var Plates = (typeof module !== 'undefined' && 'id' in module && typeof exports !== 'undefined') ? exports : {}; !function(exports, env, undefined) { "use strict"; // // Cache variables to increase lookup speed. // var _toString = Object.prototype.toString; // // Polyfill the Array#indexOf method for cross browser compatibility. // [].indexOf || (Array.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf(a, b ,c){ for ( c = this.length , b = (c+ ~~b) % c; b < c && (!(b in this) || this[b] !==a ); b++ ); return b^c ? b : -1; }); // // Polyfill Array.isArray for cross browser compatibility. // Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function isArray(a) { return === '[object Array]'; }); // // ### function fetch(data, mapping, value, key) // #### @data {Object} the data that we need to fetch a value from // #### @mapping {Object} The iterated mapping step // #### @tagbody {String} the tagbody we operated against // #### @key {String} optional key if the mapping doesn't have a dataKey // Fetches the correct piece of data // function fetch(data, mapping, value, tagbody, key) { key = mapping.dataKey || key; // // Check if we have data manipulation or filtering function. // if (mapping.dataKey && typeof mapping.dataKey === 'function') { return mapping.dataKey(data, value || '', tagbody || '', key); } // // See if we are using dot notation style // if (!~key.indexOf('.')) return data[key]; var result = key , structure = data; for (var paths = key.split('.'), i = 0, length = paths.length; i < length && structure; i++) { result = structure[+paths[i] || paths[i]]; structure = result; } return result !== undefined ? result : data[key]; } // // compileMappings // // sort the mappings so that mappings for the same attribute and value go consecutive // and inside those, those that change attributes appear first. // function compileMappings(oldMappings) { var mappings = oldMappings.slice(0); mappings.sort(function(map1, map2) { if (!map1.attribute) return 1; if (!map2.attribute) return -1; if (map1.attribute !== map2.attribute) { return map1.attribute < map2.attribute ? -1 : 1; } if (map1.value !== map2.value) { return map1.value < map2.value ? -1 : 1; } if (! ('replace' in map1) && ! ('replace' in map2)) { throw new Error('Conflicting mappings for attribute ' + map1.attribute + ' and value ' + map1.value); } if (map1.replace) { return 1; } return -1; }); return mappings; } // // Matches a closing tag to a open tag // function matchClosing(input, tagname, html) { var closeTag = '', openTag = new RegExp('< *' + tagname + '( *|>)', 'g'), closeCount = 0, openCount = -1, from, to, chunk ; from =; to = from; while(to > -1 && closeCount !== openCount) { to = html.indexOf(closeTag, to); if (to > -1) { to += tagname.length + 3; closeCount ++; chunk = html.slice(from, to); openCount = chunk.match(openTag).length; } } if (to === -1) { throw new Error('Unmatched tag ' + tagname + ' in ' + html) } return chunk; } var Merge = function Merge() {}; Merge.prototype = { nest: [], tag: new RegExp([ '<', '(/?)', // 2 - is closing '([-:\\w]+)', // 3 - name '((?:[-\\w]+(?:', '=', '(?:\\w+|["|\'](?:.*)["|\']))?)*)', // 4 - attributes '(/?)', // 5 - is self-closing '>' ].join('\\s*')), // // HTML attribute parser. // attr: /([\-\w]*)\s*=\s*(?:["\']([\-\.\w\s\/:;&#]*)["\'])/gi, // // In HTML5 it's allowed to have to use self closing tags without closing // separators. So we need to detect these elements based on the tag name. // selfClosing: /^(area|base|br|col|command|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)$/, // // ### function hasClass(str, className) // #### @str {String} the class attribute // #### @className {String} the className that the classAttribute should contain // // Helper function for detecting if a class attribute contains the className // hasClass: function hasClass(str, className) { return ~str.split(' ').indexOf(className); }, // // ### function iterate(html, value, components, tagname, key) // #### @html {String} peice of HTML // #### @value {Mixed} iterateable object with data // #### @components {Array} result of the this.tag regexp execution // #### @tagname {String} the name of the tag that we iterate on // #### @key {String} the key of the data that we need to extract from the value // #### @map {Object} attribute mappings // // Iterate over over the supplied HTML. // iterate: function iterate(html, value, components, tagname, key, map) { var output = '', segment = matchClosing(components.input, tagname, html), data = {}; // Is it an array? if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Yes: set the output to the result of iterating through the array for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; i++) { // If there is a key, then we have a simple object and // must construct a simple object to use as the data if (key) { data[key] = value[i]; } else { data = value[i]; } output += this.bind(segment, data, map); } return output; } else if (typeof value === 'object') { // We