class AddTrafficSchema < Landable::Migration # "owners"."owner" records your application's user/account/person identifier. # Change the following line if your identifiers' data type is not INTEGER. OWNER_TYPE = 'INTEGER' QUERY_PARAMS = %w( ad_type ad_group bid_match_type campaign content creative device_type experiment keyword match_type medium network placement position search_term source target ) def up # Resources # # Measuring and Tracking Success: # Query String # # keywords: execute "CREATE SCHEMA #{Landable.configuration.database_schema_prefix}landable_traffic;" with_options schema: "#{Landable.configuration.database_schema_prefix}landable_traffic" do |t| # Query Params t.create_lookup_tables(* # User Agent t.create_lookup_tables :user_agent_types, :browsers, :devices, :platforms # HTTP t.create_lookup_tables :domains, :paths, :query_strings t.create_lookup_tables :http_methods, :mime_types t.create_lookup_table :event_types # IP / Geolocation t.create_lookup_table :ip_addresses, lookup_type: :inet t.create_lookup_tables :countries, :regions, :cities end execute <<-SQL SET search_path TO #{Landable.configuration.database_schema_prefix}landable_traffic,public; ALTER TABLE mime_types ALTER COLUMN mime_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE http_methods ALTER COLUMN http_method_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE user_agent_types ALTER COLUMN user_agent_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE platforms ALTER COLUMN platform_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE browsers ALTER COLUMN browser_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; INSERT INTO user_agent_types (user_agent_type) VALUES ('user'), ('ping'), ('crawl'), ('scrape'), ('scan'); CREATE TABLE user_agents ( user_agent_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , user_agent_type_id SMALLINT REFERENCES user_agent_types , device_id INTEGER REFERENCES devices , platform_id SMALLINT REFERENCES platforms , browser_id SMALLINT REFERENCES browsers , browser_version TEXT , user_agent TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); CREATE INDEX ON user_agents (device_id); CREATE INDEX ON user_agents (platform_id); CREATE INDEX ON user_agents (browser_id); ALTER TABLE ad_types ALTER COLUMN ad_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE bid_match_types ALTER COLUMN bid_match_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE device_types ALTER COLUMN device_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE match_types ALTER COLUMN match_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; ALTER TABLE positions ALTER COLUMN position_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT; -- TODO: aceid AdWords Campaign Experiment ID CREATE TABLE attributions ( attribution_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , #{ { |name| format('%s INTEGER REFERENCES %s', name.foreign_key, name.pluralize) }.join(',')} , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() , UNIQUE (#{',')}) ); ALTER TABLE attributions ALTER COLUMN ad_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT , ALTER COLUMN bid_match_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT , ALTER COLUMN device_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT , ALTER COLUMN match_type_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT , ALTER COLUMN position_id SET DATA TYPE SMALLINT ; #{ { |p| "CREATE INDEX ON attributions (#{p.foreign_key});" }.join("\n")} CREATE TABLE referers ( referer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , domain_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES domains , path_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES paths , query_string_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES query_strings , attribution_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES attributions , UNIQUE (domain_id, path_id, query_string_id) ); CREATE INDEX ON referers (domain_id); CREATE INDEX ON referers (path_id); CREATE INDEX ON referers (query_string_id); CREATE TABLE locations ( location_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , country_id INTEGER REFERENCES countries , region_id INTEGER REFERENCES regions , city_id INTEGER REFERENCES cities , UNIQUE (country_id, region_id, city_id) ); CREATE INDEX ON locations (country_id); CREATE INDEX ON locations (region_id); CREATE INDEX ON locations (city_id); CREATE TABLE ip_lookups ( ip_lookup_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , ip_address_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES ip_addresses , domain_id INTEGER REFERENCES domains , location_id INTEGER REFERENCES locations , latitude REAL , longitude REAL , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); CREATE INDEX ON ip_lookups (ip_address_id); CREATE INDEX ON ip_lookups (domain_id); CREATE INDEX ON ip_lookups (location_id); -- User Traffic CREATE TABLE cookies ( cookie_id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() ); CREATE TABLE owners ( owner_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , owner #{OWNER_TYPE} NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE ownerships ( owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES owners , cookie_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES cookies , PRIMARY KEY (owner_id, cookie_id) ); CREATE TABLE visitors ( visitor_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , ip_address_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES ip_addresses , user_agent_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES user_agents , UNIQUE (ip_address_id, user_agent_id) ); CREATE INDEX ON visitors (user_agent_id); CREATE TABLE visits ( visit_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , cookie_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES cookies , visitor_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES visitors , attribution_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES attributions , referer_id INTEGER REFERENCES referers , owner_id INTEGER REFERENCES owners , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); CREATE INDEX ON visits (cookie_id); CREATE INDEX ON visits (visitor_id); CREATE INDEX ON visits (attribution_id); CREATE INDEX ON visits (referer_id); CREATE INDEX ON visits (owner_id); CREATE TABLE page_views ( page_view_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , visit_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES visits , path_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES paths , query_string_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES query_strings , mime_type_id SMALLINT NOT NULL REFERENCES mime_types , http_method_id SMALLINT NOT NULL REFERENCES http_methods , page_revision_id UUID REFERENCES #{Landable.configuration.database_schema_prefix}landable.page_revisions , request_id UUID , click_id TEXT , content_length INTEGER , http_status INTEGER , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (visit_id); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (path_id); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (query_string_id); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (page_revision_id); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (request_id); CREATE INDEX ON page_views (click_id); CREATE TABLE events ( event_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , event_type_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES event_types , visit_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES visits , created_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() ); CREATE INDEX ON events (event_type_id); CREATE INDEX ON events (visit_id); -- TODO: visit frequency CREATE TABLE accesses ( access_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY , path_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES paths , visitor_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES visitors , last_accessed_at TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW() , UNIQUE (path_id, visitor_id) ); CREATE INDEX ON accesses (visitor_id); INSERT INTO bid_match_types (bid_match_type) VALUES ('bidded broad'), ('bidded content'), ('bidded exact'), ('bidded phrase'); INSERT INTO device_types (device_type) VALUES ('computer'), ('mobile'), ('tablet'); INSERT INTO match_types (match_type) VALUES ('broad'), ('phrase'), ('exact'); INSERT INTO networks (network) VALUES ('google_search'), ('search_partner'), ('display_network'); -- Views -- * visits from non-user user_agents -- * visits from real user_agents on ips with non-user visits SQL end end