class UISpecRunner class Options < Hash attr_reader :opts, :orig_args def self.from_file(options_file) args = File.readlines(options_file).map {|l| l.chomp.split " "}.flatten end def initialize(args) super() @orig_args = args.clone # Configure default settings self[:run_mode] = :all self[:target] = 'UISpec' self[:configuration] = 'Debug' self[:build_dir] = './build' self[:verbose] = false self[:sdk_version] = '3.0' require 'optparse' @opts = do |o| o.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]\ne.g. #{File.basename($0)}" o.separator "" o.separator "Run Modes:" o.on('-s', '--spec [CLASS]', 'Run the specified UISpec class') do |spec| self[:spec] = spec self[:run_mode] = :spec end o.on('-e', '--example [METHOD]', 'Run the specified example method (requires --spec)') do |example| self[:example] = example self[:run_mode] = :example # TODO: Need to raise exception if method is specified without class end o.on('-p', '--protocol [PROTOCOL]', 'Run all UISpec classes implementing the Objective-C protocol') do |protocol| self[:protocol] = protocol self[:run_mode] = :protocol end o.separator "" o.separator "Environment options:" o.on('--project [PROJECT_FILE]', 'Run the UISpec target in specified project', 'Default: auto-detect project in current directory') do |project| self[:project] = project end o.on('--sdk [VERSION]', 'Run the UISpec target against the iPhone SDK version', 'Default: 3.0') do |sdk_version| self[:sdk_version] = sdk_version end o.on('-c', '--configuration [CONFIGURATION]', 'Build with specified XCode configuration.', 'Default: Debug') do |configuration| self[:configuration] = configuration end o.on('-t', '--target [TARGET]', 'Run the specified XCode target.', 'Default: UISpec') do |target| self[:target] = target end o.on('--builddir [BUILD_DIR]', 'Run app in the build directory.', 'Default: ./build') do |build_dir| self[:build_dir] = build_dir end o.on('--securityd', 'Start the securityd daemon before running specs. This allow interaction with the keychain.') do |securityd| self[:securityd] = securityd end o.on('-v', '--[no-]verbose', "Run verbosely") do |v| self[:verbose] = v end o.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'display this help and exit') do self[:show_help] = true end end begin @opts.parse!(args) # TODO: Support running specific files #self[:project_name] = args.shift rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e self[:invalid_argument] = e.message end end def merge(other) + other.orig_args) end end end