module DoubanFM require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'ruby-mpd' require 'date' class DoubanFM # DOUBAN_FM_MPD_PLAYLIST = '' MIN_SONGS_IN_DOUBAN_FM_MPD_PLAYLIST = 10 RANDOM_CHANNEL_ID = -1 attr_reader :waiting, :channels, :current_channel, :kbps def initialize(logger =, email = '', password = '') @logger = logger @email = email @password = password @semaphore = @waiting = false # read this to determin whether to fetch one more playlist @user_info = {'user_id' => '', 'expire' => '', 'token' => ''} end def login uri = URI('') res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'email' => @email, 'password' => @password, 'app_name' => 'radio_desktop_mac', 'version' => '100') @user_info = JSON.parse(res.body) if @user_info['err'] != 'ok' raise @user_info["err"] end end def fetch_channels today = if today != @last_fetching_channels_date uri = URI('') res = Net::HTTP.get(uri) @channels = JSON.parse(res) @last_fetching_channels_date = today else @logger.log('use channels in cache') end @logger.log("raw channel list #{channels}") end def select_channel(channel_num) @current_channel = channel_num end def set_kbps(kbps) @kbps = kbps end def fetch_next_playlist if @current_channel == RANDOM_CHANNEL_ID channel_id = select_random_channel else channel_id = @current_channel end @logger.log("now fetch next playlist from channel #{channel_id}") uri = URI('') params = { :app_name => 'radio_desktop_mac', :version => "100", :user_id => @user_info['user_id'], :expire => @user_info['expire'], :token => @user_info['token'], :sid => '', :h => '', :channel => channel_id, :type => 'n', :kbps => @kbps } @logger.log(params) uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) @current_playlist = JSON.parse(res.body) @logger.log("raw playlist #{@current_playlist}") unless @current_playlist['err'].nil? raise @current_playlist end end def play @continue = true do @waiting = false @current_playlist['song'].each do |song| @semaphore.lock unless @continue @semaphore.unlock break end @player_pid = spawn("mpg123 #{song['url']} > /dev/null 2>&1") @semaphore.unlock @logger.log("playing song \"#{song['title']}\"") Process.wait end @waiting = @continue yield @waiting if block_given? end end def add_to_mpd(host = 'localhost', port = 6600) if host.nil? host = 'localhost' end if port.nil? port = 6600 end mpd =, port) @logger.log("connecting to mpd at #{host}:#{port}") mpd.connect # remove after played mpd.consume = 1 # unfortunately it is not the same as i thought. # i can not create a playlist specially for since # mpd will not remove song from this playlist anyway which # means there is no chance for me to detect the total number # of songs in the playlist is below a threshhold. # so before i can find any better solution, just make use # of the default playlist which is dynamic. # begin # songs = mpd.send_command(:listplaylistinfo, DOUBAN_FM_MPD_PLAYLIST) # if songs.is_a? String # total = 1 # else # total = songs.length # end # rescue # total = 0 # end total = mpd.status[:playlistlength] @logger.log("current total number of songs in mpd #{total}") added = false if total < MIN_SONGS_IN_DOUBAN_FM_MPD_PLAYLIST # douban_fm_playlist =, {:playlist => DOUBAN_FM_MPD_PLAYLIST}) begin @logger.log('fetch next playlist') fetch_next_playlist rescue @logger.log('session expired, relogin') login @logger.log('fetch next playlist') fetch_next_playlist end add_current_playlist_to_mpd(mpd) added = true end mpd.disconnect added end def clear_mpd_playlist(host = 'localhost', port = 6600) if host.nil? host = 'localhost' end if port.nil? port = 6600 end mpd =, port) @logger.log("connecting to mpd at #{host}:#{port}") mpd.connect @logger.log('crop or clear current playlist') status = mpd.status mpd.clear # this will stop mpd if it is playing fetch_next_playlist add_current_playlist_to_mpd(mpd) if status[:state] == :play end mpd.disconnect end def stop @semaphore.synchronize do @continue = false begin Process.kill(9, @player_pid) unless @player_pid.nil? rescue Errno::ESRCH end end end private def add_current_playlist_to_mpd(mpd) @logger.log("add more songs to mpd") @current_playlist['song'].each do |song| @logger.log("send [#{song['url'].gsub('\\', '')}] to mpd") mpd.add(song['url'].gsub('\\', '')) end end # currently not used def crop(mpd, status) total = status[:playlistlength] current = status[:song] total.downto(current + 2) do |i| mpd.delete(i) end current.downto(1) do |i| mpd.delete(i) end end def select_random_channel fetch_channels channels = @channels['channels'] which = ... channels.size) channels[which]['channel_id'] end end end