@yaml Feature: Report smells using simple YAML layout In order to parse reek's output simply and consistently, simply output a list of smells in Yaml. Scenario: output is empty when there are no smells When I run reek --yaml spec/samples/three_clean_files Then it succeeds And stdout equals "" @masking Scenario: masked smells always appear When I run reek --yaml spec/samples/masked/dirty.rb Then the exit status indicates smells And it reports: """ --- - !ruby/object:Reek::SmellWarning location: lines: - 4 - 6 context: Dirty#a source: spec/samples/masked/dirty.rb smell: class: Duplication occurrences: 2 subclass: DuplicateMethodCall call: "@s.title" message: calls @s.title twice status: is_active: true - !ruby/object:Reek::SmellWarning location: lines: - 5 - 7 context: Dirty#a source: spec/samples/masked/dirty.rb smell: class: Duplication occurrences: 2 subclass: DuplicateMethodCall call: puts(@s.title) message: calls puts(@s.title) twice status: is_active: true - !ruby/object:Reek::SmellWarning location: lines: - 5 context: Dirty#a source: spec/samples/masked/dirty.rb smell: class: NestedIterators depth: 2 subclass: "" message: contains iterators nested 2 deep status: is_active: true """ @stdin Scenario: return non-zero status when there are smells When I pass "# test class\nclass Turn; def fred(arg = true) end end" to reek --yaml Then the exit status indicates smells And it reports: """ --- - !ruby/object:Reek::SmellWarning location: lines: - 2 context: Turn#fred source: $stdin smell: parameter: arg class: ControlCouple subclass: BooleanParameter message: has boolean parameter 'arg' status: is_active: true """