Developing Graphical User Interfaces with FXRuby

Covers FXRuby Version 1.2

Lyle Johnson

Table of Contents

I. The Basics
History and Goals
1. Building from Source Code
2. Installing from Gems
3. Hello, World!
First Things First
Better living through buttons
Adding a tool tip
Adding an icon
4. Working With the Clipboard
Basic Application
Acquiring the Clipboard
Sending Data to the Clipboard
Pasting Data from the Clipboard
5. Drag and Drop
Drop Sites
Drag Sources
Putting It All Together
6. Examples
7. FXRuby's Message-Target System
8. To-do list
9. Other Sources of Information
10. Change History
II. Appendices
A. Using OpenGL with FXRuby
B. Using Scintilla with FXRuby
C. Differences between FOX and FXRuby
D. The FXRuby Standard Library
E. Implementation
Code Generation
Object Life Cycles and Garbage Collection
GL Objects
Virtual Functions
F. Getting the Sources from CVS