# frozen_string_literal: true require 'base64' require 'csv' require 'digest/md5' require 'erb' require 'json' require 'prometheus/middleware/collector' require 'prometheus/middleware/exporter' require 'securerandom' require 'sinatra/base' require 'uri' require 'webrick' require_relative 'database_metadata' require_relative 'github/cache' require_relative 'github/caching_client' require_relative 'github/client' require_relative 'github/paths' require_relative 'github/tree' require_relative 'github/tree_client' require_relative 'mysql_types' require_relative 'pigs' require_relative 'sql_parser' require_relative 'sqlui' require_relative 'version' # SQLUI Sinatra server. class Server < Sinatra::Base # An error message and status code. class ClientError < StandardError attr_reader :status def initialize(message, status: 400) super(message) @status = status end end def self.init_and_run(config, resources_dir, github_cache) Sqlui.logger.info("Starting SQLUI v#{Version::SQLUI}") Sqlui.logger.info("Airbrake enabled: #{config.airbrake[:server]&.[](:enabled) || false}") WEBrick::HTTPRequest.const_set('MAX_URI_LENGTH', 2 * 1024 * 1024) if config.airbrake[:server]&.[](:enabled) require 'airbrake' require 'airbrake/rack' Airbrake.configure do |c| c.app_version = Version::SQLUI c.environment = config.environment c.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG if config.environment != :production? config.airbrake[:server].each do |key, value| c.send("#{key}=".to_sym, value) unless key == :enabled end end Airbrake.add_filter(Airbrake::Rack::RequestBodyFilter.new) Airbrake.add_filter(Airbrake::Rack::HttpParamsFilter.new) Airbrake.add_filter(Airbrake::Rack::HttpHeadersFilter.new) use Airbrake::Rack::Middleware end use Rack::Deflater use Prometheus::Middleware::Collector use Prometheus::Middleware::Exporter Mysql2::Client.default_query_options[:as] = :array Mysql2::Client.default_query_options[:cast_booleans] = true Mysql2::Client.default_query_options[:database_timezone] = :utc Mysql2::Client.default_query_options[:cache_rows] = false set :logging, true set :bind, '' set :port, config.port set :environment, config.environment set :raise_errors, false set :show_exceptions, false get '/-/health' do status 200 body 'OK' end get '/?' do redirect config.base_url_path, 301 end resource_path_map = {} Dir.glob(File.join(resources_dir, '*')).each do |file| hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(File.read(file)) basename = File.basename(file) url_path = "#{config.base_url_path}/#{basename}" case File.extname(basename) when '.svg' content_type = 'image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8' when '.css' content_type = 'text/css; charset=utf-8' when '.js' content_type = 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8' else raise "unsupported resource file extension: #{File.extname(basename)}" end resource_path_map[basename] = "#{url_path}?#{hash}" get url_path do headers 'Content-Type' => content_type headers 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31536000' send_file file end end get "#{config.base_url_path}/?" do headers 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' erb :databases, locals: { config: config, resource_path_map: resource_path_map } end config.database_configs.each do |database| get "#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/?" do redirect "#{database.url_path}/query", 301 end post "#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/metadata" do tree = nil if (saved_config = database.saved_config) tree_client = Github::TreeClient.new( access_token: database.saved_config.token, cache: github_cache, logger: Sqlui.logger ) tree = tree_client.get_tree( owner: saved_config.owner, repo: saved_config.repo, ref: saved_config.branch, regex: saved_config.regex ) if params[:file] owner, repo, ref, path = Github::Paths.parse_file_path(params[:file]) raise ClientError, "invalid owner: #{owner}" unless tree.owner == owner raise ClientError, "invalid repo: #{repo}" unless tree.repo == repo requested_tree = tree_client.get_tree( owner: owner, repo: repo, ref: ref, regex: /#{Regexp.escape(path)}/, cache: ref == tree.ref ) raise ClientError.new("file not found: #{params[:file]}", status: 404) unless requested_tree[path] tree << requested_tree[path] end end metadata = database.with_client do |client| { server: "#{config.name} - #{database.display_name}", base_url_path: config.base_url_path, schemas: DatabaseMetadata.lookup(client, database), tables: database.tables, columns: database.columns, joins: database.joins, saved: (tree || {}).to_h do |file| [ file.full_path, { filename: file.full_path, path: file.path, github_url: file.github_url, contents: file.content, tree_sha: file.tree_sha } ] end } end status 200 headers 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' body metadata.to_json end post "#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/query" do data = request.body.read request.body.rewind # since Airbrake will read the body on error params.merge!