# # Copyright (c) 2004-2010 David R. Halliday # All rights reserved. # # This SNMP library is free software. Redistribution is permitted under the # same terms and conditions as the standard Ruby distribution. See the # COPYING file in the Ruby distribution for details. # require 'snmp/pdu' require 'snmp/mib' require 'snmp/options' require 'socket' require 'timeout' require 'thread' module SNMP class RequestTimeout < RuntimeError; end ## # Wrap socket so that it can be easily substituted for testing or for # using other transport types (e.g. TCP) # class UDPTransport def initialize(address_family) @socket = UDPSocket.open(address_family) end def close @socket.close end def send(data, host, port) @socket.send(data, 0, host, port) end def recv(max_bytes) @socket.recv(max_bytes) end end ## # Manage a request-id in the range 1..2**31-1 # class RequestId MAX_REQUEST_ID = 2**31 def initialize @lock = Mutex.new @request_id = rand(MAX_REQUEST_ID) end def next @lock.synchronize do @request_id += 1 @request_id = 1 if @request_id == MAX_REQUEST_ID return @request_id end end def force_next(next_id) new_request_id = next_id.to_i if new_request_id < 1 || new_request_id >= MAX_REQUEST_ID raise "Invalid request id: #{new_request_id}" end new_request_id = MAX_REQUEST_ID if new_request_id == 1 @lock.synchronize do @request_id = new_request_id - 1 end end end ## # This class provides a manager for interacting with a single SNMP agent. # # == Example # # require 'snmp' # # manager = SNMP::Manager.new(:host => 'localhost', :port => 1061) # response = manager.get(["", ""]) # response.each_varbind {|vb| puts vb.inspect} # manager.close # # == Symbolic Object Names # # Symbolic names for SNMP object IDs can be used as parameters to the # APIs in this class if the MIB modules are imported and the names of the # MIBs are included in the MibModules configuration parameter. # # See MIB.varbind_list for a description of valid parameter formats. # # The following modules are loaded by default: "SNMPv2-SMI", "SNMPv2-MIB", # "IF-MIB", "IP-MIB", "TCP-MIB", "UDP-MIB". All of the current IETF MIBs # have been imported and are available for loading. # # Additional modules may be imported using the MIB class. The # current implementation of the importing code requires that the # external 'smidump' tool is available in your PATH. This tool can be # obtained from the libsmi website at # http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/libsmi/ . # # == Example # # Do this once: # # SNMP::MIB.import_module(MY_MODULE_FILENAME, MIB_OUTPUT_DIR) # # Include your module in MibModules each time you create a Manager: # # SNMP::Manager.new(:host => 'localhost', :mib_dir => MIB_OUTPUT_DIR, # :mib_modules => ["MY-MODULE-MIB", "SNMPv2-MIB", ...]) # class Manager class Config < Options option :host, :Host, 'localhost' option :port, :Port, 161 option :trap_port, :TrapPort, 162 option :community, :Community, 'public' option :write_community, :WriteCommunity, lambda { |c| c.community } option :version, :Version, :SNMPv2c option :timeout, :Timeout, 1 option :retries, :Retries, 5 option :transport, :Transport, UDPTransport option :max_recv_bytes, :MaxReceiveBytes, 8000 option :mib_dir, :MibDir, MIB::DEFAULT_MIB_PATH option :mib_modules, :MibModules, default_modules option :use_IPv6, :use_IPv6, lambda { |c| ipv6_address?(c) } def create_transport transport.respond_to?(:new) ? transport.new(socket_address_family) : transport end end @@request_id = RequestId.new ## # Retrieves the current configuration of this Manager. # attr_reader :config ## # Retrieves the MIB for this Manager. # attr_reader :mib ## # Creates a Manager. The following are valid options and their default values. # # Note: The upper-case options supported in previous versions of this library are # deprecated, but still supported for now. Use at your own risk. # # Option Default Value # -------------------------------------- # :host 'localhost' # :port 161 # :trap_port 162 # :community 'public' # :write_community Same as :community # :version :SNMPv2c # :timeout 1 (timeout units are seconds) # :retries 5 # :transport UDPTransport # :max_recv_bytes 8000 bytes # :mib_dir MIB::DEFAULT_MIB_PATH # :mib_modules SNMPv2-SMI, SNMPv2-MIB, IF-MIB, IP-MIB, TCP-MIB, UDP-MIB # :use_IPv6 false, unless :host is formatted like an IPv6 address # # Use {:version => :SNMPv1} for SNMP v1. SNMP v3 is not supported. # def initialize(options = {}) if block_given? warn "SNMP::Manager.new() does not take block; use SNMP::Manager.open() instead" end config = Config.new(options) @host = config.host @port = config.port @trap_port = config.trap_port @community = config.community @write_community = config.write_community @snmp_version = config.version @timeout = config.timeout @retries = config.retries @transport = config.create_transport @max_bytes = config.max_recv_bytes @mib = MIB.new load_modules(config.mib_modules, config.mib_dir) @config = config.applied_config end ## # Creates a Manager but also takes an optional block and automatically # closes the transport connection used by this manager after the block # completes. # def self.open(config = {}) manager = Manager.new(config) if block_given? begin yield manager ensure manager.close end end end ## # Close the transport connection for this manager. # def close @transport.close end def load_module(name) @mib.load_module(name) end ## # Sends a get request for the supplied list of ObjectId or VarBind # objects. # # Returns a Response PDU with the results of the request. # def get(object_list) varbind_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :NullValue) request = GetRequest.new(@@request_id.next, varbind_list) try_request(request) end ## # Sends a get request for the supplied list of ObjectId or VarBind # objects. # # Returns a list of the varbind values only, not the entire response, # in the same order as the initial object_list. This method is # useful for retrieving scalar values. # # For example: # # SNMP::Manager.open(:host => "localhost") do |manager| # puts manager.get_value("sysDescr.0") # end # def get_value(object_list) if object_list.respond_to? :to_ary get(object_list).vb_list.collect { |vb| vb.value } else get(object_list).vb_list.first.value end end ## # Sends a get-next request for the supplied list of ObjectId or VarBind # objects. # # Returns a Response PDU with the results of the request. # def get_next(object_list) varbind_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :NullValue) request = GetNextRequest.new(@@request_id.next, varbind_list) try_request(request) end ## # Sends a get-bulk request. The non_repeaters parameter specifies # the number of objects in the object_list to be retrieved once. The # remaining objects in the list will be retrieved up to the number of # times specified by max_repetitions. # def get_bulk(non_repeaters, max_repetitions, object_list) varbind_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :NullValue) request = GetBulkRequest.new( @@request_id.next, varbind_list, non_repeaters, max_repetitions) try_request(request) end ## # Sends a set request using the supplied list of VarBind objects. # # Returns a Response PDU with the results of the request. # def set(object_list) varbind_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :KeepValue) request = SetRequest.new(@@request_id.next, varbind_list) try_request(request, @write_community) end ## # Sends an SNMPv1 style trap. # # enterprise: The enterprise OID from the IANA assigned numbers # (http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers) as a String or # an ObjectId. # # agent_addr: The IP address of the SNMP agent as a String or IpAddress. # # generic_trap: The generic trap identifier. One of :coldStart, # :warmStart, :linkDown, :linkUp, :authenticationFailure, # :egpNeighborLoss, or :enterpriseSpecific # # specific_trap: An integer representing the specific trap type for # an enterprise-specific trap. # # timestamp: An integer respresenting the number of hundredths of # a second that this system has been up. # # object_list: A list of additional varbinds to send with the trap. # # For example: # # Manager.open(:Version => :SNMPv1) do |snmp| # snmp.trap_v1( # "enterprises.9", # "", # :enterpriseSpecific, # 42, # 12345, # [VarBind.new("", Integer.new(1))]) # end # def trap_v1(enterprise, agent_addr, generic_trap, specific_trap, timestamp, object_list=[]) vb_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :KeepValue) ent_oid = @mib.oid(enterprise) agent_ip = IpAddress.new(agent_addr) specific_int = Integer(specific_trap) ticks = TimeTicks.new(timestamp) trap = SNMPv1_Trap.new(ent_oid, agent_ip, generic_trap, specific_int, ticks, vb_list) send_request(trap, @community, @host, @trap_port) end ## # Sends an SNMPv2c style trap. # # sys_up_time: An integer respresenting the number of hundredths of # a second that this system has been up. # # trap_oid: An ObjectId or String with the OID identifier for this # trap. # # object_list: A list of additional varbinds to send with the trap. # def trap_v2(sys_up_time, trap_oid, object_list=[]) vb_list = create_trap_vb_list(sys_up_time, trap_oid, object_list) trap = SNMPv2_Trap.new(@@request_id.next, vb_list) send_request(trap, @community, @host, @trap_port) end ## # Sends an inform request using the supplied varbind list. # # sys_up_time: An integer respresenting the number of hundredths of # a second that this system has been up. # # trap_oid: An ObjectId or String with the OID identifier for this # inform request. # # object_list: A list of additional varbinds to send with the inform. # def inform(sys_up_time, trap_oid, object_list=[]) vb_list = create_trap_vb_list(sys_up_time, trap_oid, object_list) request = InformRequest.new(@@request_id.next, vb_list) try_request(request, @community, @host, @trap_port) end ## # Helper method for building VarBindList for trap and inform requests. # def create_trap_vb_list(sys_up_time, trap_oid, object_list) vb_args = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :KeepValue) uptime_vb = VarBind.new(SNMP::SYS_UP_TIME_OID, TimeTicks.new(sys_up_time.to_int)) trap_vb = VarBind.new(SNMP::SNMP_TRAP_OID_OID, @mib.oid(trap_oid)) VarBindList.new([uptime_vb, trap_vb, *vb_args]) end ## # Walks a list of ObjectId or VarBind objects using get_next until # the response to the first OID in the list reaches the end of its # MIB subtree. # # The varbinds from each get_next are yielded to the given block as # they are retrieved. The result is yielded as a VarBind when walking # a single object or as a VarBindList when walking a list of objects. # # Normally this method is used for walking tables by providing an # ObjectId for each column of the table. # # For example: # # SNMP::Manager.open(:host => "localhost") do |manager| # manager.walk("ifTable") { |vb| puts vb } # end # # SNMP::Manager.open(:host => "localhost") do |manager| # manager.walk(["ifIndex", "ifDescr"]) do |index, descr| # puts "#{index.value} #{descr.value}" # end # end # # The index_column identifies the column that will provide the index # for each row. This information is used to deal with "holes" in a # table (when a row is missing a varbind for one column). A missing # varbind is replaced with a varbind with the value NoSuchInstance. # # Note: If you are getting back rows where all columns have a value of # NoSuchInstance then your index column is probably missing one of the # rows. Choose an index column that includes all indexes for the table. # def walk(object_list, index_column=0) raise ArgumentError, "expected a block to be given" unless block_given? vb_list = @mib.varbind_list(object_list, :NullValue) raise ArgumentError, "index_column is past end of varbind list" if index_column >= vb_list.length is_single_vb = object_list.respond_to?(:to_str) || object_list.respond_to?(:to_varbind) start_list = vb_list start_oid = vb_list[index_column].name last_oid = start_oid loop do vb_list = get_next(vb_list).vb_list index_vb = vb_list[index_column] break if EndOfMibView == index_vb.value stop_oid = index_vb.name if stop_oid <= last_oid warn "OIDs are not increasing, #{last_oid} followed by #{stop_oid}" break end break unless stop_oid.subtree_of?(start_oid) last_oid = stop_oid if is_single_vb yield index_vb else vb_list = validate_row(vb_list, start_list, index_column) yield vb_list end end end ## # Helper method for walk. Checks all of the VarBinds in vb_list to # make sure that the row indices match. If the row index does not # match the index column, then that varbind is replaced with a varbind # with a value of NoSuchInstance. # def validate_row(vb_list, start_list, index_column) start_vb = start_list[index_column] index_vb = vb_list[index_column] row_index = index_vb.name.index(start_vb.name) vb_list.each_index do |i| if i != index_column expected_oid = start_list[i].name + row_index if vb_list[i].name != expected_oid vb_list[i] = VarBind.new(expected_oid, NoSuchInstance) end end end vb_list end private :validate_row ## # Set the next request-id instead of letting it be generated # automatically. This method is useful for testing and debugging. # def next_request_id=(request_id) @@request_id.force_next(request_id) end private def warn(message) trace = caller(2) location = trace[0].sub(/:in.*/,'') Kernel::warn "#{location}: warning: #{message}" end def load_modules(module_list, mib_dir) module_list.each { |m| @mib.load_module(m, mib_dir) } end def try_request(request, community=@community, host=@host, port=@port) (@retries + 1).times do |n| send_request(request, community, host, port) begin Timeout.timeout(@timeout) do return get_response(request) end rescue Timeout::Error # no action - try again rescue => e warn e.to_s end end raise RequestTimeout, "host #{config[:host]} not responding", caller end def send_request(request, community, host, port) message = Message.new(@snmp_version, community, request) @transport.send(message.encode, host, port) end ## # Wait until response arrives. Ignore responses with mismatched IDs; # these responses are typically from previous requests that timed out # or almost timed out. # def get_response(request) begin data = @transport.recv(@max_bytes) message = Message.decode(data) response = message.pdu end until request.request_id == response.request_id response end end class UDPServerTransport def initialize(host, port, address_family) @socket = UDPSocket.open(address_family) @socket.bind(host, port) end def close @socket.close end def send(data, host, port) @socket.send(data, 0, host, port) end def recvfrom(max_bytes) data, host_info = @socket.recvfrom(max_bytes) flags, host_port, host_name, host_ip = host_info return data, host_ip, host_port end end ## # == SNMP Trap Listener # # Listens to a socket and processes received traps and informs in a separate # thread. # # === Example # # require 'snmp' # # m = SNMP::TrapListener.new(:Port => 1062, :Community => 'public') do |manager| # manager.on_trap_default { |trap| p trap } # end # m.join # class TrapListener class Config < Options option :host, :Host, 'localhost' option :port, :Port, 162 option :community, :Community, 'public' option :server_transport, :ServerTransport, UDPServerTransport option :max_recv_bytes, :MaxReceiveBytes, 8000 option :use_IPv6, :use_IPv6, false def create_transport server_transport.respond_to?(:new) ? server_transport.new(host, port, socket_address_family) : server_transport end end NULL_HANDLER = Proc.new {} ## # Retrieves the current configuration of this TrapListener. # attr_reader :config ## # Start a trap handler thread. If a block is provided then the block # is executed before trap handling begins. This block is typically used # to define the trap handler blocks. # # The trap handler blocks execute in the context of the trap handler thread. # # The most specific trap handler is executed when a trap arrives. Only one # handler is executed. The handlers are checked in the following order: # # 1. handler for a specific OID # 2. handler for a specific SNMP version # 3. default handler # def initialize(options={}, &block) config = Config.new(options) @transport = config.create_transport @community = config.community @max_bytes = config.max_recv_bytes @config = config.applied_config @handler_init = block @oid_handler = {} @v1_handler = nil @v2c_handler = nil @default_handler = nil @lock = Mutex.new @handler_thread = Thread.new(self) { |m| process_traps(m) } end ## # Define the default trap handler. The default trap handler block is # executed only if no other block is applicable. This handler should # expect to receive both SNMPv1_Trap and SNMPv2_Trap objects. # def on_trap_default(&block) raise ArgumentError, "a block must be provided" unless block @lock.synchronize { @default_handler = block } end ## # Define a trap handler block for a specific trap ObjectId. This handler # only applies to SNMPv2 traps. Note that symbolic OIDs are not # supported by this method (like in the SNMP.Manager class). # def on_trap(object_id, &block) raise ArgumentError, "a block must be provided" unless block @lock.synchronize { @oid_handler[ObjectId.new(object_id)] = block } end ## # Define a trap handler block for all SNMPv1 traps. The trap yielded # to the block will always be an SNMPv1_Trap. # def on_trap_v1(&block) raise ArgumentError, "a block must be provided" unless block @lock.synchronize { @v1_handler = block } end ## # Define a trap handler block for all SNMPv2c traps. The trap yielded # to the block will always be an SNMPv2_Trap. Note that InformRequest # is a subclass of SNMPv2_Trap, so inform PDUs are also received by # this handler. # def on_trap_v2c(&block) raise ArgumentError, "a block must be provided" unless block @lock.synchronize { @v2c_handler = block } end ## # Joins the current thread to the trap handler thread. # # See also Thread#join. # def join @handler_thread.join end ## # Stops the trap handler thread and releases the socket. # # See also Thread#exit. # def exit @handler_thread.exit @transport.close end alias kill exit alias terminate exit private def process_traps(trap_listener) @handler_init.call(trap_listener) if @handler_init loop do data, source_ip, source_port = @transport.recvfrom(@max_bytes) begin message = Message.decode(data) if @community == message.community trap = message.pdu if trap.kind_of?(InformRequest) @transport.send(message.response.encode, source_ip, source_port) end trap.source_ip = source_ip select_handler(trap).call(trap) end rescue => e puts "Error handling trap: #{e}" puts e.backtrace.join("\n") puts "Received data:" p data end end end def select_handler(trap) @lock.synchronize do if trap.kind_of?(SNMPv2_Trap) oid = trap.trap_oid if @oid_handler[oid] return @oid_handler[oid] elsif @v2c_handler return @v2c_handler elsif @default_handler return @default_handler else return NULL_HANDLER end elsif trap.kind_of?(SNMPv1_Trap) if @v1_handler return @v1_handler elsif @default_handler return @default_handler else return NULL_HANDLER end else return NULL_HANDLER end end end end end