module Paperdragon class Paperclip # DISCUSS: I want to remove this module. module Model def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def processable(name, attachment_class) # this overrides #image (or whatever the name is) from Paperclip::Model::processable. # This allows using both paperclip's `image.url(:thumb)` and the new paperdragon style # `image(:thumb).url`. mod = do # TODO: merge with attachment_accessor_for. define_method name do # e.g. Avatar#image, attachment_class) # provide paperclip DSL. end end include mod end end # Needed to expose Paperclip's DSL, like avatar.image.url(:thumb). class Proxy def initialize(model, attachment_class) @attachment =, {:model => model}) end def url(style) @attachment[style].url #, :thumb).url end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) @attachment.send(name, *args, &block) end end end end end