(JSON.parse(data, symbolize_names: true)) raise ClientError, 'ERROR: missing sql' unless params[:sql] variables = params[:variables] || {} queries = find_selected_queries(params[:sql], params[:selection]) status 200 headers 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' stream do |out| database.with_client do |client| begin query_result = execute_query(client, variables, queries) rescue Mysql2::Error => e stacktrace = e.full_message(highlight: false) message = "ERROR #{e.error_number} (#{e.sql_state}): #{e.message.lines.first&.strip || 'unknown error'}" out << { error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json break rescue StandardError => e stacktrace = e.full_message(highlight: false) message = e.message.lines.first&.strip || 'unknown error' out << { error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json break end if query_result json = <<~RES.chomp { "columns": #{query_result.fields.to_json}, "column_types": #{MysqlTypes.map_to_google_charts_types(query_result.field_types).to_json}, "selection": #{params[:selection].to_json}, "query": #{params[:sql].to_json}, "rows": [ RES out << json bytes_written = json.bytesize max_rows_written = false rows_written = 0 total_rows = 0 query_result.each_with_index do |row, i| total_rows += 1 next if max_rows_written json = "#{i.zero? ? '' : ','}\n #{row.map { |v| big_decimal_to_float(v) }.to_json}" bytesize = json.bytesize if bytes_written + bytesize > Sqlui::MAX_BYTES max_rows_written = true next end out << json bytes_written += bytesize rows_written += 1 if rows_written == Sqlui::MAX_ROWS max_rows_written = true next end end out << <<~RES ], "total_rows": #{total_rows} } RES else out << <<~RES { "columns": [], "column_types": [], "total_rows": 0, "selection": #{params[:selection].to_json}, "query": #{params[:sql].to_json}, "rows": [] } RES end end end end get "#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/download_csv" do raise ClientError, 'missing sql' unless params[:sql] sql = Base64.decode64(params[:sql]).force_encoding('UTF-8') variables = params.map { |k, v| k[0] == '_' ? [k, v] : nil }.compact.to_h queries = find_selected_queries(sql, params[:selection]) content_type 'application/csv; charset=utf-8' headers 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' attachment 'result.csv' status 200 stream do |out| database.with_client do |client| begin query_result = execute_query(client, variables, queries) rescue Mysql2::Error => e stacktrace = e.full_message(highlight: false) message = "ERROR #{e.error_number} (#{e.sql_state}): #{e.message.lines.first&.strip || 'unknown error'}" out << { error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json break rescue StandardError => e stacktrace = e.full_message(highlight: false) message = e.message.lines.first&.strip || 'unknown error' out << { error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json break end out << CSV::Row.new(query_result.fields, query_result.fields, header_row: true).to_s.strip query_result.each do |row| out << "\n#{CSV::Row.new(query_result.fields, row.map { |v| big_decimal_to_float(v) }).to_s.strip}" end end end end get(/#{Regexp.escape("#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/")}(query|graph|saved|structure|help)/) do status 200 headers 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' client_config = config.airbrake[:client] || {} erb :sqlui, locals: { environment: config.environment.to_s, airbrake_enabled: client_config[:enabled] || false, airbrake_project_id: client_config[:project_id] || '', airbrake_project_key: client_config[:project_key] || '', resource_path_map: resource_path_map } end post("#{config.base_url_path}/#{database.url_path}/save-file") do raise ClientError, 'saved files disabled' unless (saved_config = database.saved_config) raise ClientError, 'missing base_sha' if (params[:base_sha] || '').strip.empty? raise ClientError, 'missing path' if (params[:path] || '').strip.empty? raise ClientError, 'missing content' if params[:path].nil? branch = "sqlui-#{Pigs.generate_phrase}" tree_client = Github::TreeClient.new( access_token: database.saved_config.token, cache: github_cache, logger: Sqlui.logger ) tree_client.create_commit_with_file( owner: saved_config.owner, repo: saved_config.repo, base_sha: params[:base_sha], branch: branch, path: params[:path], content: params[:content].gsub("\r\n", "\n"), author_name: database.saved_config.author_name, author_email: database.saved_config.author_email ) status 201 erb :redirect, locals: { resource_path_map: resource_path_map, location: "https://github.com/#{saved_config.owner}/#{saved_config.repo}/compare/#{branch}" } end end error do |exception| status exception.is_a?(ClientError) ? exception.status : 500 stacktrace = exception.full_message(highlight: false) if request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] == 'application/json' headers 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' message = exception.message.to_s json = { error: message, stacktrace: stacktrace }.compact.to_json body json else erb :error, locals: { resource_path_map: resource_path_map, title: "SQLUI #{message}", heading: "#{status} #{Rack::Utils::HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status]}", message: exception.message, stacktrace: stacktrace } end end run! end private def find_selected_queries(full_sql, selection) if selection if selection.include?('-') # sort because the selection could be in either direction selection = selection.split('-').map { |v| Integer(v) }.sort else selection = Integer(selection) selection = [selection, selection] end if selection[0] == selection[1] [SqlParser.find_statement_at_cursor(full_sql, selection[0])] else SqlParser.split(full_sql[selection[0], selection[1]]) end else SqlParser.split(full_sql) end end def execute_query(client, variables, queries) variables.each do |name, value| client.query("SET @#{name} = #{value};") end queries[0..-2].map do |current| client.query(current, stream: true)&.free end client.query(queries[-1], stream: true) end def big_decimal_to_float(maybe_big_decimal) # TODO: This BigDecimal thing needs some thought. if maybe_big_decimal.is_a?(BigDecimal) big_decimal_string = maybe_big_decimal.to_s('F') float = maybe_big_decimal.to_f if big_decimal_string == float.to_s float else big_decimal_string end else maybe_big_decimal end end end