module Adminpanel module SharedPagesHelper ### Searches for current controller's Class (@model) associaciations # and execute the association method on the model, It's going # to return 'name' of the related object if it exists. # E.x. Given a Prodcuct that belongs_to category, this method # is going to search for a relationship named 'category' def belong_to_object_name(resource, belongs_to_assoc_name) if !resource.send(belongs_to_assoc_name).nil? #if there's something in the association return resource.send(belongs_to_assoc_name).name else return "#{belongs_to_assoc_name} N/A" end end def pluralize_model(class_name) "#{demodulize_class(class_name).pluralize}" end def relationship_ids(class_string) "#{demodulize_class(class_string)}_ids" end def class_name_downcase(object) demodulize_class(object.class) end def demodulize_class(class_name) class_name.to_s.demodulize.downcase end def active_tab(index) if index == 0 return 'active' else return '' end end def get_oauth_link(resource) Adminpanel.fb_app_id, Adminpanel.fb_app_secret, url_for({ controller: params[:controller], action: 'fb_choose_page', id: resource, host: }) ).url_for_oauth_code end def field_value properties, attribute, object case properties['type'] when 'belongs_to' belong_to_object_name(object, attribute.split('_id').first) when 'has_many' li_tags = "" content_tag :ul do object.send("#{pluralize_model(properties['model'])}").each do |member| li_tags << content_tag(:li, class: 'priority-low') do end end li_tags.html_safe end when 'file_field' content_tag :ul do image_tag(object.send("#{attribute}_url", :thumb)) end when 'boolean' if object.send(attribute) I18n.t('action.is_true') else I18n.t('action.is_false') end when 'enum_field' I18n.t("#{}.#{object.send(attribute)}") else object.send(attribute) end end def is_customized_field?(field_name) field_name = field_name.to_sym return (field_name == :adminpanel_file_field || field_name == :belongs_to || field_name == :file_field || field_name == :non_image_file_field || field_name == :has_many) end def table_type(model) if model.is_sortable? '' else 'information-table' end end end end