need to refine the selection now that we know we're dealing with a // nested object segment = segment.slice(components.input.length, -(tagname.length + 3)); return output += this.bind(segment, value, map); } return value; }, // // ### function bind(html, data, map) // #### @html {String} the template that we need to modify // #### @data {Object} data for the template // #### @map {Mapper} instructions for the data placement in the template // Process the actual template // bind: function bind(html, data, map) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { var output = ''; for (var i = 0, l = data.length; i' && intag) { intag = false; tagbody = html.slice(left, i + 1); components = this.tag.exec(tagbody); if(!components) { intag = true; continue; } isClosing = components[1]; tagname = components[2]; attributes = components[3]; selfClosing = components[4]; isSelfClosing = this.selfClosing.test(tagname); if (matchmode) { // // and its a closing. // if (!!isClosing) { if (openers <= 0) { matchmode = false; } else { --openers; } } else if (!isSelfClosing) { // // and its not a self-closing tag // ++openers; } } if (!isClosing && !matchmode) { // // if there is a match in progress and // if (mappings && mappings.length > 0) { for (var ii = mappings.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { var setAttribute = false , mapping = mappings[ii] , shouldSetAttribute = && attributes.match(; // // check if we are targetting a element only or attributes // if ('tag' in mapping && !this.attr.test(tagbody) && mapping.tag === tagname) { tagbody = tagbody + fetch(data, mapping, '', tagbody); continue; } tagbody = tagbody.replace(this.attr, function(str, key, value, a) { var newdata; if (shouldSetAttribute && mapping.replace !== key || remove) { return str; } else if (shouldSetAttribute || typeof mapping.replacePartial1 !== 'undefined') { setAttribute = true; // // determine if we should use the replace argument or some value from the data object. // if (typeof mapping.replacePartial2 !== 'undefined') { newdata = value.replace(mapping.replacePartial1, mapping.replacePartial2); } else if (typeof mapping.replacePartial1 !== 'undefined' && mapping.dataKey) { newdata = value.replace(mapping.replacePartial1, fetch(data, mapping, value, tagbody, key)); } else { newdata = fetch(data, mapping, value, tagbody, key); } return key + '="' + (newdata || '') + '"'; } else if (!mapping.replace && mapping.attribute === key) { if ( mapping.value === value || that.hasClass(value, mapping.value || mappings.conf.where === key) || ( === '[object RegExp]' && mapping.value.exec(value) !== null) ) { if (mapping.remove) { // // only increase the remove counter if it's not a self // closing element. As matchmode is suffectient to // remove tose // if (!isSelfClosing) remove++; matchmode = true; } else if (mapping.plates) { var partial = that.bind( mapping.plates , typeof === 'string' ? fetch(data, { dataKey: }) : || data , mapping.mapper ); buffer += tagbody + that.iterate(html, partial, components, tagname, undefined, map); matchmode = true; } else { var v = newdata = fetch(data, mapping, value, tagbody, key); newdata = tagbody + newdata; if (Array.isArray(v)) { newdata = that.iterate(html, v, components, tagname, value, map); // If the item is an array, then we need to tell // Plates that we're dealing with nests that.nest.push(tagname); } else if (typeof v === 'object') { newdata = tagbody + that.iterate(html, v, components, tagname, value, map); } buffer += newdata || ''; matchmode = true; } } } return str; }); // // Do we need to create the attributes if they don't exist. // if (createAttribute && shouldSetAttribute && !setAttribute) { var spliced = selfClosing ? 2 : 1 , close = selfClosing ? '/>': '>' , left = tagbody.substr(0, tagbody.length - spliced); if (left[left.length - 1] === ' ') { left = left.substr(0, left.length - 1); if (selfClosing) { close = ' ' + close; } } tagbody = [ left, ' ', mapping.replace, '="', fetch(data, mapping), '"', close ].join(''); } } } else { // // if there is no map, we are just looking to match // the specified id to a data key in the data object. // tagbody.replace(this.attr, function (attr, key, value, idx) { if (key === map && map.conf.where || 'id' && data[value]) { var v = data[value], nest = Array.isArray(v), output = nest || typeof v === 'object' ? that.iterate(html.substr(left), v, components, tagname, value, map) : v; // If the item is an array, then we need to tell // Plates that we're dealing with nests if (nest) { that.nest.push(tagname); } buffer += nest ? output : tagbody + output; matchmode = true; } }); } } // // if there is currently no match in progress // just write the tagbody to the buffer. // if (!matchmode && that.nest.length === 0) { if (!remove) buffer += tagbody; if (remove && !!isClosing) --remove; } else if (!matchmode && that.nest.length) { this.nest.pop(); } } else if (!intag && !matchmode) { // // currently not inside a tag and there is no // match in progress, we can write the char to // the buffer. // if (!remove) buffer += c; } } return buffer; } }; // // ### function Mapper(conf) // #### @conf {Object} configuration object // Constructor function for the Mapper instance that is responsible for // providing the mapping for the data structure // function Mapper(conf) { if (!