a deeper level. - Adding to http://travis-ci.org. ## 1.1.3 / 2011-08-27 - Converted to 'hoe' for release. - Converted tests to RSpec 2. - Extracted the body of htmldiff into a class available from diff/lcs/htmldiff. - Migrated development and issue tracking to GitHub. - Bugs fixed: - Eliminated the explicit use of RubyGems in both bin/htmldiff and bin/ldiff. Resolves issue [#4][]. - Eliminated Ruby warnings. Resolves issue [#3][]. ## 1.1.2 / 2004-10-20 - Fixed a problem reported by Mauricio Fernandez in htmldiff. ## 1.1.1 / 2004-09-25 - Fixed bug #891 (Set returned from patch command does not contain last equal part). - Fixed a problem with callback initialisation code (it assumed that all callbacks passed as classes can be initialised; now, it rescues NoMethodError in the event of private :new being called). - Modified the non-initialisable callbacks to have a private #new method. - Moved ldiff core code to Diff::LCS::Ldiff (diff/lcs/ldiff.rb). ## 1.1.0 - Eliminated the need for Diff::LCS::Event and removed it. - Added a contextual diff callback, Diff::LCS::ContextDiffCallback. - Implemented patching/unpatching for standard Diff callback output formats with both #diff and #sdiff. - Extensive documentation changes. ## 1.0.4 - Fixed a problem with bin/ldiff output, especially for unified format. Newlines that should have been present weren't. - Changed the .tar.gz installer to generate Windows batch files if ones do not exist already. Removed the existing batch files as they didn't work. ## 1.0.3 - Fixed a problem with #traverse_sequences where the first difference from the left sequence might not be appropriately captured. ## 1.0.2 - Fixed an issue with ldiff not working because actions were changed from symbols to strings. ## 1.0.1 - Minor modifications to the gemspec, the README. - Renamed the diff program to ldiff (as well as the companion batch file) so as to not collide with the standard diff program. - Fixed issues with RubyGems. Requires RubyGems > 0.6.1 or >= 0.6.1 with the latest CVS version. ## 1.0 - Initial release based mostly on Perl's Algorithm::Diff. [#1]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/1 [#2]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/2 [#3]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/3 [#4]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/4 [#5]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/5 [#6]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/6 [#8]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/8 [#9]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/9 [#10]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/10 [#12]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/12 [#13]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/13 [#15]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/15 [#18]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/18 [#21]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/21 [#23]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/23 [#25]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/25 [#29]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/29 [#33]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/33 [#34]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/34 [#35]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/35 [#36]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/36 [#38]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/38 [#43]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/43 [#44]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/44 [#47]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/47 [#48]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/48 [#49]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/49 [#52]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/52 [#53]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/53 [#57]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/57 [#58]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/58 [#59]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/59 [#60]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/60 [#61]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/61 [#63]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/63 [#65]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/65 [#69]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/69 [#71]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/71 [#72]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/72 [#73]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/73 [#75]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/75 [#79]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/79 [#80]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/80 [#82]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/82 [#84]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/84 [#86]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/86 [#89]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/89 [#90]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/pull/90 [#91]: https://github.com/halostatue/diff-lcs/issues/91 [rspec/rspec-expectations#200]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/pull/200 [rspec/rspec-expectations#219]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/issues/219 [rspec/rspec-expectations#238]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/issues/238 [rspec/rspec-expectations#239]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/issues/239 [rspec/rspec-expectations@3d6fc82c]: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/commit/3d6fc82c [rubinius/rubinius#2268]: https://github.com/rubinius/rubinius/issues/2268 [standard ruby]: https://github.com/standardrb/standard