require 'iconv' require 'serial/win32' if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin") require 'serial/generic' unless RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin") class SmsError < RuntimeError; end class Sms attr_accessor :messages, :ignore_unknown_errors, :max_retry def initialize(port) # Create the right device for the platform if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin") @device = else @device = end raise "Could not open device" unless @device # Sometimes commands fail, we count on that @max_retry = 5 # Keep multi-part messages until the last part is delivered @multipart = {} # Store incoming messages until they're dealt with by someone else @messages = [] # Setup the command for texting and processing connect end def finalize close end def close @device = nil end def command(data, term = "\r", attempt = 1) @device.write(data + "\r") response = wait(term) response.delete_if do |line| (line == data) or (line[0,6] == "+WIND:") or (line[0,6] == "+CREG:") or (line[0,7] == "+CGREG:") end response rescue Exception => e # Allow retries for device errors or busy errors if attempt <= @max_retry and (e.message =~ /\+CMS ERROR/ or e.message =~ /515/) puts "Retrying failed command '#{data}' (#{e.message})" sleep(1) command "AT+CMGF=1" command data, term, attempt + 1 return end raise "Error running command '#{data}' (#{e.message})" end def query(data) response = command(data) return response[0] if response.size == 2 and response[1] == "OK" raise "Invalid response: #{response.inspect}" end def encodings? command "AT+CSCS=?" end def encoding @encoding end def encoding=(enc) @encoding = enc case enc when :ascii command "AT+CSCS=\"ASCII\"" when :utf8 command "AT+CSCS=\"UTF8\"" when :ucs2 command "AT+CSCS=\"UCS2\"" when :gsm command "AT+CSCS=\"GSM\"" when :iso88591 command "AT+CSCS=\"8859-1\"" end end def sms(number, text, attempt = 1) puts "Preparing message" # Switch to text mode (should already be there, but seems to get reset) command "AT+CMGF=1" position = nil # initiate the sms, and wait for either the text prompt or an error command "AT+CMGW=\"#{number}\"", ["\r", "> "] begin # send the sms, and wait until it is accepted or rejected text = encode(text) @device.write "#{text}#{26.chr}" response = wait position = "#{response}".scan(/\+CMGW\:\s*(\d*)/).first rescue Exception => e # Escape entry mode @device.write 27.chr # Allow retries for device errors or busy errors if attempt <= @max_retry and (e.message =~ /\+CMS ERROR/ or e.message =~ /515/) puts "Retrying failed sms to '#{number}' (#{e.message})" sleep(1) sms number, text, attempt + 1 return end raise end puts "Sending" command "AT+CMGF=1" command "AT+CMSS=#{position}" if position response end def hardware {:manufacturer => query("AT+CGMI"), :model => query("AT+CGMM"), :revision => query("AT+CGMR"), :serial => query("AT+CGSN") } end def process @messages = [] fetch_and_delete_stored_messages end def pin? not command("AT+CPIN?").include?("+CPIN: READY") end def pin=(pin) return unless pin? command "AT+CPIN=#{pin}" end def signal? query("AT+CSQ") end protected def connect # Echo off command "ATE0" rescue nil # Useful errors command "AT+CMEE=1" rescue nil # No notifications command "AT+WIND=0" rescue nil # In general we want to be in SMS mode, but we may need to reset this command "AT+CMGF=1" end def wait(term = "\r") response = [] loop do buffer = @device.read_until(term) buffer.strip! next if buffer.nil? || buffer.empty? response << buffer # Check for formatted error if m = buffer.match(/^\+(CM[ES]) ERROR: (\d+)$/) number = m.captures[1].to_i rescue 0 return response if number == 500 && @ignore_unknown_errors raise end # Check for unformatted error if buffer == "ERROR" raise SmsError end # Check for 'OK' or prompt if (buffer == "OK") or (buffer == ">") or (buffer =~ /^\+CPIN: (.+)$/) return response end end end def parse_timestamp(data) # Extract the weirdo quarter-hour timezone into a regular hourly offset data.sub! /(\d+)$/ do |m| sprintf("%02d", (m.to_i/4)); end DateTime.strptime(data, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %z") end # Encodes the message using the set encoding or, if no encoding is specified # returns the msg unchange def encode(msg) @encoding = @encoding.to_sym rescue nil if (@encoding == :ascii) require 'lucky_sneaks/unidecoder' msg = LuckySneaks::Unidecoder::decode(msg) msg elsif (@encoding == :utf8) # Unpacking and repacking supposedly cleans out bad (non-UTF-8) stuff utf8 = msg.unpack("U*") packed = utf8.pack("U*") packed elsif (@encoding == :ucs2) ucs2 = Iconv.iconv("UCS-2", "UTF-8", msg).first ucs2 = ucs2.unpack("H*").join ucs2 else msg end end def select_default_mailbox # Eventually we will select the first mailbox as the default result = query("AT+CPMS=?") boxes = result.scan(/\"(\w+)\"/).flatten #" mailbox = boxes.first command "AT+CPMS=\"#{mailbox}\"" mailbox rescue raise"Could not select the default mailbox") nil end def fetch_and_delete_stored_messages # Make sure we are in the right mode command "AT+CMGF=1" # If there is no way to select a default mailbox we can't continue return unless select_default_mailbox # Try to read the messages from the box begin response = command("AT+CMGL") rescue return end # Did we find any messages return if response.nil? || response.empty? # Process those loop do # Get the header (or OK) header = response.shift break unless header =~ /^\+CMGL/ # Break that down text = response.shift # Read the header (+CMGL: 13,"REC READ","Movistar") header = header.scan(/^\+CMGL\:\s*(\d*),\"(.+)\",\"(.+)\"$/).flatten #" number = header.shift status = header.shift from = header.shift # A CGMR will return a timestamp as well. To reduce phone traffic we will skip that and punt on the time sent to now sent = # Delete the message command("AT+CMGD=#{number}") # We only want to worry about received messages next unless status =~ /^REC/ # Just in case it wasn't already obvious puts "Received message from #{from}: #{text}" @messages << {:from => from, :text => text, :created_at => sent, :processed_at =>} end end end