/* * Copyright 2021-Present Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include "atr_cleanup_entry.hxx" #include "client_record.hxx" #include "couchbase/transactions/transactions_config.hxx" #include #include #include namespace couchbase::core { class cluster; namespace transactions { // only really used when we force cleanup, in tests class transactions_cleanup_attempt { private: const core::document_id atr_id_; const std::string attempt_id_; const std::string atr_bucket_name_; bool success_; attempt_state state_; public: transactions_cleanup_attempt(const atr_cleanup_entry&); [[nodiscard]] bool success() const { return success_; } void success(bool success) { success_ = success; } [[nodiscard]] const core::document_id& atr_id() const { return atr_id_; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string attempt_id() const { return attempt_id_; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string atr_bucket_name() const { return atr_bucket_name_; } [[nodiscard]] attempt_state state() const { return state_; } void state(attempt_state state) { state_ = state; } }; struct atr_cleanup_stats { bool exists; std::size_t num_entries; atr_cleanup_stats() : exists(false) , num_entries(0) { } }; class transactions_cleanup { public: transactions_cleanup(core::cluster cluster, const couchbase::transactions::transactions_config::built& config); ~transactions_cleanup(); [[nodiscard]] const core::cluster& cluster_ref() const { return cluster_; }; [[nodiscard]] const couchbase::transactions::transactions_config::built& config() const { return config_; } [[nodiscard]] couchbase::transactions::transactions_config::built& config() { return config_; }; // Add an attempt cleanup later. void add_attempt(attempt_context& ctx); std::size_t cleanup_queue_length() const { return atr_queue_.size(); } void add_collection(couchbase::transactions::transaction_keyspace keyspace); std::list collections() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); return collections_; } // only used for testing. void force_cleanup_attempts(std::vector& results); // only used for testing void force_cleanup_entry(atr_cleanup_entry& entry, transactions_cleanup_attempt& attempt); // only used for testing const atr_cleanup_stats force_cleanup_atr(const core::document_id& atr_id, std::vector& results); const client_record_details get_active_clients(const couchbase::transactions::transaction_keyspace& keyspace, const std::string& uuid); void remove_client_record_from_all_buckets(const std::string& uuid); void start(); void stop(); void close(); private: core::cluster cluster_; couchbase::transactions::transactions_config::built config_; const std::chrono::milliseconds cleanup_loop_delay_{ 100 }; std::thread cleanup_thr_; atr_cleanup_queue atr_queue_; mutable std::condition_variable cv_; mutable std::mutex mutex_; std::list lost_attempt_cleanup_workers_; const std::string client_uuid_; std::list collections_; void attempts_loop(); bool is_running() { std::unique_lock lock(mutex_); return running_; } template bool interruptable_wait(std::chrono::duration time); void lost_attempts_loop(); void clean_collection(const couchbase::transactions::transaction_keyspace& keyspace); void create_client_record(const couchbase::transactions::transaction_keyspace& keyspace); const atr_cleanup_stats handle_atr_cleanup(const core::document_id& atr_id, std::vector* result = nullptr); bool running_{ false }; }; } // namespace transactions } // namespace couchbase::core