require 'tap/task' require 'ms/calc' require 'ms/sequest' require 'ms/sequest/srf' require 'ms/sequest/sqt' module Ms module Sequest class Srf # the out_filename will be the base_name + .sqt unless 'out_filename' is # defined # :round => round floating point numbers # etc... def to_sqt(out_filename=nil, opts={}) # default rounding precision (Decimal Places) tic_dp = 2 mh_dp = 7 xcorr_dp = 5 sp_dp = 2 dcn_dp = 5 defaults = {:db_info=>false, :new_db_path=>nil, :update_db_path=>false, :round=>false} opt = defaults.merge(opts) outfile = if out_filename out_filename else base_name + '.sqt' end invariant_ordering = %w(SQTGenerator SQTGeneratorVersion Database FragmentMasses PrecursorMasses StartTime) # just for readability and consistency fmt = if params.fragment_mass_type == 'average' ; 'AVG' else ; 'MONO' end pmt = if params.precursor_mass_type == 'average' ; 'AVG' else ; 'MONO' end mass_index = params.mass_index static_mods = do |k,v| key = k.split(/_/)[1] if key.size == 1 key + '=' + (mass_index[key] + v.to_f).to_s else key + '=' + v end end dynamic_mods = [] header.modifications.scan(/\((.*?)\)/) do |match| dynamic_mods << match.first.sub(/ /,'=') end plural = { 'StaticMod' => static_mods, 'DynamicMod' => dynamic_mods, # example as diff mod 'Comment' => ['Created from Bioworks .srf file'] } db_filename = header.db_filename.sub(/\.hdr$/, '') # remove the .hdr postfix db_filename_in_sqt = db_filename if opt[:new_db_path] db_filename = File.join(opt[:new_db_path], File.basename(db_filename.gsub('\\', '/'))) if opt[:update_db_path] db_filename_in_sqt = File.expand_path(db_filename) warn "writing Database #{db_filename} to sqt, but it does not exist on this file system" unless File.exist?(db_filename) end end apmu = case params.peptide_mass_units when '0' ; 'amu' when '1' ; 'mmu' when '2' ; 'ppm' end hh = { 'SQTGenerator' => "mspire: ms-sequest", 'SQTGeneratorVersion' => Ms::Sequest::VERSION, 'Database' => db_filename_in_sqt, 'FragmentMasses' => fmt, 'PrecursorMasses' => pmt, 'StartTime' => '', # Bioworks 3.2 also leaves this blank... 'Alg-PreMassTol' => params.peptide_mass_tolerance, 'Alg-FragMassTol' => params.fragment_ion_tolerance, 'Alg-PreMassUnits' => apmu, ## mine 'Alg-IonSeries' => header.ion_series.split(':').last.lstrip, 'Alg-Enzyme' => header.enzyme.split(':').last, 'Alg-MSModel' => header.model, } if opt[:db_info] if File.exist?(db_filename) reply = Ms::Sequest::Sqt.db_info(db_filename) %w(DBSeqLength DBLocusCount DBMD5Sum).zip(reply) do |label,val| hh[label] = val end else warn "file #{db_filename} does not exist, no extra db info in header!" end end has_hits = (self.out_files.size > 0) if has_hits # somewhat redundant with above, but we can get this without a db present! hh['DBLocusCount'] = self.out_files.first.db_locus_count end, 'w') do |out| # print the header: invariant_ordering.each do |iv| out.puts ['H', iv, hh.delete(iv)].join("\t") end hh.each do |k,v| out.puts ['H', k, v].join("\t") end plural.each do |k,vals| vals.each do |val| out.puts ['H', k, val].join("\t") end end ##### SPECTRA time_to_process = '0.0' ######################################### # NEED TO FIGURE OUT: (in spectra guy) # * Lowest Sp value for top 500 spectra # * Number of sequences matching this precursor ion ######################################### manual_validation_status = 'U' do |out_file, dta_file| # don't have the time to process (using 0.0 like bioworks 3.2) dta_file_mh = out_file_total_inten = out_file.total_inten out_file_lowest_sp = out_file.lowest_sp if opt[:round] dta_file_mh = Ms::Calc.round(dta_file_mh, mh_dp) out_file_total_inten = Ms::Calc.round(out_file_total_inten, tic_dp) out_file_lowest_sp = Ms::Calc.round(out_file_lowest_sp, sp_dp) end out.puts ['S', out_file.first_scan, out_file.last_scan, out_file.charge, time_to_process,, dta_file_mh, out_file_total_inten, out_file_lowest_sp, out_file.num_matched_peptides].join("\t") out_file.hits.each_with_index do |hit,index| hit_mh = hit_deltacn_orig_updated = hit.deltacn_orig_updated hit_xcorr = hit.xcorr hit_sp = hit.sp if opt[:round] hit_mh = Ms::Calc.round(hit_mh, mh_dp) hit_deltacn_orig_updated = Ms::Calc.round(hit_deltacn_orig_updated, dcn_dp) hit_xcorr = Ms::Calc.round(hit_xcorr, xcorr_dp) hit_sp = Ms::Calc.round(hit_sp, sp_dp) end # note that the rank is determined by the order.. out.puts ['M', index+1, hit.rsp, hit_mh, hit_deltacn_orig_updated, hit_xcorr, hit_sp, hit.ions_matched, hit.ions_total, hit.sequence, manual_validation_status].join("\t") hit.prots.each do |prot| out.puts ['L', prot.first_entry].join("\t") end end end end # close the filehandle end # method end # Srf end # Sequest end # Ms