(this instanceof Mapper)) { return new Mapper(conf); } this.mappings = []; this.conf = conf || {}; } // // ### function last(newitem) // #### @newitem {Boolean} do we need to add a new item to the mapping // Helper function for adding new attribute maps to a Mapper instance // function last(newitem) { if (newitem) { this.mappings.push({}); } var m = this.mappings[this.mappings.length - 1]; if (m && m.attribute && m.value && m.dataKey && m.replace) { = new RegExp(m.attribute + '=([\'"]?)' + m.value + '\\1'); } else if (m) { delete; } return m; } // // Create the actual chainable methods: where('class').is('foo').insert('bla') // Mapper.prototype = { // // ### function replace(val1, val2) // #### @val1 {String|RegExp} The part of the attribute that needs to be replaced // #### @val2 {String} The value it should be replaced with // replace: function replace(val1, val2) { var l =; l.replacePartial1 = val1; l.replacePartial2 = val2; return this; }, // // ### function use(val) // #### @val {String} A string that represents a key. // Data will be inserted into the attribute that was specified in the // `where` clause. // use: function use(val) { = val; return && this; }, // // ### function where(val) // #### @val {String} an attribute that may be found in a tag // This method will initiate a clause. Once a clause has been established // other member methods will be chained to each other in any order. // where: function where(val) {, true).attribute = val; return && this; }, // // ### function class(val) // #### @val {String} a value that may be found in the `class` attribute of a tag // the method name should be wrapped in quotes or it will throw errors in IE. // 'class': function className(val) { return this.where('class').is(val); }, // // ### function tag(val) // #### @val {String} the name of the tag should be found // tag: function tag(val) {, true).tag = val; return this; }, // // ### function is(val) // #### @val {string} The value of the attribute that was specified in the // `where` clause. // is: function is(val) { = val; return && this; }, // // ### function has(val) // #### @val {String|RegExp} The value of the attribute that was specified // in the `where` clause. // has: function has(val) { = val; this.replace(val); return && this; }, // // ### function insert(val) // #### @val {String} A string that represents a key. Data will be inserted // in to the attribute that was specified in the `where` clause. // insert: function insert(val) { var l =; l.replace = l.attribute; l.dataKey = val; return && this; }, // // ### function as(val) // #### @val {String} A string that represents an attribute in the tag. // If there is no attribute by that name name found, one may be created // depending on the options that where passed in the `Plates.Map` // constructor. // as: function as(val) { = val; return && this; }, // // ### function remove() // This will remove the element that was specified in the `where` clause // from the template. // remove: function remove() { = true; return, true); }, // // ### function append(plates, data, map) // #### @plates {String} Template or path/id of the template // #### @data {Object|String} data for the appended template // #### @map {Plates.Map} mapping for the data // append: function append(plates, data, map) { var l =; if (data instanceof Mapper) { map = data; data = undefined; } // If the supplied plates template doesn't contain any HTML it's most // likely that we need to import it. To improve performance we will cache // the result of the file system. if (!/<[^<]+?>/.test(plates) && !exports.cache[plates]) { // figure out if we are running in Node.js or a browser if ('document' in env && 'getElementById' in env.document) { exports.cache[plates] = document.getElementById(plates).innerHTML; } else { exports.cache[plates] = require('fs').readFileSync( require('path').join(process.cwd(), plates), 'utf8' ); } } l.plates = exports.cache[plates] || plates; = data; l.mapper = map; return, true); } }; // // Provide helpful aliases that well help with increased compatibility as not // all browsers allow the Mapper#class prototype (IE). // Mapper.prototype.className = Mapper.prototype['class']; // // Aliases of different methods. // Mapper.prototype.partial = Mapper.prototype.append; = Mapper.prototype.use; // // Expose a simple cache object so people can clear the cached partials if // they want to. // exports.cache = {}; // // Expose the Plates#bind interface. // exports.bind = function bind(html, data, map) { var merge = new Merge(); return merge.bind(html, data, map); }; // // Expose the Mapper. // exports.Map = Mapper; }(Plates, this);